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Mitterlehner Replaces Spindelegger as Party Head and Vice Chancellor
Yesterday evening Reinhold Mitterlehner has been elected by the ÖVP board as new party chairman and vice chancellor. Spindelegger himself had left the party headquarters shortly before. The decision in the ÖVP board was unanimous. He is supposed to lead the party out of the crisis. His first statement after the designation on Tuesday evening was: "We must close ranks." He now wants to discuss in which direction to proceed with the tax reform. A political decision will fall but only in the fall.
Mitterlehner (left) replaces Spindelegger as vice chancellor and ÖVP party head / Picture: © ÖVP Bundespartei / Jacob Glaser
Yesterday evening Reinhold Mitterlehner has been elected by the ÖVP board as new party chairman and vice chancellor. Spindelegger himself had left the party headquarters shortly before.
The decision in the ÖVP board was unanimous. He is supposed to lead the party out of the crisis. His first statement after the designation on Tuesday evening was: "We must close…
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