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Bank Taxes

Austria: Bank Levy Begins to Wobble

Austria´s Minister of Economics Reinhold Mitterlehner proposed to reduce the bank levy. The coalition partner, the social democrats, is surprisingly open to talks.
April 25, 2014

Treichl: „The U.S. Have Solved the Crisis Better“

Andreas Treichl, CEO of the Vienna-listed lender Erste Group, thinks that everything takes too long in Europe. The communication between banks and the government is insufficient, Treichl says.
April 5, 2014

„Austria Needs an Excellent Minister of Finance“

Andreas Treichl, CEO of the third-biggest lender in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe expressed subtle doubt as to whether Michael Spindelegger is the right person for the job.
March 2, 2014

Hypo Group Alpe Adria: Fitch Recommends “Joint Bad Bank”

According to the rating agency, the best alternative is a joint solution between the Austrian state and privately held banks. In return, the bank levy should be reduced, Fitch says.
February 5, 2014

Austria: IHS Against Bank Levy

Christian Keuschnigg, director of the Austrian economic research institute IHS stresses that the bank resolution funds would replace the bank levy.
January 28, 2014

Mitterlehner: „Hypo Group Must Not Burden State Budget“

Austria´s Minister of Economics underlined that the Austrian government is looking for an effective and cost-saving solution for the nationalized Lender Hypo Group Alpe Adria.
January 20, 2014

Bank Levy: Austrian Regional Banks Under High Pressure

The Austrian government will raise the bank levy significantly. Smaller banks have to perform disproportionately high taxes, Oberbank´s CEO Franz Gasselsberger says.
January 16, 2014

Austria: Significant Increase in Bank Levy

In 2014, the bank levy is expected to increase substantially. Austrian banks regard the levy as massive competitive disadvantage.
January 10, 2014

Hungary: Erste Group Confident

The third-largest lender in CESEE underlined that the Hungarian subsidiary will not be sold. The Austrian bank is confident to reach the turnaround soon.
January 6, 2014

First Offer for RBI´s Hungarian Subsidiary

The partly nationalized Hungarian lender Szechenyi Bank is interested in the Hungarian subsidiaries of the Austrian banks Erste Group and Raiffeisen Bank International.
January 6, 2014

VBAG: Further State Aids Questionable

The governing Austrian social democrats (SPÖ) are against providing further funds to the partly nationalized banking group.
December 26, 2013

„No Debt-Backed Tax Reform“

Austrian Finance Minister Michael Spindelegger underlines that Austria has to put more effort into fiscal consolidation measures.
December 23, 2013

Austrian Banking Industry Has to Fear Bank Tax Increase

At the end of this week, the Austrian social democrats and the conservatives agreed on continuing their coalition. Although the fiscal strategy is not fully known yet, a bank tax increase is likely.
December 14, 2013

Bank Austria: Drastic Job Cut

The austerity measures at Bank Austria take form. CEO Willibald Cernko refers to the bank taxes.
November 28, 2013

Raiffeisen Bank International: Sale of Hungarian Affiliate No Taboo Anymore

As reported by Vindobona, Vienna-listed RBI is examining offers for the Hungarian subsidiary. For RBI, Hungary is the biggest loss-maker.
November 20, 2013

Higher Cost Pressure for Austrian Banking Industry

Due to national and international regulations, Austrian banks have to bear higher costs than their foreign competitors.
October 31, 2013

Czech Banking Industry Is “Healthy”

According to the Czech banking association (CBA), the Czech banks are well equipped with capital.
October 31, 2013

Czech Republic: Social Democrats to Win

Tomorrow, the Czech Republic will hold early elections. All polls are indicating a clear change in power. Bohuslav Sobotka is expected to become the next head of government.
October 25, 2013

RBI Considers Withdrawing from Hungary

The Austrian banking group Raiffeisen Bank International wants to focus on other markets. Hungary and Slovenia are shrinking markets, CEO Karl Sevelda says.
August 6, 2013

Bad Bank for Hypo Group?

According to market rumors, Austria´s government wants domestic banks to participate in a bad bank for the nationalized Hypo Group. Finance Minister Maria Fekter denies such reports.
August 5, 2013

Orban: Not Joining Eurozone in the Next Ten Years

Hungary´s Prime Minister thinks that his country should not become a member of the euro area in the medium term.
July 23, 2013

Rothensteiner: „Bank Taxes Cause a Cut in Lending”

Walter Rothensteiner, CEO of Austrian RZB (Raiffeisen Zentralbank) says that bank taxes have a detrimental impact on the economic development.
February 5, 2013

Orban: „Agreement with IMF Unlikely“

According to Hungary´s Prime Minister Viktor Orban, the IMF tries to put pressure on Hungary.
February 1, 2013

Poland Plans Bank Taxes

The Polish government considers introducing bank taxes in order to stabilize the banking sector.
January 4, 2013

