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Donald Tusk

Poland as a New Military Power in Europe: A Bulwark against Russia and a New Strategic Leadership Role in the EU
In recent years, Poland has developed into one of Europe's most important defense powers. Given the ongoing threat from Russia, Warsaw is focusing on a massive rearmament, stronger military cooperation with allies, and an active role in European security policy. By assuming the EU Council Presidency in January 2025, Poland will also have the opportunity to anchor its security policy priorities at the European level and set a new security policy course.
February 2, 2025

European Forum Alpbach Enters Second Week: A Look Back and a Look Forward
The European Forum Alpbach (EFA) is entering the second week of its high-caliber discussion rounds. Under the motto “Moment of Truth”, the focus is on Europe's challenges and opportunities. While the first few days of the forum have already set important accents, the coming week promises equally exciting insights and groundbreaking debates.
August 27, 2024

Salzburg Summit: Europe's Challenge in the Global Economy
The Salzburg Summit 2024 provided a platform for discussions on the pressing economic and political challenges facing Europe. One of the central debates revolved around the tense relationship with the major economic power China and the resulting impact on European competitiveness.
July 25, 2024

EU Rule of Law Report: Clear Criticism of Austria and Hungary

The EU Commission has sharply criticized the situation in Austria and Hungary in its latest Rule of Law Report 2024. The main focus is on political influence on the judiciary and a lack of transparency. The report, published annually since 2020, analyzes the state of the judiciary, media, and rule of law in the 27 EU member states and makes concrete recommendations for necessary reforms.
July 24, 2024

Iran-Deal Withdrawal: Consequences for Iran-Austrian Economics Relations

About 50 Austrian companies have branches in Iran. Austrian exports to Iran rose by 9.2 percent to 301 million euros in 2017; imports increased by 18.5 percent to 119 million euros. A JCPOA supported only by the EU, Russia, China and Iran is not sufficient in the medium and long term to create the necessary investments and renewals in Iran. Without the US on board, international banks and large companies will continue to shy away from activities in Iran. Secondary sanctions will contribute to this.
May 11, 2018

Poland's Donald Tusk to Become European Council President

Current council president Herman Van Rompuy tweeted the announcement from the EU summit. Mr Tusk, Poland's centre-right prime minister since 2007, will become the European Council's president. Italy's Federica Mogherini, a centre-left politician and foreign minister will replace the UK's Catherine Ashton as EU foreign policy chief.
August 30, 2014

Calls for European Energy Union Become Louder

Polish PM Tusk called for a European energy union. His Hungarian counterpart supports the idea.
May 9, 2014

Poland Fears War in Ukraine

According to Poland´s Prime Minister Donald Tusk, Poland should prepare for the worst case in Ukraine.
April 25, 2014

Poland: Excessive Deficit Procedure for Two More Years

The Polish government expects the EU Commission to cancel the Excessive Deficit Procedure in “less than two years” due to the measures applied so far the continuing of economic recovery.
April 16, 2014

Ukraine: Poland Wants to Put Pressure on Russia

Poland´s President Bronislaw Komorowski underlined that the U.S. has given assurances on Poland´s security. Prime Minister Tusk calls for solidarity with Ukraine.
March 3, 2014

„The World is Close to an Enormous Conflict“

Poland´s Prime Minister Donald Tusk is highly concerned about the developments in Ukraine. Tusk warned insistently of an escalation of the conflict, which might entail “unforeseeable consequences”.
March 2, 2014

Poland: Strong Prospects for High Growth

Prime Minister Donald Tusk is positive Poland will achive a GDP growth of more than three percent this year.
February 18, 2014

Tusk: No Monetary Interventions Necessary

In the past few months, the Polish zloty fell significantly. However, Poland´s Prime Minister Donald Tusk thinks that the zloty does not need support.
February 3, 2014

Polish Government to Focus on Social Security

According to Poland´s Prime Minister Donald Tusk, the reduction of unemployment and the improvement of social security will be priority issues in 2014.
January 13, 2014

Poland: Budget Bill Approved by Lower House

On Friday, the Polish lower house Sejm approved next year’s budget bill which schedules the budget deficit of PLN 47.6bn not to be exceeded.
December 16, 2013

Poland: GDP Growth Speeds up

The long-awaited economic recovery starts to accelerate in Poland.
December 2, 2013

Poland: Szczurek Calls for Radical Tax Reform

Poland´s designated Minister of Finance Mateusz Szczurek wants the change the current Polish tax system fundamentally.
November 26, 2013

Szczurek: EU Funds to Create Growth

Poland´s designated Minister of Finance Mateusz Szczurek explained that EU contributions will be used to support Polish GDP growth.
November 23, 2013

Szczurek Stresses Importance of Balanced Fiscal Policy

Poland´s new Minister of Finance Mateusz Szczurek underlines the importance of a fiscal stability.
November 21, 2013

Poland: Reshufflement at Government

A major reshufflement is currently under way at the Polish government.
November 20, 2013

Poland: T-Bonds not to Affect Budget Deficit

According to GUS, next year’s budget deficit will not be impaired by the transfer of treasury bonds and other assets.
October 28, 2013

Poland to Keep VAT Rates The Same Until 2015

In order to cut debts, the Polish government decided not to lower the level of VAT.
October 15, 2013

