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Reinhold Mitterlehner

FPÖ Distances Itself from Friendship Treaty with "United Russia"
In a press conference, the Third President of the National Council, Norbert Hofer, clarified that the Freedom Party of Austria (FPÖ) relativizes the friendship treaty concluded with the United Russia party in 2016. This comes in light of the recent accusations of an espionage affair involving the FPÖ.
April 14, 2024

Meet the Minister in Charge for Austria's Presidency of the Council of the EU: Gernot Blümel
During Austria's EU Council Presidency, the name Gernot Blümel, the Federal Minister responsible not only for the EU but also for art, culture and media, will be mentioned time and again. Blümel is also chairmen of the Vienna ÖVP and a close confidant of Chancellor Sebastian Kurz. His ministry is even physically integrated into the Federal Chancellery.
June 5, 2018

What Brexit Means for Austria: Mitterlehner, Kurz, Fiat Steyr

Mitterlehner hopes that the referendum will end in Britain staying in the EU. Kurz says, that Brexit would be terrible. Fiat could relocate production of agriculture and construction machine maker CNH (Case New Holland) from UK to Steyr in case of Brexit.
June 20, 2016

How Can Exporters Benefit from the "Go-International Initiative" of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce?

Even in a challenging global economic environment, exports remain the driving force behind the Austrian economy. The go-international initiative of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce encourages companies to step across the border by offering advisory services, events and support, as well as making it easier for existing exporters to enter additional foreign markets.
October 19, 2015

Austrian President Fischer is First European Head of State to Visit Iran

Austrian President Heinz Fischer is the first European head of state to visit Iran following the successful conclusion of nuclear talks between the Islamic Republic and the P5+1.
September 7, 2015

Mitterlehner Replaces Spindelegger as Party Head and Vice Chancellor

Yesterday evening Reinhold Mitterlehner has been elected by the ÖVP board as new party chairman and vice chancellor. Spindelegger himself had left the party headquarters shortly before. The decision in the ÖVP board was unanimous. He is supposed to lead the party out of the crisis. His first statement after the designation on Tuesday evening was: "We must close ranks." He now wants to discuss in which direction to proceed with the tax reform. A political decision will fall but only in the fall.
August 27, 2014

FDI in Austria up by EUR 25 Million

In the first half of 2014 the number of international companies setting up business operations in Austria with the assistance of ABA in cooperation with the regional investment promotion agencies climbed from 88 to 114. Total investment volume was up 15.9 % in the first half of 2014 to EUR 179.97 million from EUR 154.33 million in the prior year period.
July 11, 2014

Austrian President Heinz Fischer and a Business Delegation to Visit Estonia

From June 30 through July 1, the Austrian President Heinz Fischer together with his wife Margit Fischer and an Austrian Business Delegation is on an official visit to Estonia.
June 30, 2014

Austrian Export Award 2014 for Above-Average Export Commitment

As part of a festive gala evening in Vienna's Museumsquartier, the Austrian Export Prize 2014 has been awarded by the Federal Minister for Science, Research and Economics, Reinhold Mitterlehner, and the President of the Economic Chamber Austria (WKO) Christoph Leitl.
June 26, 2014

Austrian Banking Sector Making Losses

For the first time in 2013, the Austrian banks made losses in the amount of € 1.035bn.
April 29, 2014

Austria: Bank Levy Begins to Wobble

Austria´s Minister of Economics Reinhold Mitterlehner proposed to reduce the bank levy. The coalition partner, the social democrats, is surprisingly open to talks.
April 25, 2014

Do Taxes Justify a Relocation of Business?

