
2,000 New Jobs Created by Foreign Enterprises

The Austrian Chamber of Commerce stressed the importance of foreign direct investment in Vienna. Last year, 126 foreign enterprises came to Vienna.

March 22, 2012

Corruption: Costs of € 27bn for Austrian Economy

Experts say that corruption increases in Austria. In 2012, adverse effects of € 27bn are expected.

March 16, 2012

„The Public Sector Does not Get Enough“

Klaus Pöttinger, President of Upper Austria´s IV takes Switzerland as model. Taxes would be too high, efficiency of the public sector is too low, he says.

March 9, 2012

Leitl: „Austerity Package Is Not Enough“

For Christoph Leitl, the President of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce (WKÖ), the recently resolved austerity package does not contain the essential reforms.

March 9, 2012

Viennese Office Market: Collapse Threatens

Although office rents are relatively low in Austria´s capital, multinational companies tend to establish their headquarters elsewhere. Real estate experts fear a vicious circle.

March 5, 2012

Austria: Low Attractiveness as Research Location

According to a study among European scientists, Austria loses its reputation. The most attractive destination is the U.S.

February 27, 2012

Fekter: „Austerity Package is Structural Reform Package“

In spite of criticism by economists, for the Austrian Minister of Finance, the austerity package is a “big success”.

February 20, 2012

Leitl Pushes for Reforms

The President of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce appreciates that actions worsening the Austrian business location conditions were prevented.

February 15, 2012

Austerity Package Has Lack in Structural Reforms

The industrialists regard the Austrian austerity package even-tempered. WIFO misses structural reforms.

February 11, 2012

Austrian Government Presents € 27bn Austerity Package

The largest austerity package in Austria´s history mainly consists of cuts in expenditures. The government emphasized the socially balanced measures and the necessity due to reasons of competitiveness.

February 11, 2012

Innovation Index: Austria Falls Behind

Austria again loses in competitiveness: among the EU member countries, Austria occupies the eighth rank.

February 7, 2012

Euro-Crisis: Austrian Managers are Optimistic

In spite of the current euro-crisis, most Austrian managers believe that the currency will remain. Moreover, a deepening of the cooperation between EU-member states is expected.

February 6, 2012

Sorger „Focusing on Business Location“

The President of the Federation of Austrian Industries, Veit Sorger, reaffirmed the strengthen Austria´s economic competitiveness.

February 4, 2012

Study on „Economic Freedom“: Austria Falls

In the global ranking of the U.S. “Heritage foundation”, Austria only occupies rank 28. The government would not introduce enough reforms, bureaucracy would be too high.

January 13, 2012

Tax Returns Take 170 Hours

In order to settle their tax duties, Austrian companies have to take much time compared to other EU members.

December 13, 2011

Slow Progress in Transport Industry

The Austrian transport sector recovered in 2011. However, 2012 is expected to become a difficult year. Goods traffic declined drastically between 2006 and 2010.

December 7, 2011

Economic Stability: Austria Occupies Top Rank

According to a study by Allianz, Austria has the third rank among the EU countries.

December 7, 2011

Concerns About Austria´s Finance

Due to missing infrastructure projects, Austria loses € 28bn year by year. The President of the Audit Court, Josef Moser, regards the situation of Austria´s finance as dramatic.

November 7, 2011

Austrian Industry Shows High Degree of Internationality

During the last decades, the Austrian industry could gain importance, which is contrarious to the European trend. In meantime, Austria has the fourth highest degree of industrialization in the EU.

October 18, 2011

Austria´s Manufacturing Industry Maintains its Competitiveness

Austrian goods exports rose significantly since 1995. According to a study of the Austrian Central Bank (OeNB), this is mainly due to a higher degree of competitiveness.

October 17, 2011

Austria Ranks Third in EU Productivity Study

The report points out structural weaknesses and suggests more effective public spending in the fields of education, research and innovation.

October 14, 2011

Austrian Government: Sharp Critics from Industrialists

The Federation of Austrian Industries (IV) attacks the government massively. For the industrialists, the new taxation plans are not acceptable.

October 8, 2011

FDI Remains Essential for Austrian Business Location

According to a study of Statistics Austria, the number of foreign subsidiaries even grew in 2009 by 6%. The number of Austrian subsidiaries owned by foreign corporations grew slightly.

October 5, 2011

Mitterlehner: „Settlement of Headquarters Key Question for Austria“

The Austrian Minister of Economics, Reinhold Mitterlehner, wants to push the development of the domestic location through improving framework requirements steadily.

October 4, 2011

Austria Catches Up as IT Business Location

According to the Economist Intelligence Unit, Austria could improve its position as IT business location and went from rank 22 to rank 17.

