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Alenka Bratusek

Slovenia: Bratusek Remains PM for Time Being

The date of the early elections in Slovenia will be determined this weekend.
May 3, 2014

Slovenia: Early Elections Announced

Contrary to the expectations Prime Minister Alenka Bratusek will remain in office after her defeat in the power struggle with party member of Positive Slovenia (PS) Zoran Jankovic.
April 29, 2014

Future of Slovenian Government Still Uncertain

Early elections expected to be held in the fall.
April 29, 2014

Slovenia: ”Everything Will Stand Still”

Due to the current political crisis the fear about devastating impacts on the Slovenian economy is high.
April 28, 2014

Slovenian Government to Collapse

After the Prime Minister Alenka Bratusek has lost the crucial vote against Zoran Jankovic, the Slovenian coalition is close to break apart. The ailing country faces new elections.
April 26, 2014

Slovenian Coalition in Danger

Prime Minister Alenka Bratusek may lose her job. The governing Slovenian party PS is preparing for a crucial vote.
April 25, 2014

Slovenia: Controversial Property Tax Fails

The Slovenian Constitutional Court has rejected the controversial property tax suggested by the government. This will jeopardize this year’s budget.
March 28, 2014

Slovenia: Government Envisages Reform Measures

After the EU Commission delivered a warning to Slovenia over the macroeconomic imbalances Prime Minister Alenka Bratusek announced yesterday she had expected such a report.
March 7, 2014

Slovenia: Heading for Recovery

Slovenia seems to have circumnavigated the crisis as the small country is not a Eurozone bail-out candidate anymore, according to Prime Minister Bratusek.
February 17, 2014

Slovenia: PM Bratusek Confident About Tackling State Debts

Even though the country is expected to issue new state bonds next year to tackle state debts Prime Minister Alenka Bratusek suggested that Slovenia does not require loans immediately.
December 23, 2013

Slovenia: Three Arrestments at NLB

According to Slovenian authorities, three persons in the bank’s environment were arrested because of alleged malpractice.
December 18, 2013

Bratusek: Slovenia Will Manage Bank Rescue

According to Prime Minister Bratusek, Slovenia will manage the bank rescue on its own.
December 3, 2013

Slovenia: Stress Tests Result Published on December 13

Bostjan Jazbec, governor of the Slovenian National Bank (SNB), is optimistic that no Slovenian bank will have to be liquidated.
November 23, 2013

Slovenia Looking for New Economy Minister

According to media reports, Prime Minister Bratusek is supposed to have shortlisted three potential candidates for the position.
November 22, 2013

Slovenia Issues New Eurobonds

The issuance of a new bond in the amount of € 1.5bn on Friday came as surprise as Prime Minister Alenka Bratusek has annouced earlier no such measures will be made until the beginning of the new year.
November 18, 2013

Slovenian Government Wins Vote of Confidence

As expected, on Friday the Slovenian center-left government of Prime Minister Alenka Bratusek has won a vote of confidence.
November 15, 2013

Crucial Days for Slovenia´s Government

Slovenia´s government has presented the 2014 budget to the Parliament. Prime Minister Alenka Bratusek has linked the approval to a vote of confidence. However, the budget approval is not the biggest risk factor for the ailing country.
November 13, 2013

Slovenia´s Government Hopes for More FDI

In order to promote more foreign direct investments, Prime Minister Alenka Bratusek plans to hold investment conferences across Europe.
November 1, 2013

Bank Asset Review: Slovenia´s Government Satisfied

According to Slovenia´s Prime Minister Alenka Bratusek, Slovenia´s government has received full support for the bank asset review. ECB´s point of view is more critical, however.
October 26, 2013

Slovenia: Govenor of National Bank demands “Change of Mentality”

At a lecture planned by the Institute for Middle-East and Balkan Studies (IFIMES), Bostjan Jazbec, govenor of Banka Slovenije, pointed out that the country could only blame itself for the current state it was in.
October 23, 2013

Slovenia Cannot Escape the Vicious Circle

Slovenia still aims to manage its banking crisis on its own. After the new economic forecast issued by Slovenia´s National Bank, this aim suffers another setback.
October 10, 2013

Bratusek: “We Are Paying for Your Debts”

On Tuesday Slovenian Prime Minister Alenka Bratusek presented the budget draft for 2014 and 2015 to the members of parliament.
October 9, 2013

Political Crisis in Slovenia to Sharpen Further

The power struggle between Prime Minister Alenka Bratusek and Ljubljana´s mayor Zoran Jankovic escalates. Jankovic is said to receive more support from his party.
October 5, 2013

Slovenia: Asset Quality Deteriorates Rapidly

The government of the financially stricken country comes more and more under pressure. In meantime, about 17% of the Slovenian loans are classified as “risky”.
October 1, 2013

Slovenia to Decide about Selling of Telekom Slovenije

The Slovenian government will decide upon the fate of Telekom Slovenije on Thursday, October 3.
October 1, 2013

Slovenian Government to Approve Adjusted Budget

The Slovenian government today plans on implementing the revised budget for next year and the draft for the 2015 budget.
September 30, 2013

Slovenia: PM Takes International Bailout into Consideration

For the first time the crisis-struck Eurozone member country has admitted to consider international bailout as an option for its ailing banks.
September 26, 2013

Slovenia: Controversies Over New Budget

Slovenia´s Prime Minister Alenka Bratusek links the approval to the austerity budget to a vote of confidence.
September 25, 2013

Slovenia: Privatization Program to Boost FDI?