Tax sensitive business operations should be relocated to other areas if necessary, according to the head of Erste Bank Austria.
April 24, 2014

Eder: Policy-Makers Have to Make Decisions

Wolfgang Eder, CEO of Austrian steel manufacturer voestalpine, claims not to have heard anything from the Austrian policy makers after he raised criticizm with regard to the Austrian business location.
April 24, 2014

Spindelegger: Investigation Committee “Counterproductive“

According to the Finance Minister, an investigation committee would only worsen the negotiation position with BayernLB.
March 25, 2014

Hypo Group: Decision Within First Quarter of 2014

The long-awaited meeting between the government and Hypo Group’s taskforce has been fixed to find a solution of the Austrian problem bank. The option of a bank participation is still on top of the list.
January 23, 2014

Austria: Nowotny Calls for Fast Decision on Hypo Group

The Governor of the Austrian National Bank (OeNB) presses the government to act quickly and avoid further straining the budget and burdening the taxpayers.
January 21, 2014

Austrian Banks to Resist Further Burdens?

Podium discussion at Viennese law firm Binder Grösswang.
January 20, 2014

Mitterlehner: „Hypo Group Must Not Burden State Budget“

Austria´s Minister of Economics underlined that the Austrian government is looking for an effective and cost-saving solution for the nationalized Lender Hypo Group Alpe Adria.
January 20, 2014

Austria: Kapsch Delivers Warning to Policy-Makers

Georg Kapsch, President of the Federation of Austrian Industries (IV), is very cautious about economic growth in Austria and warns the policy-makers of a budget consolidation on the basis of expectations of growth.
December 27, 2013

Austria: Spindelegger Replaces Fekter

The designated cabinet members were presented to the public today. Maria Fekter will not be a cabinet member anymore.
December 13, 2013

Austria: Slight Increase in Exports

In spite of a continuing difficult international environment domestic exports increased by 0.7 percent. According to Economy Minister Mitterlehner the Austrian exports are on a record high.
December 6, 2013

Mitterlehner: “2014 Will Become Significantly Better“

Austrian Minister for Economy Reinhold Mitterlehner considers the Austrian economy to be in a spirit of optimism as an upturn in Europe has become evident. According to him, 2014 is supposed to become “significantly better” than 2013.
October 17, 2013

Leitl: “Grand Coalition Did Not Fulfill Expectations“

Christoph Leitl, President of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce (WKO), favors a change in the governing parties as the grand coalition has not realized the necessary reforms.
September 24, 2013

Austria: ÖVP Rejects Tax Reforms by Social Democrats

Chancellor and Leader of the Social Democrats Werner Faymann is in favor of lower taxes on wages. His model includes reliefs of up to € 1,011 annually. However, coalition partner, the Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP) rejects the plans.
September 18, 2013

Austrian Economy Minister: “No Time for Idle Complacency”

Austrian Minister of Economics and former general secretary of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce (WKO), Reinhold Mitterlehner avoids any dispute with Christoph Leitl, President of WKO but signals a different opinion.
August 27, 2013

Austria: Fekter Does Not Publish Controversial Industrial Location Study

According to a recent study on the quality of Austria´s industrial location, the number of leaving multinational companies is growing.
August 25, 2013

Austria: Spindelegger Demands Flexibility of Working Hours

Working hours have become the main issue of the election campaigns. The dispute was incensed by the claims of Minister of Economy Mitterlehner to allow up to twelve hours of work per day.
August 19, 2013

Austria: Verbund to Take Austerity Measures

Only a few months ago, CEO of Verbund Wolfgang Anzengruber promised that “2013 will become the best year in the company’s history”. However, there have been bad news for the energy company ever since.
August 1, 2013

Faymann: Croatians Realistic With EU Membership

Austrians have a positive attitude towards Croatia’s new membership.
July 1, 2013

Mitterlehner: Romania Offers New Chances for Austrian Economy

Austrian Economy Minister Reinhold Mitterlehner met his Romanian counterpart Varujan Vosganian in Vienna.
June 25, 2013

Austria: Government Agrees on Stimulus Package

Startled by construction company Alpine’s insolvency, the Austrian government has agreed on the fiercly discussed stimulus package. An amount of € 800m is required additionally.
June 25, 2013

