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Bankruptcy Proceedings Against Ostchem Holding GmbH: Ukrainian Oligarch Dmytro Firtash in Financial Difficulties

Bankruptcy proceedings were opened at the Salzburg Regional Court against Ostchem Holding GmbH, a company linked to a major oligarch in Ukraine. The Ukrainian entrepreneur Dmytro Firtash, considered one of Ukraine's most influential and wealthiest oligarchs, is the company's majority shareholder, which has increasingly run into financial difficulties in recent years.
December 23, 2024

Austria Calls for a Reorientation of EU Policy Towards Syria
Austrian Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg is calling for a fundamental reorientation of EU policy towards Syria and is receiving support from seven of his EU colleagues from Italy, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Cyprus, Greece, Slovenia, and Slovakia.
July 23, 2024

20 Years of EU Enlargement: Austria Looks at the Success Story of European Integration

Exactly 20 years ago, on May 1, 2004, a historic enlargement of the European Union came into force. Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Cyprus became member states, marking the beginning of a new chapter in the history of Europe. This fifth round of enlargement marked a milestone for the countries involved and a significant change for Austria, as Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg, the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber and the Austrian Society for European Politics emphasize.
May 5, 2024

Serbian Investor Plans Entry into Austrian Addiko Bank

A new investor is showing interest in Addiko Bank, a financial institution that emerged from the former Hypo Alpe Adria Balkan banks. The Cypriot company Agri Europe Cyprus, which is attributed to Serbian businessman Miodrag Kostić, is planning to acquire a significant stake in the bank.
March 25, 2024

Cyprus Concludes Chairmanship of the OSCE Forum for Security Cooperation
The final session of the Forum for Security Co-operation (FSC) of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) was chaired by Cyprus. Cyprus' engagement in the OSCE FSC impressively illustrates the value of dialog and multilateral cooperation, even in the most difficult times.
March 13, 2024

Six Decades in the Service of Peace: Austria Celebrates 60 Years of UNFICYP Deployment in Cyprus

Austria's involvement in the "United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus" (UNFICYP) marks an important anniversary this year: the Alpine Republic has been supporting the peacekeeping mission on the Mediterranean island of Cyprus for sixty years. A look back at the beginnings in April 1964 shows the deployment of a field hospital with 55 men following the unanimous adoption of Resolution 186 by the UN Security Council in March of the same year.
March 10, 2024

Meet Cyprus Ambassador to Austria and Permanent Representative to the United Nations in Vienna

Andreas Ignatiou, Cyprus Ambassador and Permanent Representative, presented his credentials to Austria's Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen, and the Director-General of the United Nations Office in Vienna, Ghada Waly. Meet Ambassador, Andreas Ignatiou, the permanent representative of the Republic of Cyprus to the International Organizations in Vienna and Ambassador to Austria.
March 7, 2024

Financial Market Authority Initiates Investigations Against Raiffeisen Bank International
The Austrian Financial Market Authority (FMA) has launched an investigation into Raiffeisen Bank International (RBI). The focus is on possible deficiencies in the implementation of money laundering prevention measures, as can be seen from the bank's annual report published today.
February 25, 2024

Cyprus Takes Over the Chairmanship of the OSCE Forum for Security Co-operation
On the international stage, Cyprus has now assumed the Chairmanship of the Forum for Security Co-operation (FSC) of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE). Cypriot Foreign Minister Dr. Constantinos Kombos opened the meeting in Vienna and outlined Cyprus' priorities for his term.
January 22, 2024

Political Thriller Around the Abramovich Villa in Austria
The sale of a villa on Lake Fuschl to Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich's family in Salzburg has been revealed to have disappeared. The property was acquired through an offshore letterbox company and a British trustee. The Green Party is now calling for the sale to be reversed, requiring a trust deed. The party is seeking clarification on how the sale can be reversed without the deed.
January 9, 2024

Uncovering of Money Laundering and Real Estate Fraud in Austria and Cyprus

New leaks have uncovered a complex network of opaque asset transfers centered around Russian oligarchs and Austrian real estate. According to the investigative project "Cyprus Confidential", Austrian real estate is particularly popular with wealthy Russians. Around 40 Cypriot companies own real estate in Vienna, often penthouses in expensive locations.
November 16, 2023

Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias and Austrian Counterpart Emphasize Close Relations and Cooperation Potential
Greece's Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias visited his Austrian counterpart for working talks in Vienna. Overall, the meeting between Greece and Austria showcased their strong cooperation and commitment to international law and cooperation in various fields.
May 5, 2023

