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Igor Strehl Launches Dunaj Family Office Consulting in Vienna
With the founding of Dunaj Family Office Consulting 24/7 GmbH, Igor Strehl, an experienced expert in the field of financial and real estate management, is establishing a new player in the Austrian consulting landscape. The company, which specializes in investments, relocations, and property management, is positioning itself as a comprehensive service provider and trustworthy partner for private and institutional clients in Austria.
December 2, 2024

Weekly Briefing: New Developments in Diplomacy
The Find out more about this week's developments. Austria's embassy in Baghdad will reopen after being vacant since 1991. The Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Rafael Mariano Grossi, will brief the United Nations Security Council about the nuclear safety situation at Ukraine’s Zaporizhzya Nuclear Power Plant. Read about the latest developments in diplomacy in Vienna and Austria.
August 11, 2022

What Happened to the Russian Sberbank in Vienna after the Invasion of Ukraine?
The Russian bank Sberbank is one of the largest in Europe and has been hit hard by the European Union sanctions triggered by the Russian invasion of Ukraine. To find out what happened to its Vienna branch and whether it can continue to do business in Austria, read on.
August 10, 2022

Russia's Sberbank with European Headquarters in Vienna under Pressure

The Austrian Financial Market Authority (FMA) has announced a moratorium on Sberbank Europe AG, a European subsidiary of the Russian state-owned Sberbank. Read what this means for Sberbank Europe and its customers.
February 28, 2022

Russian Trade Representation in Austria Celebrated 100th Anniversary

The Russian Trade Mission in Austria celebrated its 100th anniversary on December 7, 2021. On this day, exactly 100 years ago, the agreement between Russia and Austria was signed, after which the Trade Representation of Soviet Russia in Austria was established.
December 8, 2021 · Updated: December 8, 2021; 18:20

Embassy Building “Palais Nassau” in Russian Possession for 130 Years

To mark the 130th anniversary of the Russian acquisition of the "Palais Nassau" in Vienna for embassy purposes, Russian Ambassador Dmitrij Ljubinskij presented a special postage stamp and stamp block and ceremoniously stamped them. The ambassador also gave a brief speech on the occasion. Read more about the event and the embassy.
October 7, 2021

Sberbank Europe Generates Net Profit of EUR 34 Million

Vienna based Sberbank Europe looks back at its best annual result since the acquisition of Austrian Volksbank International in 2012.
April 11, 2019

Sonja Sarközi Appointed New CEO of Sberbank Europe

Sonja Sarközi, currently Chief Retail Banking Officer of Sberbank Europe, has been appointed as new CEO by the supervisory board. She will succeed Gerhard Randa as of 1 July 2018.
May 29, 2018

How do Russian Politicians and Oligarchs Withdraw their Money from Austria?

The Russian money nobility has begun to repatriate large amounts of its western-hoarded money back to Russia in order to deprive it of access by Western authorities. The countries of origin are above all Switzerland, but also Austria and Great Britain. Sberbank, Russia's largest and state-owned bank, speaks of an atypically high capital inflow to Russia. Within a few weeks, a tripling of such repatriation transactions took place compared to the same period of the previous year. The sum is hundreds of millions of dollars. The average transfer amount has increased within a year by 50% to 3 million dollars. This meets with the Kremlin's desire to repatriate Russian assets.
February 22, 2018

Axel Hummel Appointed CEO of Sberbank Europe

Sberbank Europe AG announces the appointment of Axel Hummel as its new CEO, following the resignation of Mark Arnold. The appointment is effective 22 October 2014, subject to regulatory approval. Sberbank Europe AG is based in Vienna.
October 27, 2014

Analysis: Russia - Assessment of EU and Tightened US Sanctions

Special analysis covering the most recent escalation in terms of Western economic and financial sanctions against Russia: EU and US sending bold diplomatic signals without inflicting too much near-term economic and financial damage. In comparison to the US sanctions by the EU are capped in duration. Recent escalation adds to uncertainty in doing business with Russia, which is an ultimate goal of sanctions. Near-term impact of current sanctions still limited, which implies a risk that they may remain for longer.
July 31, 2014

Austria: VBAG Downgraded to Junk Status

Moody´s has lowered VBAG´s rating. According to the rating agency, the partly nationalized Austrian bank has no investment grade anymore.
March 29, 2014

VBAG to be completely Nationalized?

According to experts, VBAG is the only Austrian bank which will not pass the stress test. In this case, there are only two alternatives: liquidation or full nationalization.
March 6, 2014

VBAG to Sell Romanian Subsidiary

The Austrian partly nationalized VBAG has started the sale of the loss-making Romanian affiliate.
March 5, 2014

Bawag to Be Sold?

According to rumours, the fifth largest Austrian lender may be sold.
January 31, 2014

Austria: Sberbank Affected By Further Costs

Sberbank is faced with further aids for Austrian Volksbank International (VBI). So far the Russian bank has pumped a total of € 1.3bn into Sberbank Europe.
January 27, 2014

VBAG: Call for Further State Aids Likely

The Austrian VBAG (Volksbanken AG), top institute of the Volksbanken sector, still has a substantial capital shortfall.
December 21, 2013

Austria: VBAG May Require Further State Aid

Partially nationalized VBAG is expected to post losses of more than € 200m.
December 20, 2013

Sberbank: Lawsuit Against VBAG

The largest Russian banking group has filed a lawsuit against Austrian VBAG at the International Court of Arbitration.
November 29, 2013