Alpine: Biggest Bankruptcy in Austrian History

Bankrupt-gone construction company Alpine operates at 1,400 construction sites and is supposed to complete orders in the amount of € 800m. The shutting down of the enterprise has been decided.
June 25, 2013

Alpine to Be Shut Down

Bankrupt-gone construction company Alpine is facing a breaking down. After negotiations about establishing a rescue company failed, the enterprise will apply for a shutdown.
June 24, 2013

Mitterlehner: „4,000 New Austrian Exporters Within Two Years“

Internationalization Offensive (IO) “go international” will be prologued until 2015. Economy Minister Mitterlehner and head of the Chamber of Commerce (WKO) Leitl present their main targets for Austrian export.
June 21, 2013

Austria: Mitterlehner Still Optimistic For Automotive Industry

The massive decline of 23 % in the motor vehicle trade in the first ten days of March 2013 does apparently not concern Austria’s economy minister Reinhold Mitterlehner.
March 15, 2013

Austria: Optimistic Economy Minister Forecasts Economic Growth

In an interview with Wirtschaftsblatt, Austria’s economy minister, Reinhold Mitterlehner, forecasts an economic growth rate of 2 % for the next year, 2014.
March 11, 2013

Austrian Business Location Still Popular

According to a survey carried out by ABA Invest Austria, Austria ranks third in Europe.
February 19, 2013

Fischer Meets Kirchner

The Austrian President Heinz Fischer has started his state visit in Argentina.
December 3, 2012

Slovenia Still Rules Out Calling for Rescue

The Slovenian government tries to prevent to be bailed out by the EU and IMF by all means. However, experts fear that Slovenia is the next candidate for the safety net.
November 10, 2012

Kazakh President Nazarbayev in Austria

Today, the Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev was received by the Austrian President Heinz Fischer. The Austrian industry hopes for orders worth € 500m.
October 22, 2012

Mitterlehner: „No Economic Stimulus Package“

Austria´s Minister of Economics rejects another stimulus package for the Austrian industrial sector. The budgetary situation would not allow that, he says.
October 4, 2012

ÖIAG to be Enlarged?

Publicly held companies like Verbund or Austrian Railways should be integrated into the Austrian industrial holding group.
September 21, 2012

„The situation is inconvenient, but not dramatic“

In an interview with the Austrian newspaper Kurier, the Austrian Minister of Economics Reinhold Mitterlehner underlines that “we must keep our nerves”.
September 13, 2012

Austrian Chamber of Economics Supports ESM Decision in Germany

Austria´s Minister of Economics Reinhold Mitterlehner: “The decision of the German Constitution Court is an important signal for investments and will promote growth.”
September 12, 2012

Austrian Government to Reshuffle?

In the governing ÖVP, a power struggle is going on, insiders say. Rumours are not breaking up and are highly controversial. Finance Minister Maria Fekter may be replaced by Michael Spindelegger.
August 29, 2012

Resistance Against Enlargement of ÖIAG

The chairman of ÖBB´s (Austrian Railways) supervisory board Horst Pöchhacker rejects the idea of integrating ÖBB, Verbund or Asfinag into the publicly held Austrian industrial holding ÖIAG.
July 19, 2012

Grexit would Cost Austria € 11.0bn

The Brussels-based think tank CEPS states that Austria would have to bear costs of € 10.9bn in case of a Greek exit out of the Eurozone.
July 13, 2012

Austrian Foreign Trade Figures Flattening

After record results in 2011, the growth in Austrian foreign trade was substantially down in the first months of 2012. Austrian politics promotes exports to non-European markets like China, Brazil and the U.S.
July 12, 2012

Economic Report: „Reducing Dependence on Europe“

Today, the Austrian government published its "Economic Report 2012".
July 9, 2012

ÖIAG: No Solution in Sight

Today, the supervisory board of the Austrian Industrial Holding (ÖIAG) had a meeting. A clear strategy will not be found anyway.
June 28, 2012