List of National Days of the Home Countries of All Foreign Missions and Delegations in Vienna, Austria
The Vindobona table below is an updated list of National Days of all nations, which belong to at least one of following categories: Foreign Missions and Delegations in Vienna, Austria; Diplomatic Corps and other representations in Austria; International Organizations in Vienna and Permanent Missions; Missions and Delegations to the OSCE.
February 11, 2015 · Updated: December 14, 2022; 08:12

Austria's Connection to Pegasus Spyware
Governments of EU member states have used spyware against their citizens for political purposes, according to a draft report by the European Parliament's Committee of Inquiry (PEGA) published today in Brussels. European Union member states are widely using the controversial Pegasus spy software. Corresponding indications exist for Poland, Hungary, Greece, Cyprus and Spain, it said. There are also links to Austria.
November 10, 2022

Human Rights in Russia: Third Appeal to the OSCE Moscow Mechanism Since the Outbreak of War in Ukraine
The OSCE Moscow Mechanism was recently requested by 38 states, including Austria, to appoint an OSCE expert to review the human rights situation in Russia. Since the outbreak of the Ukrainian war, the Moscow Mechanism has already been contacted three times.
July 29, 2022

Austria Supports Joint Statement for Ukraine's Case Against Russia Before the International Court of Justice
The European Union, Austria, and over 40 other nations have issued a statement supporting Ukraine's case before the International Court of Justice against Russia. In order to hold Russia accountable for its violations of international law, the Joint Statement has been released.
July 15, 2022

Austrian Chancellor in Cyprus: "EU Asylum System has Failed"
After his stay in Israel, Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer visited the island of Cyprus where he spoke with Cypriot President Nikos Anastasiadis about the issue of illegal immigration. Also on the agenda were topics such as food security and a visit to the UNFICYP peacekeeping force.
July 14, 2022

Refugee Crisis in Poland: European Parliament Presidents Visit Refugee Reception Center in Poland
Poland receives nine European Parliament Presidents, among them also Austria's Federal Council President Christine Schwarz-Fuchs. Together they visited the Polish-Ukrainian border crossing in Dorohusk and the refugee reception center Lwowska as well as the Humanitarian Aid Centre Ptak near Warsaw.
April 21, 2022

Minister for European Affairs: The Fight against Migration as a Means of Pressure on the EU
Austrian Minister for European Affairs Karoline Edtstadler embarked on a multi-country trip to Latvia, Lithuania, Cyprus, and Romania. The central topic of discussion is the increasing migratory pressure on the EU’s external borders, especially from Afghanistan and Belarus. Minister Edtstadler emphasized the need for border security at the EU's external borders and for targeted sanctions on Alexander Lukashenko's regime.
September 15, 2021

Covid-19 in Austria: These Are the Updated Entry Rules
Due to today's amendment of the Austrian "COVID-19 Entry Regulation 2021", we bring you an update on the regulations for entering Austria.
July 20, 2021

Meet the Ambassador of the Republic of Cyprus to Austria: H.E. Ms. Elena Rafti

The new Cypriot Ambassador to Austria Elena Rafti presented President Alexander Van der Bellen with her letter of accreditation at the Vienna Hofburg.
September 5, 2018

Analysis: Austrian Economy Falls Behind Eurozone Average

The latest "Attractiveness Survey" from consultancy Ernst & Young Global Limited shows, that espite strong fundamentals, Austria’s economy lost some ground on the Eurozone average in 2014, with growth of just 0.4% compared with 0.9% for the Eurozone as a whole. This comparative weakness will also continue in 2015, with Austria’s GDP growth estimated at 1.1%, against 1.5% in the Eurozone. This is despite a boost from lower energy prices, quantitative easing from the European Central Bank (ECB) and a weaker euro.
June 1, 2015

Government Debt Increased to 82.6% of GDP in Austria and to 92.7% in Euro Area

At the end of the second quarter of 2014, the government debt to GDP ratio in the euro area (EA18) stood at 92.7%, compared with 91.9% at the end of the first quarter of 2014. Austria's government debt rose to 82.6 percent of GDP in Q2 2014 from 81.3 percent in Q1.
October 23, 2014

Cost of Living Rankings: CEE Capitals Cheaper, Vienna is 32nd Most Expensive City

The Mercer's 2014 Cost of Living Rankings have been published and cover 211 cities across five continents. While Western European cities have all risen in the rankings mainly due to the strengthening of the Euro against the US dollar, most cities in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), however have fallen in the ranking as a result of local currencies depreciating against the US dollar. Bratislava (#84), Prague (#92), Kiev (#98), Ljubljana (#116), Zagreb (#120), Budapest (#135), Warsaw (#142), Belgrade (#184).
July 25, 2014

