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Austrian Airlines Finally Has a Female Chief Executive

Annette Mann has been chosen to be the next CEO of Austrian Airlines, succeeding Alexis von Hoensbroech. Ms. Mann will become the first female CEO of Austrian Airlines. Read more about her selection and her predecessor's departure.
December 20, 2021

Buwog: The ATX of the Vienna Stock Exchange has a New Member

At today's meeting, the Index Committee has decided on changes in the composition of Austrian stock indices. All changes become effective as of 22 September 2014. In the Austrian leading index, ATX, Mayr-Melnhof Karton AG will be replaced by BUWOG AG.
September 2, 2014

Hypo Alpe-Adria-Bank AG Changes Its Corporate Name to Austrian Anadi Bank AG

HYPO ALPE-ADRIA-BANK AG, former Austrian subsidiary of HYPO ALPE-ADRIA-BANK INTERNATIONAL AG, adopted a change in corporate name to Austrian Anadi Bank AG by means of an amendment to the articles of association approved at the extraordinary shareholder's meeting held on 16 June 2014.
June 27, 2014

Yakunin: Broad-Gauge System from Vladivostock to Vienna to Be Established

Vladimir Yakunin, head of the Russian Railways (RZD), wants to stick to his strategic plans and establish an uninterrupted rail link between Vienna and Vladivostock.
May 24, 2014

Sevelda: “Russia Still Crucial Market”

In the light of the close ties with regard to economic and energy relations with Russia Karl Sevelda, CEO of Raiffeisen Bank International (RBI) warns about the tightening of penalties against Russia.
May 23, 2014

Hypo Alpe Adria Appoints New Supervisory Board

At an Extraordinary General Meeting of Hypo Alpe Adria International on Friday, a new Supervisory Board was appointed.
May 23, 2014

Fischer: Room for Further Trade with Albania

Austrian President Heinz Fischer was paying a visit to Western Balkan States.
May 22, 2014

Austrian Oberbank Shines in Hungary

Austrian Oberbank bucks the trend of terminating business activity in Hungary. Instead, the financial institute plans on growing in one of the most difficult markets in Europe.
May 22, 2014

Austrian Prinzhorn Holding to Invest Massively in Hungary

Prinzhorn Holding will build its own power plant in Hungary to supply its paper factory in Dunaujvaros.
May 21, 2014

Austria: Right-Winged Extreme Party Buoyed by Tailwind

The Austrian right-winged Freedom Party (FPÖ) is using the disappointment over the grand coalition’s inability to tackle major economic issues to its advantage.
May 21, 2014

“Romania Can Never Become the China of Europe”

Stabilization in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) is becoming stronger. However, the political crisis in Ukraine is causing a feeling of insecurity among the population.
May 15, 2014

voestalpine to Invest Further in China

Listed Austrian steel producer voestalpine opened another business location in China.
May 14, 2014

Czech Republic: Rosatom to Complete Temelin?

Russian State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom presented an offer to complete the units of the Czech nuclear power plant Temelin.
May 12, 2014

Calls for European Energy Union Become Louder

Polish PM Tusk called for a European energy union. His Hungarian counterpart supports the idea.
May 9, 2014

Austria DIY Chain BauMax Avoided Insolvency

Austrian leading DIY chain bauMax announced cost saving programs as part of its restructuring measures in Turkey, Romania, Bulgaria and Croatia. BauMax intends to focus on profitable business locations only.
May 9, 2014

Wesner: “Failing in Business Does Not Mean Personal Failure”

The start-up culture in Austria is clearly different than the one in the US. On the occation of the May Day, experts, including US ambassador to Austria Alexa Wesner, talked about the differences in the start-up scenes.
May 8, 2014

EU Council Trying to Find a Way Out of Ukraine Crisis

Ahead of the European Council, which is currently taking place in Vienna under the Austrian presidency, Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz declared not to expect a solution for the conflict in Ukraine.
May 6, 2014

Hypo Group to Shut Down Subsidiaries in Italy

Until the end of this year five subsidiaries in Italy will be closed.
May 6, 2014

Pewag Striving for Larger Market Share in US

The Austrian snow chain manufacturer appreciates the label “Made in USA”.
May 6, 2014

Vranitzky: Joining EU One of the Most Courageous Steps

A symposium showed the EU Accession process of Austria in the early 1990’s in a new light.
May 6, 2014

“US Rolls Out Red Carpet for Austrian Industrial Enterprises”

Potential Austrian investors are attracted with many incentives such as low energy costs, few bureaucratical hurdles and excellent infrastructure.
May 5, 2014 · Updated: May 6, 2014; 13:25

Agenda Austria 2020: Economy = State

The think tank Agenda Austria 2020 is currently tackling the question what the “economy expects from the state”.
May 5, 2014

Federation of Industries: “Industrial Compact“ for European Competitiveness

The Austrian Federation of Industries (IV) considers the EU entry of Austria as the basis of prosperty and economic growth in the past years. However, now reforms are required to catch up to a global level.
May 5, 2014

