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Paris Peace Forum: "Protecting Civilians in Populated Areas"

At the Peace Forum, Austrian Chancellor Brigitte Bierlein met French President Emmanuel Macron, several Heads of State and Government and directors of international organisations. She also presented the initiative "Protecting Civilians in Populated Areas".
November 12, 2019

Protecting Civilians in Urban Warfare: Will You Help?

During the two-day Vienna Conference, representatives of more than 100 states, international organisations and civil society as well as stakeholders discussed concrete measures to protect the civilian population and the elaboration of a possible political declaration within the framework of the United Nations.
October 3, 2019

Defence Minister Starlinger Emphasises Importance of Interdisciplinary Cooperation in Defence Policy

Austrian Defence Minister Thomas Starlinger reports on cooperation between his department and various institutes in the field of security and defence policy.
August 29, 2019

Schallenberg: End of Cold War-Era Missile Pact is Threat to European Security

Austria's Foreign Minister regrets the end of the INF Treaty and calls for the voluntary non-stationing of land-based medium-range missiles in Europe.
August 3, 2019

Strengthening Comprehensive Security in the OSCE Area

The OSCE’s Annual Security Review Conference in Vienna will discuss state of play of co-operation on comprehensive security in Europe and beyond.
June 25, 2019

Austria's Contribution to the OSCE in 2019

The Main Committee of the Austrian National Council recently approved the continuation of numerous deployments to international missions, including tasks in the framework of the OSCE Special Observation Mission to Ukraine, the OSCE Mission to Moldova and the EU Mission to Georgia, where, inter alia, cooperation with the OSCE is taking place.
January 10, 2019

Russian Espionage Incident in the Austrian Armed Forces

A colonel of the Austrian Armed Forces is suspected of having worked for decades with a Russian intelligence service. Foreign Minister Kneissl quoted the Russian chargé d'affaires to the Foreign Ministry and cancelled her planned trip to Russia.
November 9, 2018

What We Can Learn From War

The aim of a special exhibition on "war. tracing an evolution" at the Natural History Museum (NHM - Naturhistorischen Museums Wien) is to make the phenomenon of "war" tangible on the basis of historical evidence. The big questions "Does man learn from his history?", "What is aggression?", "Since when has war existed?" and "Is war inevitable because it is human?" are to be answered.
October 31, 2018

What Do You Know About the Austrian National Day?

The Austrian National Day (Nationalfeiertag) has been celebrated annually since 1965 on 26 October, the day on which the decided Austrian neutrality came into force in 1955 and the last occupying powers left Austria. The Parliament, the Office of the Federal President, the Federal Chancellery, the Foreign Ministry, etc. invite the public to the Open Day, which - this year - is dedicated to the commemoration year 1918. The public is invited to contribute their ideas. Take the chance to get to know Austria!
October 25, 2018

Key Border Control Strategies Identified at UNODC's Annual Law Enforcement Experts Meeting

A working document on informal standards for border management and control was drafted and shared with participants at UNODC's annual Law Enforcement Advisors Meeting (LEA), held recently in Vienna. The annual meeting allowed for the exchange of best practices within UNODC and with partners.
October 2, 2018

IAEA: What Did the 62nd General Conference at the VIC in Vienna Achieve?

Nearly 2,600 participants attended this year’s event at VIC Vienna International Centre, including delegates from 153 of the IAEA’s 170 Member States, international organizations, non-governmental organizations and the media. By the end of the 62nd IAEA General Conference, 91 Member States have pledged to the Technical Cooperation Fund for 2019. While not all Member States use the opportunity of the General Conference to pledge their contribution, a pledge by so many countries – over 53% of all IAEA Member States – represents a record. The total Technical Cooperation Fund Target for 2019 is 86.2 million euros.
September 27, 2018

Vienna - Moscow: Maintaining All Communication Channels Is Crucial

All the evidence suggests that Russia is to blame for the poison attack on former double agent Sergei Skripal in Salisbury. To date, 19 EU countries and 7 non-EU countries have expelled more than 150 diplomats. By deciding not to expel Russian diplomats, Austria is opposing most of its partner countries.
March 27, 2018

Austrian Support for Peace and Security Programm in Horn of Africa Region

Vienna based ADA - Austrian Development Agency signs an agreement on peace and security in the Horn of Africa with EU and IGAD (Intergovernmental Authority on Development). The EUTF - EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa provides 40 million euros. 35 million of this will be made available to ADA and 5 million directly to IGAD. The ADA passes on one million euros to IGAD. The Swedish International Development Agency SIDA will also contribute one million euros..
March 26, 2018

OSCE Secretariat and UNODC Sign Joint Action Plan to Countering Transnational Threats to Security

