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C Quadrat

C-Quadrat Streamlines Corporate Group Structure

C-Quadrat plans to spin off the business operations of C-Quadrat Wealth Management GmbH (formerly: C-Quadrat Kapitalanlage AG) to ARTS Asset Management GmbH, in which the company holds a 45% stake. In return, societal profit participation rights ("sozietäre Genussrechte") will be granted to the company instead of additional company shares.
April 19, 2018

C-Quadrat: Yearly Financial Report 2017

C-Quadrat Investment AG is declaring the following financial reports below.
April 6, 2018

C-Quadrat: Unexpected Good Performance in December

Due to the positive performance of several investment funds managed by asset management companies of the C-Quadrat Group, which reached new price highs, in December 2017 the C-Quadrat Group realized additional revenue from performance-related remuneration.
January 5, 2018

C-QUADRAT Investment AG / Austrian FMA clears majority takeover by HNA Group

The HNA Group (International) Asset Management Co., Limited ("HNA") was informed by the Austrian Financial Market Authority ("FMA") by letter dated 21.12.2017 that FMA had no objections against the proposed acquisition of 74.8% of the shares in C-QUADRAT and its supervised Austrian subsidiaries.
December 22, 2017

Correction: C-Quadrat Investment AG /Publication of a participation notification according to art. 93para. 2 Stock Exchange Act

C-QUADRAT Investment AG, ISIN: AT0000613005, ("C-QUADRAT") has been informed on 5 December 2017 of the following facts according to art. 91at seq. BörseG.
December 6, 2017

C-Quadrat takes over majority stake in French asset management company

C-Quadrat Investment AG (ISIN AT0000613005) announces today's successful conclusion of the negotiations for the acquisition of 51% of the shares in Advenis Investment Managers ("target").
December 5, 2017

C-QUADRAT Investment AG / Quarterly report according to art. 87 para. 6 Stock Exchange Act

C-QUADRAT Investment AG is declaring the following financial reports below.
November 13, 2017

HNA Group and C-QUADRAT support refugee project in northern Iraq

The HNA Group and C-QUADRAT are financing 100 lockable prefabricated houses with electricity as part of a relief operation for refugee families in northern Iraq
October 12, 2017

Carlos Mendez de Vigo y zu Loewenstein is appointed to the Management Board of C-QUADRAT Investment AG

Effective immediately, Carlos Mendez de Vigo y zu Loewenstein will strengthen the Management Board of C-QUADRAT Investment AG. Carlos Mendez de Vigo is taking over the areas of Finance, Accounting and Controlling from his brother Cristobal Mendez de Vigo.
September 1, 2017

C-QUADRAT Investment AG / Half-year financial report according to art. 87 para. 1 Stock Exchange Act

C-QUADRAT Investment AG is declaring the following financial reports below.
August 21, 2017

C-QUADRAT founder Alexander Schütz elected to DeutscheBank Supervisory Board

Alexander Schütz, founding member and Management Board member of Austrian asset manager C-QUADRAT, was elected to the Supervisory Board of Deutsche Bank - Germany's largest credit institute - at their Annual General Meeting yesterday. The seat for Schütz was secured with 98.24% of the votes cast.
May 19, 2017

C-QUADRAT - the asset manager - has assets under management in excess of EUR 10 billion (US$ 11 billion) for the first time

C-QUADRAT - the asset manager - has reached a new all-time high for the volume of assets under its management. Through its assumption of a mandate for a major insurance company, on May 18, 2017 C-QUADRAT exceeded the EUR 10 billion (US$ 11 billion) mark for the first time.
May 18, 2017

C-QUADRAT Investment AG / Quarterly Report

C-QUADRAT Investment AG is declaring the following financial reports below.
May 15, 2017