Sberbank Strives for Organic Growth in CESEE

In 2012, the largest Russian bank took over VBAG´s sub-holding for the CESEE region. As Sberbank still has to invest a lot in the former subsidiary of Austrian VBAG, CEO German Gref is not perfectly satisfied with the acquisition.
November 27, 2013

VBAG: Capital Requirement up to € 1.0bn

The partially nationalized Austrian bank needs further capital injections next year.
November 16, 2013

Austerity Cuts at Sberbank

Russian Sberbank aims to become more efficient. The management cuts about a tenth of the jobs.
November 13, 2013

VBAG to Downsize Radically

In order to become competitive again, the partly nationalized VBAG and the Volksbanken sector will cut its structure.
October 12, 2013

Rosneft Wants to Take over Majority of TNK-BP

The World’s biggest oil company Rosneft intends taking over British-Russian joint venture TNK-BP at the beginning of next year.
September 30, 2013

Sberbank: New Head of SME Business

Sberbank Europe AG appointed Csongor Németh as new Head of SME business
May 2, 2013

Sberbank Europe AG Appoints Igor Strehl to Management Board

Igor Strehl moves from Management Board of VTB Bank to Sberbank Europe.
April 19, 2013

VBAG is Forced to Continue Radical Downsizing Measures

The partly nationalized and financially stricken Austrian banking group has to implement a painful restructuring concept. At the moment, VBAG sells its properties.
March 15, 2013

Romania As Risk Factor for Austria´s Public Finance

The partly nationalized Austrian banking group VBAG faces difficulties in Romania. The Austrian Ministry of Finance tries to prevent further capital injections into VBAG.
March 2, 2013

VBAG: Major Losses in Romania

The Romanian subsidiary of Austrian VBAG suffers from non-performing loan. Last year proved to be again a difficult one for the Romanian banking system, Raiffeisen Research states.
February 21, 2013

Sberbank Threatens to Sue VBAG

Last year, VBAG has sold VBI (Volksbank International) to Russian Sberbank. Now, Sberbank is highly dissatisfied with the performance of VBI.
February 19, 2013

VBAG: High Losses Ahead

The partially nationalized Austrian bank is expected to record losses of more than € 150m in 2012.
January 12, 2013

Sberbank Intensifies its Relations with Turkey

In future, the Sberbank of Russia is to step up its activities in Turkey and on December 3, 2012 signed two landmark agreements to this end.
December 5, 2012

VBI Is Now Called Sberbank Europe AG

VBI (Volksbank International), the former Eastern European division of Austrian VBAG was renamed to Sberbank Europe.
November 7, 2012

VBAG to Cut More than 1,000 Jobs

Today, the Austrian problem bank announced to sharpen its austerity program radically. Until 2017, VBAG must be downsized to the half of its current size.
September 21, 2012

Volksbank International AG (VBI) Enlarges Managing Board

Thoralf Arlt and David O’Mahony are appointed to the VBI Board by RussianSberbank.
September 21, 2012

Sberbank to Provide € 300m for VBI

The Russian Sberbank intends to inject € 300m into the Austrian VBI (Volksbank International). Growth into the CEE region should be promoted.
July 13, 2012

VBI: Sberbank Injects € 300m

The Russian Sberbank raises the equity base of its new Austrian subsidiary VBI, which should become the hub for the CEE region.
April 24, 2012

S&P: Austrian Banks Still Weakly Capitalized

The U.S. rating agency S&P regards Austrian banks to record high capital shortfalls.
April 11, 2012

Major Loan to Immofinanz by Russian Sberbank

The Austrian real estate company Immofinanz Group and the Russian Sberbank have concluded a long-term financing agreement with a volume of up to $ 715m.
April 11, 2012

„Bank Aids Are Lost“

The economist Franz Hahn (WIFO, Austrian Institute of Economic Research) argues that the nationalized banks are not interesting for potential buyers.
April 10, 2012

VBAG´s Executive Board Asked to Resign

Parts of the Volksbanken sector, which hold stakes in VBAG, offer resistance to the management board.
March 3, 2012

VBAG to be Acquired by BAWAG?

According to market rumors, the financially stricken VBAG could be taken over by the U.S. investment fund owned Bawag.
March 2, 2012

VBAG´s Rescue Endangers Austerity Targets

In 2012, savings should reach € 576m. However, only write-offs in VBAG cost € 700m. The Austrian government seeks for additional revenues.
February 29, 2012

Partial Nationalization of VBAG Planned

The financially stricken Austrian bank receives new capital. The Republic of Austria makes contributions of € 1.05bn. Bank taxes will increase.
February 27, 2012

Sberbank Upgrades VBI´s Headquarter in Vienna

After the acquisition of the Austrian VBI, the Russian bank wants to expand massively in Europe.
February 20, 2012

Siegfried Wolf Enters Sberbank

The Austrian national and executive at Magna in Russia becomes President of VBI´s supervisory board.
February 16, 2012

VBI Sale: Closing Expected for Mid-February

The Russian Sberbank buys VBI from Austrian VBAG. The price totals € 505m.
February 6, 2012

VBAG No Systemic Bank Anymore

After the sale of VBAG´s subsidiary VBI to Russian Sberbank, the bank will not be systemic anymore, the Austrian Financial Market Authority announced.
January 21, 2012

VBAG: Sale of VBI to Be Closed in 2012

Contrary to the original schedule, the sale of the eastern European bank will not be closed by the end of the year.
December 29, 2011

Growing Capital Shortfall at Volksbanken Group

The Austrian bank will need another € 200m in order to comply with the EBA’s capital requirements. The price for the sale of VBI might be reduced to € 500m.
November 24, 2011