Recently, the UNODC and the OSCE, two of the largest international organisations in Vienna, signed a follow-up agreement to better address threats and developments threatening international public security, which is against drugs, crime, corruption and terrorism and in favour of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
March 23, 2018

The OSCE in 2030: Undivided Security in Europe Now More at Risk Than 10 Years Ago

In the Austrian National Defence Academy, the security issue "The OSCE in 2030: Undivided Security in Europe restored?" was discussed in the form of a public panel discussion. At the invitation of the International Institute for Peace (IIP), the Karl-Renner-Institut, the Scientific Cluster for Polemology and Legal Ethics, the FES Regional Office for Cooperation and Peace in Europe (ROCPE), the Austrian National Defence Academy and the ISP Institute for Security Policy, Hannes Swoboda as moderator and the panelists Thomas Greminger, Fyodor Lukyanov, Stephanie Liechtenstein, Alena Kupchyna discussed the hoped-for security policy development of Europe and the OSCE.
March 7, 2018

Freedom of the Media: The Challenges Propaganda Brings for Journalism

The Office of the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media will, together with the German Chairmanship, host an expert meeting on propaganda for war and hatred and freedom of the media on 12 February in Vienna.
February 10, 2016

Klaus Toepfer to Give Keynote Speech at Economic and Environmental Forum in Vienna

Good governance in the OSCE area, reinforcing security and stability through co-operation, will be theme of the 24th Economic and Environmental Forum and the 1st Preparatory Meeting taking place on 25 and 26 January in Vienna. The meeting will focus on good environmental governance to enable sustainable economic development.
January 22, 2016

Germany's Steinmeier Formally Assumes 2016 OSCE Chairmanship

OSCE to serve as a platform for real and honest dialogue on today’s security challenges, says Steinmeier, as Germany formally assumes 2016 OSCE Chairmanship.
January 15, 2016

Press Freedom: Every Fifth Day a Journalist is Killed at Work

According to a report from Unesco, worldwide more than 700 reporters have been killed from 2006 to 2014 in the exercise of their profession. On International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists, the OSCE Representative calls on participating States to step up their investigations.
November 2, 2015

Conference on the Safety of Journalists to be Held in Vienna

The OSCE is hosting a conference on journalists’ safety and conflict reporting on 15-16 June in Vienna. The two-day event, “Journalists’ Safety, Media Freedom and Pluralism in Times of Conflict”, will bring together some 300 journalists, media experts, diplomats and key policy-makers from across the OSCE region to discuss and review the current situation relating to the safety of journalists reporting from conflicts.
June 12, 2015

OSCE Troika Urges Advancement in Political Process Aimed at Solving Crisis in Ukraine

Foreign Ministers Dačić, Steinmeier and Burkhalter called for the immediate establishment of Working Groups as provided for in the February 12 Package of Measures for the implementation of the Minsk agreements and proposed by Special Representative Ambassador Heidi Tagliavini and the Trilateral Contact Group.
April 28, 2015

OSCE: Strengthening Peace and Security Co-Operation Towards Democracy and Development

Representatives from the 57 OSCE participating States, civil society and international organizations will meet in Vienna tomorrow to open a two-day conference on the freedoms of peaceful assembly and association, with an emphasis on association.
April 27, 2015

International Jihadism Conference in Vienna: "Tackling Jihadism Together"

Ministers from Austria, the Western Balkans & Commissioner for Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship Dimitris Avramopoulos gathered in Vienna to tackle Jihadism. Austrian FM Kurz: "Tackling Jihadism is an urgent task for all of us - we're in this together!" Avramopoulos: "Need to transform common will into common action".
March 20, 2015

OSCE Chief Observer at the Russian Checkpoints to Visit Headquarter in Vienna

Paul Picard, Chief OSCE Observer at the Russian Checkpoints Gukovo and Donetsk will address the OSCE Permanent Council. He will report on the situation including movements across the Russian-Ukrainian border at the Russian checkpoints at Gukovo and Donetsk.
February 25, 2015

Ivica Dačić in Vienna: Serbia Takes Over OSCE Chairmanship from Switzerland

The new OSCE Chairperson, Serbia’s Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic, spoke today at the inaugural Permanent Council meeting of Serbia's OSCE Chairmanship Vienna. He revealed his Chairmanship priorities pledging to rebuild trust and confidence in the OSCE region of 57 participating states.
January 15, 2015

"Together Against Terror": Commemorative Event at the Vienna Ballhausplatz

More than 10,000 people gathered in Vienna as part of the commemoration of the victims of the terrorist attacks in Paris.
January 13, 2015

Serbian Foreign Minister Dačić to Visit Vienna

The new OSCE Chairperson-in-Office, Serbian Foreign Minister Dačić will visit Vienna on Thursday. He will outline the Serbian Chairmanship’s priorities to the OSCE Permanent Council*.
January 13, 2015