Update to a disclosed inside information: C-QUADRAT Investment AG /

C-QUADRAT Investment AG (ISIN: AT0000613005) announces in reference to the ad-hoc-announcement released on 03.05.2017 that it has been informed today that HNA considers that Cubic (London) Limited initiates a squeeze-out of the remaining minority shareholders (free-float) of C-QUADRAT Investment AG ("C-QUADRAT") after the completion of the transaction in order to obtain 100% in C-QUADRAT.
May 5, 2017

C-QUADRAT Investment AG / HNA Group set to become majority owner of C-QUADRAT

Today San Gabriel Privatstiftung, T.R. Privatstiftung as well as Hallmann Holding International GmbH, Q-Cap Holdings Ltd. and Laakman Holding Ltd. (all together "the core shareholders") have concluded share purchase agreements with HNA Group (International) Asset Management Co., Limited ("HNA") on the acquisition of shares of C-QUADRAT Investment AG ("C-QUADRAT") subject to condition precedent.
May 3, 2017

2016 Net Income for the Year of C-QUADRAT Investment AG

In the 2016 financial year, C-QUADRAT Investment AG (ISIN AT0000613005) realized total revenues of EUR 44.3 million and a net profit for the period of EUR 3.3 million. At EUR 10.5 million, personnel expenses were 4.8% lower than in the previous year. Other administrative expenses and other operating expenses amounted to EUR 8.6 million (2.1% lower than in 2015) and EUR 0.7 million (7.6% lower than in 2015) respectively.
March 31, 2017

C-QUADRAT Investment AG / Yearly Report

C-QUADRAT Investment AG is declaring the following financial reports below.
March 31, 2017

C-QUADRAT Investment AG / Quarterly Report

C-QUADRAT Investment AG is declaring the following financial reports below.
November 14, 2016

Consolidated earnings 1-9/2016 of C-QUADRAT Investment AG

In the third quarter of 2016, C-QUADRAT Investment AG (ISIN AT0000613005) realized total revenues of EUR 32.0 million and a net profit for the period of EUR 2.2 million.
November 14, 2016

C-QUADRAT Investment AG / Termination of the current share-buyback program

The management board of C-QUADRAT Investment AG (ISIN AT0000613005) has decided today to terminate the running share-buyback program, which was originally planned to end on October 31, 2017, prematurely as of today, due to the changed conditions after completion of the takeover procedure.
October 18, 2016

Amendment of a previously released ad-hoc announcement / Cubic (London) Limited: Anticipated Mandatory Offer for all outstanding shares inC-QUADRAT Investment AG

Cubic (London) Limited ("Cubic") which is owned in equal parts by San Gabriel Privatstiftung and T.R. Privatstiftung announced (i) that it had entered into a conditional share purchase agreement regarding a total of 1.095.162 non-par value bearer shares of C-QUADRAT Investment AG ("C-QUADRAT" or "Target Company"), corresponding to 25,1% of the Target Company's issued share capital and (ii) its intention to launch an anticipated mandatory takeover offer ("MTO") pursuant to Sec 22 et seq ÜbG (Transaction I).
September 20, 2016

C-QUADRAT Investment AG / Half Yearly Report

C-QUADRAT Investment AG is declaring the following financial reports below.
August 22, 2016

Half-year results 2016 for C-QUADRAT Investment AG

In the first six months of 2016, C-QUADRAT Investment AG (ISIN AT0000613005) realized total revenues of EUR 21.0 million and a net profit for the period of EUR 0.9 million. By comparison with the prior period, personnel expenses were reduced by 12.8% to EUR 4,8 million, while other administrative expenses and other operating expenses have increased by 6.6% to EUR 4.5 million.
August 22, 2016

Amendment of a previously released ad-hoc announcement / C-QUADRAT

Today, Cubic (London) Limited ("Cubic" or "Bidder") which is owned in equal parts by San Gabriel Privatstiftung and T.R. Privatstiftung informed C-QUADRAT Investment AG as follows..
June 22, 2016

C-QUADRAT Investment AG: Cubic (London) Limited announces the statusof the Public Takeover Offer

