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Slovenia: Government Envisages Reform Measures
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Published: March 7, 2014; 16:15 ♦ (Vindobona)
After the EU Commission delivered a warning to Slovenia over the macroeconomic imbalances Prime Minister Alenka Bratusek announced yesterday she had expected such a report.
PM Bratusek stressed that some acts in regard to privatizations have to be passed in parliament. / Picture: © Wikipedia / Jonas Steinhöfl
According to Bratusek, the real estate tax and the Sovereign Holding act had to be fully implemented to tackle the macroeconomic imbalances. "The document is as I expected it to be. We have envisaged a series of measures, also in the budget documents for 2014 and 2015, but they are yet to be implemented in full. Our job now is to fully implement the planned measures, such as the real…
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