Bank Taxes: RZB Records Costs of € 168m

For Austrian RZB (Raiffeisen Zentralbank), bank taxes in Austria, Hungary and Slovakia come at € 168m. RZB will not leave Hungary, CEO Rothensteiner says.
December 20, 2012

S&P Downgrades Hungary

The U.S. rating agency lowers Hungary´s sovereign debt rating from “BB+” to “BB”.
November 23, 2012

Hungary: Head of Banking Association Resigns

The chairman of the Hungarian Banking Association Mihaly Patai steps down. He explains that the Hungarian state overburdens the banking sector.
November 13, 2012

Hungary: New Threats for Banks

The Hungarian government plans to take over debts from small municipalities. Banks fear that the Hungarian state demands a debt relief.
November 5, 2012

Bawag: Hungarian Exposure Shrinks

The Austrian bank gradually withdraws from Hungary. The stake in MKB Bank becomes smaller.
October 23, 2012

Hungary Does not Exclude to Increase Bank Tax

Prime Minister Orban refers to the pressure coming from Brussels. Hungary must reduce the budget deficit below 3.0% of GDP.
October 20, 2012

RBI: We Will Not Leave Hungary

Herbert Stepic, CEO of Austrian RBI (Raiffeisen Bank International) is highly dissatisfied with Hungary´s decision not to reduce bank taxes. However, RBI will stay, he says.
October 18, 2012 · Updated: October 18, 2012; 17:08

Hungarian Tax Plans: Austrian Banks Annoyed

Because of the pressing need to reduce the budget deficit, Hungary´s government decided not to lower the bank tax. Moreover, the financial transaction tax will be doubled.
October 18, 2012

Austrian Industry Reaffirms: „We need structural reforms”

The President of IV (Federation of Austrian Industries) Georg Kapsch argues that more justice cannot be achieved with new taxes.
October 13, 2012

Slovakia Abolishes Flat Tax

Because of the austerity pressure, Slovakia gives up its flat tax. The corporation income tax rate increases to 23% from 19%.
October 3, 2012

Hungarian Central Bank Against Bank Taxes

According to the governor of Hungary´s Central Bank, the bank taxes are causing the lending freeze.
September 14, 2012

Hungary: Difficult Negotiations with IMF

The relation between Hungary´s Prime Minister and IMF is chronically tensioned. Another delay of the conclusions of the negotiations is likely.
September 12, 2012

Hungary: Bank Tax Intake Lower than Expected

The bank tax proceeds only reach 40% of the planned volume.
September 10, 2012

Dispute Over Bank Taxes

In Austria, only 82 of 787 banks have to pay bank taxes. Above all, the Raiffeisen sector and the Volksbanken sector are excluded.
August 2, 2012

Slovakia: Bank Tax Should Reach € 1.0bn

The Slovakian government raised the bank tax up to 0.4% on deposits. Once the tax intake totals € 1.0bn, the tax should be abolished.
July 21, 2012

Austerity Program at RBI

Raiffeisen Bank International´s CEO Herbert Stepic is against a capital increase. The market conditions would be unfavorable.
July 20, 2012

Hungary Plans to Boost Economy

With a € 1.0bn programme, the Hungarian government aims to create more jobs and stimulate consumption.
July 9, 2012

Hungary: Financial Transaction Tax to be Extended

The Hungarian government plans a growth stimulus program, which should be funded with the extension of the current financial transaction tax.
June 30, 2012

Leitl Underlines Good Relations with Hungary

At the visit of Hungary´s Viktor Orban, the President of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce (WKO) stresses the long-term commitment of Austrian enterprises in Hungary and claims legal security in return.
June 14, 2012

Orban Defends Hungarian Economic Policy

The Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban met Austrian policymakers in Vienna. The Hungarian bank tax should be replaced by a financial transaction tax.
June 13, 2012

Fischer Has Understanding for Bank Tax in Slovakia

Slovakia wants to introduce bank taxes. Austria´s Federal President Heinz Fischer, who met his Slovakian counterpart Ivan Gasparovic, does not have objections.
June 9, 2012

Hungarian Bank Tax May be Abolished

The extraordinary bank tax in Hungary will be halved in 2013 and deleted in 2014, the government said. Austrian banks are relieved.
May 10, 2012

Bank Austria Considers Leaving East European Markets

UniCredit´s subsidiary may leave Baltic countries as well as Kazakhstan. CEO Cernko is optimistic to achieve more than € 1.0bn in profits this year.
March 30, 2012

Cernko Claims Bank Rescue Fund

Bank Austria´s CEO Willibald Cernko wants the bank tax to be solely used for a stability fund in order to support financially stricken banks.
March 20, 2012

Bawag to Refund Bank Aid in 2014 by Earliest

The U.S. owned bank was the only one in Austria which could increase its profits last year. The restructuring is successfully completed.
March 17, 2012

Ghizzoni: „Austrian Bank Tax Is Painful“

The Chief Executive Officer of UniCredit, the holding company of Bank Austria emphasizes not to sell the Austrian subsidiary. The bank tax is “unfair”.
March 10, 2012