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Slovenia Issues New Eurobonds
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Published: November 18, 2013; 10:50 ♦ (Vindobona)
The issuance of a new bond in the amount of € 1.5bn on Friday came as surprise as Prime Minister Alenka Bratusek has annouced earlier no such measures will be made until the beginning of the new year.
Slovenia Issues New Eurobonds / Picture: © Vindobona.org
The bond issued last week is a private placement with an interest of 4.7 percent and has a duration of three years. The bond was sold to one single investor at a nominal value of 99.6 percent, which is slightly above the coupon rate. Since Slovenia has issued the last two bonds on the financial market in the US after being excluded from the Eurobond market, the issuance is the first one…
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