Austrian Securities Market and Stock Exchange News and Analysis

Read the latest headlines and breaking news about the Vienna International Stock Exchange and the Austrian securities market (bonds, stocks)

4.25% Kapsch TrafficCom Bonds Successfully Placed

Kapsch TrafficCom AG (ISIN AT000KAPSCH9), listed on the Vienna Stock Exchange in the prime market segment, successfully placed corporate bonds with a tenor of seven years and a volume of Euro 75 million.

November 3, 2010

Vienna Stock Exchange: Winners and Losers of Today (2010-11-02)

Daily News-Flash from the Vienna Stock Exchange.

November 2, 2010

Risk of Default of Federal Investments for 330 Million Euro

The State bought high-risk securities in 2007 and 2008. These show a high risk of default since the financial crisis. The State wants to get rid of these securities by next year.

October 29, 2010

Vienna Stock Exchange: Today´s Winners and Losers

Daily News-Flash from the Vienna Stock Exchange.

October 28, 2010

Tax on Securities’ Profits: Financial Industry in a Rage

The tax is targeted at the middle class, but it means especially an administrative burden and creates competitive disadvantages, according to the industry.

October 28, 2010

Bank Tax: 0.055% Instead of 0.04%

The new "stability tax" has been increased slightly. A tax on derivative transactions will also be applied. The tax will however not be temporary.

October 28, 2010

A-Tec Restructuring: Kovats Hands Over 25.1%

The banks inject new money into the insolvent company; Kovats has no longer the majority. If restructuring fails, the banks have realization authority.

October 28, 2010

Verbund: Warning Concerning Profit

Despite worsening results, the Verbund Group holds fast to the capital increase. Core shareholders go along.

October 28, 2010

Lending Policy of Banks is Stabilized

Results for Austria of the October 2010 credit business survey in the euro area

October 28, 2010

OMV: Republic of Austria Will Hold On to Its Stake

An informal consultation is said to have been held between the governing parties to keep the government stake in OMV, should there be a capital increase.

October 27, 2010

Is the End of Private Foundations Near?

Legal uncertainties and higher taxes result in little incentive for the creation of new foundations.

October 27, 2010

Bank Tax: Demands for Time Limit Becoming Louder

Financial politicians and banking representatives already argue before approval of the draft law, if the bank tax to be introduced in 2011 is going to have a time limit.

October 27, 2010

A-Tec: Will 100 Million be Given Up by the Creditors?

The creditors' committee deliberates today on how the company will continue existing. Mirko Kovats, founder and CEO of the company, wants to make a "substantial contribution" to the issue.

October 27, 2010

Today´s Winners and Losers

Daily News from the Stock Exchange

October 25, 2010

Financing of OMV-Deal in Turkey Still Open

OMV leaves the financial markets still in the dark as to how it will cope with the acquisition.

October 25, 2010

Deripaska Again at Strabag

After Deripaska’s decision, and successful talks with Strabag boss Haselsteiner, the Russian oligarch is a partner in the construction group again.

October 25, 2010

New Budget: Details and Reactions

The entire tax package will bring additional revenues for around 1.2 billion euro. There are further saving measures for 1.6 billion euro. Reactions from the economic actors are ambivalent.

October 25, 2010

New Budget, New Taxes

The budget includes a new austerity package, which consists essentially of taxes on mineral oil, tobacco and banks.

October 25, 2010

OMV: Complete Takeover of Petrol Ofisi Fixed

The deal is finished. Turkey will be the third main market for the OMV group.

October 22, 2010

Bank Austria CEO Cernko: No More Bank Tax Soon

Due to Basel III, location reasons and to safeguard jobs, the bank tax will only be effective temporarily, according to Cernko

October 22, 2010

A-Tec Creditors: Minimum Rate Too Low

While an early agreement with the banks seems imminent, the legal minimum quota offered to the creditors of the insolvent A-Tec group is not enough. Staff’s resentment is also being felt.

October 22, 2010

Corporate Bond of Novomatic: Surprisingly High Demand

Issuing volume has been doubled. The placement process has been closed very early, Novomatic-boss Wohlfahrt is content with the succesful bond issue.

October 22, 2010

Telekom Austria: Good Results Expected for 2010

The CEO of Telekom Austria, Hannes Ametsreiter sees the current financial year as "stable and good".

October 22, 2010

OMV Deal: Many Questions Without Answer

Not only the extent of the takeover is unknown, but also how it will be financed.

October 22, 2010

A-Tec - Creditors are Demanding more Money

Against the minimum quota of 30 per cent offered by Mirko Kovats 30 resistance is forming. A-Tec announced that the negotiations of the daughter AE & E are well underway on renewal of the credit facility.

October 22, 2010

Raiffeisen CEO Stepic: The Crisis in Eastern Europe is Not Over Yet

The RBI boss explains why recovery is taking longer, why his institute does not want to pay back the state capital yet, and why he considers that Raiffeisen is being treated unfairly.

October 22, 2010

Switzerland: Pecik and Stumpf Ransom Themselves

While the two investors paid a fine for the case Sulzer, the case Oerlikon is still not finished.