Polish Government to be Rearranged

On Wednesday Prime Minister of Poland Donald Tusk announced that there will be personnel changes in November within the government which will be presented in November.
October 10, 2013

Poland: Pension Scheme Reform to be Eased

At the beginning of September, Poland´s government decided to re-nationalize the pension system. Now, the government considers relativizing the reform.
September 28, 2013

Poland: Budget for 2014 Realistic

According to Witold Kozinski, Deputy Govenor of the National Bank of Poland (NBP), the budget plan for 2014 is “realistic” and the risk of amendmends to the budget minimal.
September 23, 2013

Poland: Industrial Output Indicates Upswing

In August, Poland´s industrial production was up for the third month in a row. Due to the growing exports to the Eurozone, Poland is recovering.
September 18, 2013

Polish Government Wobbles

The majority of Poland´s governing parties is at risk. New elections would be rather unfavorable for Prime Minister Donald Tusk.
September 14, 2013

Poland: Government Gives Green Light to Budget Draft

The Polish Government has approved the budget plan for 2014 with the deficit gap closing further after a refurbishment of the private pension system.
September 9, 2013

Poland: Re-Nationalization of Pension Scheme

Poland takes back the partial privatization of pension system. The re-nationalization does not affect Poland´s sovereign debt rating.
September 7, 2013

Poland: Tusk Demonstrates Optimism

This year, Poland´s economic growth begins to accelerate. According to Prime Minister Donald Tusk, the growth rate will be higher than 1.5%.
September 4, 2013

Poland: Opposition to Gain Support

The percentage of support for leading centrist Civic Platform (PO) under the lead by Prime Minister Donald Tusk dropped to 22 percent in late August.
August 28, 2013

Poland: Tusk Remains Leader of Civic Platform

With almost 80 percent of votes Prime Minister Tusk wins elections for Civic Platform’s (PO) party leader.
August 26, 2013

Poland: Budget Amendment Passed in Parliament

In order to adapt to the slow economic growth the government has amended the budet by permitting this year’s budget deficit to increase to PLN 16bn as well as approving PLN in spending cut, as announced at a press conferenced on Tuesday.
August 21, 2013

Poland: President Komorowski Most Trusted by Citizens

Poles trust president much more than party leaders.
July 26, 2013

NBP Wants Government to Adapt Budget

After the Polish government has announced to postpone its austerity plans, the National Bank of Poland calls the government to submit an updated fiscal outlook.
July 19, 2013

Polish Government to Leave Austerity Path

In order to boost Poland´s economic growth, the government wants to ease the fiscal discipline.
July 17, 2013

Spanish and Polish Prime Minister Support EU-US Free Trade Agreement

On the occasion of a state visit in Madrid, Poland´s Prime Minister Donald Tusk declared that the free trade agreement between the U.S. and the EU would be a driver for economic growth. The EU must strengthen its energy strategy, Tusk said.
July 16, 2013

Poland: Gowin Wants to Become Next Prime Minister

Conservative party member of PO Gowin is the sole challenger to Tusk for the position as party leader.
July 11, 2013

Poland: Opposition Strengthens Front-Runner Position

According to a recent poll, conservative opposition party Law and Justice (PiS) has intensified its lead over ruling centrist Civic Platform (PO).
July 8, 2013

Polish Road Authority As Tardy Payer

Prime Minister Tusk seems unimpressed about ambassadors from six countries filing a complaint.
June 19, 2013

Poland: Deputy Transport Minister Dismissed

Former Deputy Transport Minister alleged of corruption. Austrian construction company Alpine involved.
June 18, 2013

Poland: Dispute Over Shale Gas Law

Polish Finance Minister Jacek Rostowski has criticized the Environment Ministry for the planned national participation in the production of shale gas.
May 24, 2013

Tusk Encouraged to Run for European Commission Presidency

Polish Prime Minister Tusk confirmed his encouragement, but will decide at another point in time.
May 23, 2013

Poland: Tusk Potential Candidate for EU Commission Presidency

Polish Prime Minister Tusk among candidates for President of European Commission
May 17, 2013

Poland: Trade Union Threatens With Protests

The conflict between the trade union Solidarnosc (solidarity) and the Polish Government aggravates.
April 26, 2013

Poland: Audit at Oil and Gas Company PGNiG

Poland’s new Treasury Minister Wlodzimierz Karpinski announced on Wednesday to carry out an urgent audit at Polish state-controlled oil and natural gas company PGNiG.
April 25, 2013

Poland to Support Serbia's European Integration

Dacic and Tusk agreed on improving cooperations, enhancing bilateral trade and increase Polish investments in Serbia.
April 25, 2013

Poland: Protests At Day of Commemoration

Protesters assembled in Warsaw yesterday to demonstrate against the Russian government that still has not released the evidence
April 10, 2013

Referendum in Poland about Joining Eurozone

Last week, Prime Minister Donald Tusk offered a vote on a referendum about the adoption of the Euro in Poland. A simple majority needed for a decision could settle the issue.
April 2, 2013

Poland: VAT Expected to Remain At 23 %

Prime Minister Tusk announced that there will be no return to the 22 % VAT which was planned for 2014.
March 27, 2013