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FDI in Austria up by EUR 25 Million
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Published: July 11, 2014; 17:40 ♦ (Vindobona)
In the first half of 2014 the number of international companies setting up business operations in Austria with the assistance of ABA in cooperation with the regional investment promotion agencies climbed from 88 to 114. Total investment volume was up 15.9 % in the first half of 2014 to EUR 179.97 million from EUR 154.33 million in the prior year period.
Mitterlehner: FDI in Austria up by EUR 25 Million / Picture: © Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economics / Bernhard J. Holzner
The half-year 2014 results of the national investment promotion company ABA-Invest in Austria show a gratifying performance, featuring a 29.5% increase in the number of investment projects compared to the previous year.
On balance, the number of international companies setting up business operations in Austria with the assistance of ABA in cooperation with the regional investment…
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