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Islamic Religious Community in Austria on the Future of Imam Training

With the symposium “Imams in modern society: training paths and social responsibility”, the Islamic Religious Community in Austria (IGGÖ) initiated a discussion about the role of imams in Austria. The event aimed to lay the foundations for Austrian imam training that does justice to both the religious traditions of Muslim communities and the requirements of a pluralistic society.
December 2, 2024

Controversy Over "Mosque Education 2.0": IGGÖ Criticizes the Lack of Recognition for their Reform Efforts
The Islamic Religious Community in Austria (IGGÖ) has expressed strong criticism of the recent public discourse surrounding the "Mosque Education 2.0" initiative announced by the Minister of Integration, Susanne Raab.
August 28, 2024

IGGÖ President Vural Makes Clear Position Against Extremism
In a powerful speech, Ümit Vural, President of the Islamic Religious Community in Austria (IGGÖ), called for a joint effort to combat extremism and strengthen social cohesion. In view of the increasing challenges posed by terrorist attacks, geopolitical conflicts and heated security debates in the run-up to the upcoming elections, Vural emphasized the responsibility and long-standing role of the IGGÖ as a state-recognized religious community in Austria.
August 27, 2024

Wien Museum Sheds “New Light” on the City's Islamic Heritage
In a new summer academy entitled “Islamic Heritage in Vienna”, the Wien Museum is focusing on the city's often overlooked but significant Islamic heritage.
August 22, 2024

Anti-Muslim Racism in Austria Reaches New High

The Documentation Center Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim Racism (Documentation Center Austria) recently published worrying figures for the year 2023. A total of 1,522 cases of racist attacks on Muslims were recorded, which is the highest number since records began in 2015.
May 27, 2024

Harmony and Dialogue at the Interreligious Iftar in Vienna
In an impressive demonstration of unity, Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg and the President of the Islamic Religious Community in Austria (IGGÖ), Ümit Vural, hosted an unprecedented interfaith iftar. The event, which took place in the historic Palais Niederösterreich, brought together representatives of different religious communities and personalities from politics, science, and diplomacy.
March 20, 2024

IGGÖ Supports Demands for the Fight Against Racist Attacks on Muslims

The Islamic Religious Community in Austria (IGGÖ) confirms the established link between the reported cases and certain political events. Against this background, the IGGÖ supports the demands of the Documentation Center to the Austrian Federal Government to develop and implement the National Action Plan against Racism, which has already been announced in the government program 2019, as soon as possible.
May 23, 2023

Annual Meeting for Intercultural and Religious Dialogue of the European People's Party in Vienna
The annual meeting of the Working Group on Intercultural and Religious Dialogue of the European People's Party (EPP) parliamentary group in the European Parliament took place this weekend in Vienna. Without religions and their contribution to the formation of values, a future for Europe is unimaginable, according to the EPP.
December 11, 2022

Islamic Religious Community in Austria Concerned about Attacks on Religious Places of Worship
The Islamic Religious Community in Austria (IGGÖ) appeals to take crimes such as acts of vandalism and attacks against places of worship seriously.
August 23, 2022

Shia and Alevi Muslims Celebrate Ashura Festival
Ashura is considered the most important festival in Shia Islam and is significant for many Muslims worldwide. Devout Shiites and Alevis have gathered around the world for celebrations of the traditional festival of Ashura.
August 8, 2022

Leadership of the Islamic Religious Community in Austria Becomes More Female
The leadership of the Islamic Religious Community of Austria (IGGÖ) is becoming more female. With the social-care assistant Mashaer Ali Hamad, four of the 15 members of the highest administrative body, the Supreme Council, will be women in the future.
June 26, 2022

Austria's Muslim Community Celebrates the Month of Ramadan
Every year, the Muslim community of Vienna and worldwide celebrates the holy month of Ramadan. Ramadan is one of the most important months in Islam, starting from April 2nd, 2022 to May 2nd, 2022. Practiced by Muslims worldwide as a month of fasting, prayer, reflection, and community.
March 30, 2022

Who Is the New Austrian Minister of the Interior Gerhard Karner?