Austria: Spindelegger under Attack

Finance Minister Spindelegger is under attack by former head of Hypo Group’s task force, Liebscher.
February 24, 2014

Ukraine: Tough Market for Foreign Banks

The coming two years will be challenging for foreign banks operating in Ukraine.
February 11, 2014

Nowotny Sees Growth Potential in Eurozone and CEE

According to Ewald Nowotny, governor of the Austrian National Bank (OeNB), the outlooks for economic upturn in the Eurozone and Central/Eastern Europe have improved significantly compared to only a year ago.
January 14, 2014

Hypo Alleged of Having Hoarded Assets of Former Serbian Regime

A Serbian NGO suspects assets of former Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic at Hypo Group Alpe Adria. The Austrian bank strongly rejects this allegation.
December 6, 2013

Turkey: Green Light for EU Accession Talks

On Tuesday, the EU Commission intends to give green light to accession negotiations with Turkey starting at the beginning of November.
October 18, 2013

Eurogroup Grants Cyprus Further € 1.5bn

Payments will be made at the end of September
September 13, 2013

Cyprus: Waiting for the Next Bailout Tranche

Crisis-struck member of the Eurozone Cyprus will have to wait for the next payment out of the bailout-package. Before the next tranche will be transferred the small country has to implement key measures.
September 2, 2013

Cyprus: Bailout Should Have Come Sooner

Cyprus should have applied for an EU rescue package in 2011 to avoid the restrictive terms forced on investors to ensure support, its central bank governor said yesterday.
August 14, 2013

Slovenia: Stakes of at Least 80 Enterprises

The Slovenian state owns shares in at least 80 companies directly or indirectly.
August 8, 2013

Cyprus Is Showing Progress

According to estimates by its international creditors, Cyprus is showing progress at the reorganization of its state budget.
July 31, 2013

Slovenia Likely to Overcome Problems in Banking Sector

Slovenia’s problems in banking sector are controllable, according to experts.
July 31, 2013

47.5 Percent Compulsory Levy in Cyprus

Major investors are losing almost half of their assets.
July 30, 2013

Slovenia: Economy to Shrink Despite of Austerity Measures

Slovenian economy expected to contract 2.2 percent in 2013. Prior forecast: -1.9 percent.
July 26, 2013

Fekter: Eurozone More Stable Than A Year Ago

Austrian Finance Minister Maria Fekter has described the condition of the Eurozone as “better” than compared to a year ago.
July 9, 2013

Crisis in Slovenia Might Take Longer Than Expected

According to the latest economic report by auditing firm Ernst&Young;, the financial crisis in Slovenia will take longer than expected beforehand. However, the country should still be able to avoid international bailout.
July 1, 2013

Slovenia Likely To Require Bailout

According to Capital Economics Ltd. Slovenia will in all likelyhood ask for a bailout to bolster its ailing banking sector in case the debt crisis in Europe should worsen.
June 28, 2013

Cyprus Demands Further Capital Aid

In a letter to the European Union, President of Cyprus Nikos Anastasiades demands further capital support for the Bank of Cyprus, the “Wallstreet Journal” reports. According to him, Cyprus’ economy depended on it.
June 19, 2013

Turkey: Erdogan Demands Peaceful End Of Protests

After his return from Northern Africa, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has demanded an immediate stop of protests in his country. Many Russian investors are supposed to have drawn their assets from Turkey.
June 8, 2013

Croatia: PM Anxious About Country’s Image

Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic announced that Croatia had to fight hard for its reputation within the European Union.
May 27, 2013

Slovenia to Raise VAT and Sell 15 State Enterpises

Slovenia has announced to put 15 state companies up for sale and raise VAT in order to acquire revenues and avoid international bailout.
May 10, 2013

Cyprus: Parliament to Vote on Bail-Out Package Today

Narrow majority of MPs expected to vote in favor.
April 30, 2013

„Slovenia Can Manage On Its Own“

In an interview with Austrian newspaper Kurier, President of the Slovenian Bankers Association France Arhar stresses that Slovenia is not the new Cyprus.
April 29, 2013

Austria: Green’s Motion of Censure Denied

The Green Party’s motion of censure against Finance Minister Fekter was denied by almost all parties in the National Assembly.
April 25, 2013

Austria: National Assembly to Vote on Bail-Out Package for Cyprus

In order for Cyprus‘ bail-out package to become effective, many national parliaments have to vote in favor of it. Austrian’s opposition is against it.
April 22, 2013

Cyprus: Increase of Taxes Resolved

The Cyprian parliament has voted for an increase of taxes. Among other things, business taxes will increase from 10 % to 12.5 %.
April 19, 2013