AMS Expects Marked Relaxation of the Labor Market by 2013

Politics ♦ Published: January 15, 2011; 00:09 ♦ (Vindobona)

The Arbeitsmarktservice (AMS, Labor Market Service) foresees a significant increase in labor supply on the Austrian labor market. Unemployment will stagnate.

AMS Expects Marked Relaxation of the Labor Market by 2013 / Picture: © AMS

The Austrian labor market has recovered at a rapid pace from the economic crisis in 2010. Because of the economic recovery, there was a strong demand for labor; employment rose to a record level in November and December. On the annual average, the number of active employees rose by 0.9% or 30,236 people to a total of 3,289,546 (provisional figure); the number of unemployed fell by 3.7%…