Austria: Calls for More Competence in Real Estate Management Become Louder

Stock Exchange Guru Alexander Proschofsky and real estate expert Peter Hohlbein are fighting for a seat at Conwert’s administrative board. Proschofsky has been criticizing the strategy of the listed Austrian real estate company.
May 5, 2014

Slovenia: Bratusek Remains PM for Time Being

The date of the early elections in Slovenia will be determined this weekend.
May 3, 2014

Hypo Group: Shady Deals with Balkan Diplomats

The Austrian problem bank Hypo Group has troubles recovering debts.
May 3, 2014

Bank Austria: “Russia is Still Profitable”

According to Vice CEO of Bank Austria and head of business operations in CEE Gianni Franco Papa, business in Russia is not yet affected by the political crisis in Crimea.
May 2, 2014

Austria: Hypo Group Investigation Committee to be Established?

Will the Austrian government soon give in to establishing an investigation committee for problem bank Hypo Group?
May 2, 2014

New Serbian Government Wants Speedy EU Accession

The new Serbian government is determined to accelerate the EU accession progress.
May 2, 2014

Austria: Hypo Reveals Profit Losses

The Austrian branch of Hypo Bank, which was privatized last December and is going to be renamed to Austrian Anadi Bank, has published the annual financial report for the year 2013.
April 30, 2014

Austria Gives up Bank Secret for United States

Austria and the US have signed an agreement for the exchange of fiscal data. However, the agreement could be renewed soon.
April 30, 2014

Poland: Bank BZ WBK Expects High Growth of Profit

The Polish affiliate of Spanish Banco Santander, Bank BZ WBK, expects net profits in 2014 to increase compared to last year’s volume.
April 30, 2014

Hypo Group Further Losses to Be Expected

Huge losses by the sale of the SEE banking network could be expected.
April 30, 2014

Immofinanz: Changes at Executive Board

Immofinanz – Dietmar Reindl appointed to the Executive Board
April 30, 2014

Slovenia: Early Elections Announced

Contrary to the expectations Prime Minister Alenka Bratusek will remain in office after her defeat in the power struggle with party member of Positive Slovenia (PS) Zoran Jankovic.
April 29, 2014

Spindelegger: “Arsonists Are to Blame Not Fire Brigade”

The downsizing of ailing bank Hypo Group Alpe Adria is a heavy burden for this year’s budget. According to Finance Minister Spindelegger, the deficit comes at 2.7 percent of GDP while public debts will soar.
April 29, 2014

Future of Slovenian Government Still Uncertain

Early elections expected to be held in the fall.
April 29, 2014

Austrian Banking Sector Making Losses

For the first time in 2013, the Austrian banks made losses in the amount of € 1.035bn.
April 29, 2014

Hypo Group: Huge Burden for Austrian Budget

The downsizing of problem bank Hypo Group Alpe Adria is a huge burden for this year’s budget.
April 29, 2014

Slovenia: ”Everything Will Stand Still”

Due to the current political crisis the fear about devastating impacts on the Slovenian economy is high.
April 28, 2014

Austria: Is Spindelegger Suitable as Finance Minister?

On Tuesday the Austrian Finance Minister will hold his first budget speech. Initial figures reveal record debt levels.
April 28, 2014

Serbia: New Government Taking Drastic Measures

New head of the Serbian government Aleksandar Vucic has ambitious plans to reform the state and restructure state finances.
April 28, 2014

Real Estate: Buwog Shares Taking Off

The highly anticipated primary listing of residential real estate affiliate of listed Immofinanz, Buwog, will be completed on Monday.
April 28, 2014

Do Taxes Justify a Relocation of Business?

Tax sensitive business operations should be relocated to other areas if necessary, according to the head of Erste Bank Austria.
April 24, 2014

Buwog Soon to be Listed at Three Stock Exchanges

Immofinanz‘ residential real estate affiliate Buwog will celebrate its IPO at the stock exchanges in Frankfurt and Vienna on Monday, April 28 and in Warsaw on Tuesday, April 29.
April 24, 2014

Austria: Difficult Market Situation for Selling Bawag

The selling of Bawag PSK proves difficult for its owner which is why an IPO is considered a realistic phasing-out scenario. However, experts doubt that an IPO will be a “highflyer”.
April 24, 2014

Eder: Policy-Makers Have to Make Decisions

Wolfgang Eder, CEO of Austrian steel manufacturer voestalpine, claims not to have heard anything from the Austrian policy makers after he raised criticizm with regard to the Austrian business location.
April 24, 2014

Serbia: “Huge Challenges Ahead”

President Tomislav Nikolic appointed Aleksandar Vucic to form a new Serbian government.
April 23, 2014

Austria: Bawag to Go Public?

Bawag PSK is likely to go public, as reported by Bloomberg.
April 23, 2014

Austria: Calls for Reduction of Bureaucracy Become Louder

Bureaucratic hurdles burden the Austrian enterprises the most apart from taxes and other levies.
April 23, 2014