The government of the financially ailing country is forced to privatize a substantial part of the publicly held companies. Prime Minister Bratusek hopes foreign direct investments to increase.
September 20, 2013

Croatia, Slovenia and Italy in Favor of Closer Cooperation

Italian, Croatian and Slovenian PMs push for stronger cooperation.
September 16, 2013
Faymann: Joint Combat against Unemployment

During a meeting with Slovenian Prime Minister Bratusek and Croatian Prime Minister Milanovic and Austria’s second biggest city Graz, Austrian Chancellor Faymann pointed out the governments’ key tasks.
August 23, 2013

Slovenian PM Convinced Agreement on 2014 Budget Will Be Reached

Slovenian Prime Minister Alenka Bratusek is convinced an agreement will be reached regarding changes to the 2014 budget
August 13, 2013

Slovenia Likely to Overcome Problems in Banking Sector

Slovenia’s problems in banking sector are controllable, according to experts.
July 31, 2013

Slovenia’s Banking Sector Threatened by Delay of Bad Bank-Transfers

After the EU Commission denied approval for the first transfers of bad loans to the bank asset management by June 28, the reorganization of the banking system in Slovenia has been postponed.
July 9, 2013

Slovenia: Trying to Make a Difference

The crisis measures approved by Brussels are partially starting to make an impact. Since July 1, the higher tax rate of 22 percent is binding. However, the country does much more than just raise taxes.
July 3, 2013

Slovenia Likely To Require Bailout

According to Capital Economics Ltd. Slovenia will in all likelyhood ask for a bailout to bolster its ailing banking sector in case the debt crisis in Europe should worsen.
June 28, 2013

Slovenia: Mercator to be Finally Sold

It is the ninth sale attempt for Slovenian trade chain Mercator today, but it could be finally sealed. Croatian corporation Agrokor is the interested party. A dozen owners will decide about the retail chain’s fate.
June 14, 2013

Slovenia: Bailout As An Option

Prime Minister Bratusek announced her consent to introduce fiscal rule in 2015.
June 4, 2013

Slovenia: Huge Cuts in Complementary Budget

Foreign Ministry might be closed down since a 20 percent cut is proposed.
May 24, 2013

Slovenia: Fiscal Rule to Be Introduced in 2015

Prime Minister Bratusek announced her consent to introduce fiscal rule in 2015.
May 23, 2013

Slovenia to Raise VAT and Sell 15 State Enterpises

Slovenia has announced to put 15 state companies up for sale and raise VAT in order to acquire revenues and avoid international bailout.
May 10, 2013

Slovenia: No Agreement on Fiscal Rule

Coalition and opposition remain divided over the question on when to implement the new fiscal law.
May 6, 2013

„Slovenia Can Manage On Its Own“

In an interview with Austrian newspaper Kurier, President of the Slovenian Bankers Association France Arhar stresses that Slovenia is not the new Cyprus.
April 29, 2013

Slovenia to Emerge From Quagmire By Itself?

A recent report by the OECD paints a dim picture of the country’s economic future.
April 17, 2013

Slovenia to Sell Two State Enterprises

On a press conference on Friday, Prime Minister Bratusek announced the selling of two state-owned companies, one of them being a bank.
April 13, 2013

Slovenia: “We Will Need No Bailout This Year”

Since Greece, Spain and Cyprus are currently finding themselves in disastrous economic situations, Slovenia does not want to seem like the next bail-out candidate.
March 30, 2013

Slovenia: Situation For Banks Still Shaky

According to the National Bank, the new government in Slovenia needs to avoid becoming the new setting of bail-out negotiations with the EU after the banking crisis in Cyprus.
March 28, 2013

Slovenia: New Coalition Stands

Slovenia´s new Prime Minister Alenka Bratusek is the head of a four-party-coalition.
March 13, 2013

Slovenia: New Government to be Built

Until March 14, the new administration should be nominated. However, 32 % think that the new head of government will not be able to form a government.
March 5, 2013

Slovenia: Bratusek New Head of Government

Today, Slovenia´s Lower House of Parliament has elected a new Prime Minister. Janez Jansa continues to manage the government business.
February 27, 2013