Bank Tax: Demands for Time Limit Becoming Louder

Politics ♦ Published: October 27, 2010; 17:14 ♦ (Vindobona)

Financial politicians and banking representatives already argue before approval of the draft law, if the bank tax to be introduced in 2011 is going to have a time limit.

Bank Tax: Demands for Time Limit Becoming Louder / Picture: ©

Demands for a time limit were made by Bank Austria’s CEO William Cernko and RZB's CEO Walter Roth Steiner and also by the Notenbank’s (Central Bank) director Andreas Ittner. A clear rejection came from the side of the politicians. Andreas Schieder (SPÖ), State Secretary in the Ministry of Finance said: "The bank tax will be instituted without time limits”. None of the new taxes…