Free Float Shareholders have tendered 331.553 shares into the Mandatory Public Offer of Cubic (London) Limited ("Cubic") until 14 June 2016, ie within the intial offer term (The additional offer term runs through 12 October 2016). The tendered shares correspond to 7.6% of the share capital of C-QUADRAT.
June 16, 2016

C-QUADRAT Investment AG / Quarterly Report

C-QUADRAT Investment AG is declaring the following financial reports below.
May 17, 2016

Consolidated earnings 1-3/2016 of C-QUADRAT Investment AG

For the C-QUADRAT Group, the first quarter of 2016 was shaped by the effects of one of the worst starts to the stock-market year of all time. Despite cost savings by comparison with the same quarter in the previous year, due to the almost complete loss of performance-related management fees - which had reached a record level in 2015 - it proved impossible to avoid a significant decline in revenues and earnings.
May 17, 2016

EANS-General Meeting: C-QUADRAT Investment AG / Resolutions of the GeneralMeeting

In the past financial year, C-QUADRAT Investment AG (ISIN AT0000613005) realized a distributable balance sheet profit of EUR 30.867.073,85. As a result of the positive revenue and earnings trends, on May 13, 2016 the 30th Annual General Meeting of C-QUADRAT Investment AG has resolved a dividend distribution of EUR 4.00 for each eligible share.
May 13, 2016

C-QUADRAT Investment AG / Yearly Report

C-QUADRAT Investment AG is declaring the following financial reports below.
April 11, 2016


In 2015 C-QUADRAT Investment AG realized another highly successful financial year, the second-best in its 25-year history. Above all, this success reflected healthy core business, further growth in the volume of assets under its management thanks to the performance of C-QUADRAT's funds and the expansion of its sales activities.
April 11, 2016

Amendment of a previously released ad-hoc announcement / C-QUADRAT

Cubic (London) Limited ("Cubic") which is owned in equal parts by San Gabriel Privatstiftung and T.R. Privatstiftung announced (i) that it had entered into a conditional share purchase agreement regarding a total of 1,095,162 non-par value bearer shares of C-QUADRAT Investment AG ("C-QUADRAT" or "Target Company"), corresponding to 25.1% of the Target Company's issued share capital and (ii) its intention to launch an anticipated mandatory takeover offer pursuant to Sec 22 et seq ÜbG ("MTO") with an offer price expected to be EUR 42.86 per share. The share purchase agreement is subject to the regulatory approvals by competent authorities.
March 11, 2016

C-QUADRAT Investment AG / Cubic (London) Limited announcesanticipated mandatory offer for all outstanding shares in C-QUADRAT InvestmentAG (ISIN: AT0000613005)

Today, C-QUADRAT Investment AG announces that it has been informed of the following facts: Cubic (London) Limited ("Bidder" or "Cubic") which is owned in equal parts by San Gabriel Privatstiftung, currently holding approximately 15,68% in C-QUADRAT Investment AG, and T.R. Privatstiftung, currently holding approximately 19,58% in C-QUADRAT Investment AG, has entered into a conditional share purchase agreement with Talanx Asset Management GmbH regarding a total of 1.095.162 non-par value bearer shares of C-QUADRAT Investment AG ("C-QUADRAT" or "Target Company"), corresponding to 25,1% of the Target Company's issued share capital.
January 15, 2016

C-QUADRAT Investment AG / Quarterly Report

C-QUADRAT Investment AG is declaring the following financial reports below.
November 16, 2015


C-QUADRAT Investment AG (ISIN AT0000613005) successfully completed the third quarter of 2015 with total revenues of EUR 70.9 million (previous year: EUR 61.3 million; +15%) and a net profit for the period of EUR 19.5 million (previous year: EUR 11.5 million; +69%).
November 16, 2015