October 21, 2010

Justice: Powerless Against Accounting Frauds?

A poorly equipped Justice is facing an increasingly complex subject, aggravated by insufficient legal regulation.

October 21, 2010

A-Tec Offers a 30% Quota

CEO Kovats is trying to rehabilitate his insolvent company with the help of creditors.

October 21, 2010

EnBW Remains Shareholder at EVN

EnBW decides not to continue the planned secondary offering of shares in EVN AG

October 20, 2010

OMV Plans Complete Takeover of Petrol Ofisi

OMV and Doğan Holding are in detailed negotiations regarding an acquisition of Dogan Holding’s stake in Petrol Ofisi by OMV

October 20, 2010

aws-mittelstandfonds: Participation in New Telecom Holding in Carinthia

The fund of the Austria Wirtschaftsservice-Agentur (Austrian Economic Service Agency), a company launched last year to finance medium-sized businesses, has now acquired its fourth participation.

October 20, 2010

Verbund Group: Capital Increase has Been Determined

The capital increase for the biggest domestic electricity generator will allow large investments in energy infrastructure and thereby accelerate new power generation projects.

October 20, 2010

bwin Notifies Merger with PartyGaming to Competition Authority

Transfer to the London Stock Exchange is bad news for the Viennese financial center. The merger will create the world's biggest betting provider.

October 20, 2010

Vienna Stock Exchange - Today's Winners and Losers

Daily News from the Stock Exchange

October 19, 2010

Kapsch TrafficCom AG Issues a Corporate Bond

With the issuance of the bond, investments necessary for continuation of growth are made possible.

October 19, 2010

A-Tec CEO Kovats: Refunding After 2nd November Possible

“There will be a solution.” Discussions with investors continue.

October 18, 2010

Tax Evaders Targeted by the Ministers of Finance

Budget problems plague the majority of EU countries. In addition to budget discipline, the prosecution of tax evaders is to be addressed.

October 18, 2010

Supervision of Banks: Austria and Russia Intensify Cooperation

A Memorandum of Understanding just signed facilitates cooperation in banking supervision between the two countries.

October 18, 2010

CEOs of Stock Exchange Alert: Vienna´s Taxation Plans Cast Investors out

The heads of Vienna´s stock exchange, Schaller and Bohl, fear that the introduction of capital and transactional taxes downgrades Austria´s capital market.

October 14, 2010

OeNB Governor Nowotny Contradicts the Deutsche Bundesbank

"The ECB should not give up purchasing bonds". Although the bond purchase program of the ECB was not needed in recent weeks, Nowotny wants to go on having it "in reserve”. The German Bundesbank warns of a too late withdrawal.

October 13, 2010

Global Financial Market System: Norbert Walter Urges for Regulation of Financial Markets

Economist Norbert Walter discussed world financial markets with Lower Austria Deputy Governor Sobotka and Hypo Lower Austria Chairman of the Board Harold at the HYPO Invest Club.

October 12, 2010

Coface CEE Top 500 - Poland Largest Number of Companies in CEE

Poland has the largest number of companies in the Central and Eastern Europe Top 500 with 28.4%. Hungary ranks second with 16.6%, overtaking the Czech Republic, which is home for 13.8% of the CEE Top 500.

October 12, 2010

RZB Group Tatra banka among Lead Managers for Slovak Republic EUR 2 Billion Benchmark Bond

Tatra Banka (RZB Group), HSBC, SG CIB and UniCredit Bank Slovakia placed a Slovak Republic issue with a maturity of fifteen years.

October 11, 2010

Vienna Stock Exchange - Agreement with Macedonian Stock Exchange on Joint Dissemination of Data

In the future, the price data of the stock exchange of Macedonia will be disseminated in real time via the datafeed Alliance Data Highway (ADH) of the Vienna Stock Exchange.

October 8, 2010

Telekom Austria: Interest in the Serbian Telekom Srbija

Following the acquisition of Velcom in Belarus, Telekom Austria (TA) is showing interest in other telcos in the Balkans. Currently, ihe favorite target is Telekom Srbija.

October 6, 2010

EVN resolves on capital increase – transaction together with EnBW

With the Supervisory Board’s approval, the Managing Board of EVN AG has resolved on a capital increase from authorized capital through the issuance of up to 16,352,582 new ordinary no-par value bearer shares.

October 5, 2010

UniCredit SpA has appointed Federico Ghizzoni as its new chief executive

Italy's biggest bank UniCredit SpA named central and eastern European head Federico Ghizzoni its chief executive as expected on Thursday and underscored its commitment to an international role.

October 1, 2010

Supreme Court: Investors Misled by Meinl European Land Promotional Brochure

The Supreme Court ruled in favor of an investor who was led astray by a MEL-shares promotional brochure. The Meinl Bank describes the ruling as "contradictory," and as "not a good sign for the Austrian capital market."

September 30, 2010

Raiffeisen Invests in New Branches in the Czech Republic

Raiffeisenbank a.s., the fifth largest bank in the Czech Republic, expands its network of branches in the neighboring country.

September 29, 2010