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Austria: Hypo Reveals Profit Losses
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Published: April 30, 2014; 19:57 ♦ (Vindobona)

The Austrian branch of Hypo Bank, which was privatized last December and is going to be renamed to Austrian Anadi Bank, has published the annual financial report for the year 2013.

EBT of Hypo Austria dropped to € 8.4m in 2013 while in 2012 it still came at € 17m, annual net profits decreased to € 4.8m, which is a major decrease as in 2012 profits still came at € 48m. The balance sheet total dropped to € 3.24bn (2012: 3.86bn).
Already in 2012 the bank split from Hypo Group International but was still controlled by the Austrian state. The decrease…
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