C-QUADRAT Investment AG

At the ordinary Shareholders' Meeting of C-QUADRAT Investment AG, held on 8 May 2015, the Management Board of the Company was authorized, in accordance with Art 65 para 1 sect 8 of the Austrian Joint Stock Corporation Act (Aktiengesetz, AktG), to acquire own non-par value bearer shares in the Company up to an extent of 10 percent of the current share capital of C-QUADRAT Investment AG within 30 months from the date of the resolution of the shareholders for a price of between EUR 1 minimum and EUR 60 maximum per single share.
September 9, 2015

C-QUADRAT Investment AG / Half Yearly Report

C-Quadrat Investment AG is declaring the following financial reports below.
August 24, 2015


C-QUADRAT Investment AG (ISIN AT0000613005) has successfully completed the first half of 2015 with total revenues of EUR 57.6 million (first six months of 2014: EUR 41.0 million, +40%) and a net profit for the period of EUR 18.6 million (first six months of 2014: EUR 7.4 million, +152%).
August 24, 2015

C-QUADRAT Investment AG / Quarterly Report

C-QUADRAT Investment AG is declaring the following financial reports below.
May 29, 2015


C-QUADRAT Investment AG was able to successfully continue the very positive business development of 2014 as well in 2015 and completed the first quarter of 2015 with total revenues of EUR 40.9 million (previous year: EUR 19.1 million; +113.5%) and a net profit for the period of EUR 15.4 million (previous year: EUR 3.2 million; +379.2%).
May 18, 2015

EANS-General Meeting: C-QUADRAT Investment AG / Resolutions of the GeneralMeeting

In the past financial year, C-QUADRAT Investment AG (ISIN AT0000613005) realized a distributable balance sheet profit of EUR 21,983,755.67 - the best result in the company's entire history. The company attributes this positive result to a healthy core business, substantial growth of the assets under management and the excellent performance achieved by the C-QUADRAT funds.
May 8, 2015

C-QUADRAT Investment AG / Strong increase in total revenues and netprofit in Q1 2015 by 31.03.2015

C-QUADRAT Investment AG (ISIN AT0000613005) announces the preliminary results according to IFRS for the first quarter 2015.
May 4, 2015

C-QUADRAT Investment AG / Yearly Report

C-QUADRAT Investment AG is declaring the following financial reports below.
March 27, 2015


In 2014 C-QUADRAT Investment AG realized another highly successful financial year. This success was due to various factors. The company's positive revenue and earnings trends were mainly attributable to healthy core business, significant growth in the volume of assets under its management thanks to the performance of C-QUADRAT's funds, the expansion of its sales activities and efficient cost management.
March 27, 2015


Due to the positive performance of several investment funds managed by asset management companies of the C-QUADRAT Group, which reached new price highs, as in previous months in the 2014 financial year, in December 2014 the C-QUADRAT Group once again realized additional revenue from performance-related remuneration.
January 8, 2015

C-QUADRAT Investment AG / Quarterly Report

C-QUADRAT Investment AG is declaring the following financial reports below.
November 17, 2014


C-QUADRAT Investment AG (ISIN AT0000613005) was able to continue the highly positive business development of the first six months of the year and successfully completed the third quarter of 2014 with total revenues of EUR 61.3 million (previous year: EUR 42.9 million; +43%) and a net profit for the period of EUR 11.5 million (previous year: EUR 3.5 million; +226%).
November 17, 2014

C-QUADRAT Investment AG / Half Yearly Report

The company C-QUADRAT Investment AG is declaring the following financial reports below.
August 25, 2014


C-QUADRAT Investment AG has successfully completed the first half of 2014 with total revenues of EUR 40.9 million (first six months of 2013: EUR 29.2 million, +40%) and a net profit for the period of EUR 7.4 million (first six months of 2013: EUR 2.5 million, +201%). This trend already emerged in the 1st quarter and remained intact in the 2nd quarter, in a favorable stock-market environment. Management fees accounted for 63% of these revenues, performance fees for 31% and other revenues for 6%.
August 25, 2014