The new Austrian Minister of the Interior, Gerhard Karner, was recently sworn into office. Learn more about the new minister and his extensive career in politics.
December 9, 2021

Solidarity Against Political Islam

Austrian Integration Minister Susanne Raab hosted the "Vienna Forum on Countering Segregation and Extremism in the Context of Integration." Various officials from across Europe came to discuss the fight against extremist movements such as "political Islam." Read about the key areas that Raab and the others agreed upon at the event.
November 4, 2021

Corona Vaccination Bus in the City of Vienna: From St. Stephen's Cathedral to the Mosque
As the City of Vienna does everything it can to immunize as many people as possible against the Coronavirus this summer, a vaccination bus in the City of Vienna will visit mosques and houses of prayer from other religious communities in the coming weeks.
August 24, 2021

King Abdullah Center Will Officially Leave Vienna

The King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz International Centre for Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue (KAICIID) will officially leave Austria. After rumours of a possible reallocation, the Secretary General of KAICIID Faisal bin Muaammar has now announced that the Center is looking for a new location.
March 8, 2021

New Lockdown: No Public Church Services After December 27
Also during the upcoming lockdown, Austria's Minister of Cultural Affairs together with representatives of churches and religious communities have agreed to suspend all public church services until January 17. Places of worship will, however, stay open for personal prayers.
December 22, 2020

Lockdown: Public Church Services Suspended Until Further Notice

In addition to the measures put in place by the federal government, Austria's Minister of Cultural Affairs together with representatives of churches and religious communities have agreed to suspend all public church services until further notice. Places of worship will, however, stay open for personal prayers.
November 17, 2020

Extension of Headscarf Ban and Simplified Revocation of Citizenship of IS Returnees

The Austrian Freedom Party underscored its demand for an extension of the ban on headscarves in schools, and initiated a lively discussion on how to deal with the 320 officially known IS supporters who voluntarily travelled to war zones or intended to do so, even though they might become stateless, in order to revoke Austrian citizenship.
November 14, 2019

Headscarf Ban at Elementary Schools Confirmed by Austrian Federal Council

The so-called headscarf ban, the ban on covering the head of children from the age of six to ten for ideological and religious reasons, was approved by the Federal Council (Bundesrat) despite controversial debate. For Minister of Education Faßmann, the ban on headscarves corresponds to the socio-political consensus on the development of children as freely as possible and the necessity to overcome gender-specific stereotypes.
June 3, 2019

Asia's Largest Airline to Fly to Vienna

From 18 June 2019, China's largest airline, China Southern Airlines, will fly three times a week from Guangzhou to Vienna via the capital Ürümqi (Wūlǔmùqí) in Xinjiang, China's most northwestern province. Xinjiang has made international headlines in the last two years due to massive human rights violations. China may have interned more than a million Uighurs, Turkic-speaking Muslims, in an attempt to suppress their desire for greater autonomy.
May 2, 2019

Veiled, Unveiled! The Headscarf - A Man’s Word on a Woman’s Body

An intriguing exhibition at the World Museum Vienna deals with the significance of the headscarf and thus also touches on a current dispute in various countries about a so-called headscarf ban. Just a piece of cloth but laden with countless facets of meaning is causing a stir: the headscarf used by devout women to cover their head, their face, and occasionally their whole body. The religious duty of women to cover their head has been part of European culture for centuries, though. Its story begins with early Christianity and has remained a vibrant issue to this day.
October 11, 2018

Austrian Minister of Education Demands Clarification from Islamic Community

In connection with the affair over children as soldiers playing war games in a Viennese mosque, Minister Blümel demands further information and clarification of the incidents from the Islamic Religious Community in Austria (IGGÖ - Islamische Glaubensgemeinschaft in Österreich).
April 20, 2018

"Terrorism Cannot Be Justified by any Means and Stands in Clear Contradiction to Islam"

The President of the Islamic Religious Community in Austria (IGGiÖ), Fuat Sanac, and Minister for Integration, Sebastian Kurz in a joint reaction vehemently condemned the terrorist attacks in Paris.
November 19, 2015