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Islamic Religious Community in Austria on the Future of Imam Training
With the symposium “Imams in modern society: training paths and social responsibility”, the Islamic Religious Community in Austria (IGGÖ) initiated a discussion about the role of imams in Austria. The event aimed to lay the foundations for Austrian imam training that does justice to both the religious traditions of Muslim communities and the requirements of a pluralistic society.
IGGÖ President Ümit Vural (r.) and the Grand Mufti of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Dr. Husein Kavazović (l.), at the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding. / Picture: © IGGÖ / Taha Babadostu
The conference, which brought together experts from Austria and abroad, dealt with central questions of imam training: What skills do imams need in an increasingly diverse society? How can training be designed that both meets the spiritual needs of Muslim communities and contributes to integration into mainstream society? And how can religious leaders actively contribute to the…
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