September 27, 2011

Austrian Unit Labor Costs Down in 2010

The Austrian competitiveness improved in 2010. Against 2010, unit labor costs decreased by 5.5%.

September 20, 2011

„Education at a Glance“: Austria Falls Behind

According to the study of the OECD, Austria has a slightly rising level of graduates. Nevertheless, the difference to the OECD average is still substantial.

September 13, 2011

Austrian Competitiveness Shrinks Further

According to a market survey of the consulting group Ernst & Young, Austria´s international competitiveness has still worsened and fell from rank 18 to 19.

September 7, 2011

Lack of Reforms as a Threat for Start-Ups

The organization of young entrepreneurs demands improvement of framework conditions for start-up enterprises.

July 26, 2011

Economic Report 2011: Government Surprised by Quick Recovery

Experts praise Austria’s relatively stable performance during the years of crisis and call for reforms necessary for ensuring the country’s competitiveness.

July 8, 2011

Upswing in Business Location Projects

The national investment promotion agency registered a strong increase in the number of companies investing in Austria. The trend is expected to continue in 2011.

July 8, 2011

Economic Council Met for the First Time

Representatives from business and politics came together in the Federal Chancellery. The round of talks will be held three to four times a year.

July 4, 2011

„Austria Is Losing Its Competitiveness“

The Industrial Association’s president sees a “dramatic deterioration” of Austria’s competitiveness as a business location and criticizes a lack of respect for industrialists.

May 18, 2011

Leitl: "Reforms, Despite the Positive economic Outlook Should Not Be Forgotten"

Spring forecast by the EU Commission: Clearly improved growth prospects for Austria and the European Union

May 14, 2011

"Need for Improvement" in Austria's Capital Market

According to a study by Ernst &Young;, the domestic capital market shows deficits particularly in the areas of investor protection, the depth of the capital markets and corporate governance.

May 10, 2011

Labor Chamber: Productivity Grew Significantly More Than Salary Increases

Personnel costs per employee of Austrian companies, according to the Labor Chamber (AK) have grown less than half as strong as productivity since 2003.

April 30, 2011

Austrian Research Intensity Expected to be 2.79% of GDP in 2011

According to an estimate of Statistics Austria, for the first time presumably more than €8 billion will be spent on research and experimental development (R&D) in 2011.

April 19, 2011

Real Purchasing Power: The Gap Between Austria and the CEE Region is Getting Smaller

For the coming years, a steady rise in unit labor costs in the CEE countries with the corresponding impact on the competition for business locations is expected.

April 16, 2011

Manufacturing Industry Sharply Criticizes the Union

Employees' proposals are not very productive, the Austrian Industrial Association says. There is no shift from wages toward corporate profits.

March 22, 2011

Austria's Businesses Satisfied with Government Research Initiative

The strategy of the Federal Government regarding RTI (Research, Technology and Innovation) is an important step for the location Austria, according to the opinion of the Economic Chamber.

March 9, 2011

Optimism in Austria's Creative Industries

Creatives wish to go new ways to support SMEs with creative services. The economic and technical network is to be intensified.

March 3, 2011

Leitl Fears Falling Back behind Asia

During a state visit to Singapore the President of the Austrian Economic Chamber (WKÖ) again urges the Austrian government to undertake reforms.

February 24, 2011

Shortage of Highly Skilled Workers in Austria

The lack of highly qualified employees in Austria turns into an increasingly strong competitive disadvantage.

February 18, 2011

Eder Considers European Manufacturing Industry is at a Disadvantage

For the CEO of the Austrian steel company voestalpine, the European manufacturing industry is at a disadvantage, despite innovative leadership.

February 5, 2011

Leitl Urges to Invest in the Future

Despite consolidation needs, the government has to invest more in education, research and innovation, says the President of the WKÖ.

February 4, 2011

Innovativeness in Austria Drops

In the European comparison, Austria’s innovativeness is dropping and is presently located only in the upper mid-range.

February 2, 2011

Germany: Largest Investor in Austria

Based on the number of new companies settling in Austria, Germany is the largest investor. More than 40% of the new arrivals come from the northern neighbor.

January 25, 2011

Austria's AAA Credit Rating Confirmed

The U.S. rating agency Moody's confirms the Republic of Austria’s Triple-A rating. The outlook remains "stable".

January 21, 2011

Austria's Competitiveness Increases Slightly

Austria rose one place, to the 21st, in the ranking of the most liberal economies.

January 14, 2011

WIFO: Lack of Competition in Austria

According to WIFO, lack of competition is causing a growth bottleneck in Austria and requires legal action by the government and the EU.

December 29, 2010
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