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Coronavirus in Austria: Live-Ticker (Our live coverage has now concluded)

On this website you can find information and guidance in English from Vindobona.org regarding the current outbreak of the coronavirus pandemie (COVID-19) in Austria. Vindobona.org is being informed by local Austrian and global health authorities to rapidly disseminate information and knowledge on this new virus, and to provide advice to travellers and expats on measures to protect health and prevent the spread of this outbreak. Please visit this page for daily updates.

Coronavirus in Austria: Update
The coronavirus pandemic has also hit Austria, and deaths and infections caused by coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) are still on the rise. New officially confirmed cases of disease are constantly being added. Despite this outbreak in Austria, the situation looks much worse elsewhere. In contrast, however, there are more than 610,797 deaths worldwide due to the Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2). The Austrian health authorities are networked with the relevant bodies within the framework of WHO and EU membership and are in permanent coordination. The international authorities monitor current developments and address the member countries with the following recommendations.

COVID-19: While some Cities are Taking Drastic Measures, Vienna is Watching
The WHO strongly urges that the containment of the virus be recognized as the most important means of control and that appropriate measures be taken. However, the City of Vienna decides not to take containment measures at events, because the situation "does not justify official measures".

Coronavirus in Vienna: Update - July 20, 2020
The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has also hit the metropolis of Vienna hard and the number of infected cases and unfortunately also deaths is constantly increasing. It must also be assumed that an unknown number of people who do not suspect this has already been infected. Medical science does not yet know the virus exactly. What is known so far is that in 80 percent of the cases the infection is mild. The mortality rate is currently three per cent, compared with just under one per cent for influenza. What is the Vienna Pandemic Plan? What is the situation in Vienna and what can be done individually? Questions and answers on the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) below.

What Vienna Can Learn from Wuhan
The Chinese authorities learned from the SARS crisis of 2003-2004 and acted quickly and decisively to contain the threat of the new COVID-19 virus to public health. The rapidly increasing number of cases of infection has put enormous strain on the local health system. An unprecedented rescue mission of a population six times the size of Vienna and a nationwide campaign against the epidemic began. Since the end of February, the number of confirmed new cases in Wuhan has been declining.

Because of Coronavirus Fear: First Hoarding Purchases in Austria
Politicians warn against overreaction, but more and more people are making big purchases to be on the safe side. Durable products such as noodles, rice, instant soups and beans are in particularly high demand. Respirators are already sold out.

Austria is Concerned, but Federal President Remains Silent
In Austria - as in the rest of the world - there is also the danger of a coronavirus pandemic, but Federal President Van der Bellen, who ran the election campaign with a ticket from the Green Party, and who comments on the climate crisis almost weekly, remains silent, instead of informing the population and calling on them to take preventive measures. (Updated on March 13, 2020. See below.)

OECD Economic Survey: Reform Proposals for Austria

A recent economic report by the OECD (Economic Surveys: Austria 2019) examines the impact of weak foreign demand, uncertainties in world trade and an ageing population on the prospects for the Austrian economy.

Four New Cases of COVID-19-Infection Confirmed in Vienna

The task force of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of the Interior of the Federal Ministry of the Interior has confirmed 4 new cases of Coronavirus-infection in Vienna. From 1,826 tests in Austria, 14 of them proved positive.

Coronavirus Alert at the Vienna International School
The VIS Vienna International School, an English-speaking private school mainly for children of United Nations employees and diplomats, which is organised as a non-profit organisation, will remain closed due to the corona virus. 17 VIS staff members have been placed in house quarantine for a period of 14 days.

Austrian Coronavirus Summit: Population to Participate in Containment

In a meeting of Federal Chancellor Kurz, Health Minister Rudolf Anschober and Interior Minister Karl Nehammer with the state governors in the Federal Chancellery, agreement was reached on uniform nationwide guidelines for dealing with the coronavirus. The Chancellor appealed to the population to actively participate in the containment of the virus.

American International School in Vienna Strengthens Security Measures

After the announcement of quarantine measures at VIS - Vienna International School, the situation at the AIS - American International School Vienna is also tense and the school management has modified its position on COVID-19. Currently there are no suspected cases at AIS Vienna.

Ministry of the Interior: 1,649 Tests in Austria, 9 of them Positive
So far there have been 1,649 tests in Austria, nine of which have been positive. Worldwide there are 85,181 patients and 2,920 fatalities.

Corona Virus: Public Information Campaign Receives Good Response

So far there have been 2,120 tests in Austria, 16 of which have been positive. In addition, there are 350 isolation cases which are in quarantine.