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Nowotny Sees Growth Potential in Eurozone and CEE
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Published: January 14, 2014; 13:12 ♦ (Vindobona)
According to Ewald Nowotny, governor of the Austrian National Bank (OeNB), the outlooks for economic upturn in the Eurozone and Central/Eastern Europe have improved significantly compared to only a year ago.
Nowotny Sees Growth Potential in Eurozone and CEE / Picture: © Agenda Austria 2020
“We will have a recovery,” Nowotny announced on Tuesday on the sideslines of the Euromoney conference in Vienna. While the economy in the Eurozone contracted 0.4 percent this year a positive growth rate of around one percent is expected and “there could be upward potential,” Nowotny added. Only Cyprus and Slovenia will see a shrinking economy. Some Eurozone member countries,…
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