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Newsletter: Austrian State Visit to Israel
Israel State Visit: "Austria is jointly responsible for the Shoah"

During his state visit to Israel, Austrian Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen emphasised Austria's co-responsibility for the Shoah. In the Holocaust memorial Jad Vaschem Van der Bellen bowed before the Jewish victims of National Socialism. Meanwhile, as expected, there is no lifting of the boycott against Foreign Minister Karin Kneissl or members of the Freedom Party's cabinet.

Visit to the Palestinian Territories: Austria's Van der Bellen for a Two-State Solution

Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen met Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in Ramallah: "We are friends of Israel AND of the Palestinians. We want to deepen relations with both sides". Mahmoud Abbas thanked Austria for the "historical relationships" cultivated since Bruno Kreisky.

Business Mission and "Future Trip" to Tel Aviv as Part of the State Visit of Van der Bellen

On the occasion of the official state visit of Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen, the Austrian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (WKO) is organising an economic mission entitled "Infrastructure" as well as the "Open Innovation for Corporates" future trip to Tel Aviv.

Austrian-Israeli Economic Relations - 20% Increase in Exports

On the occasion of the official state visit of Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen and the accompanying business delegation of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce, the issue of the actual state of economic relations has arisen. The Austrian-Israeli foreign trade volume amounted to 568 million euros in 2017, with a trade balance surplus for Austria of 229 million euros. The Chamber of Commerce reports that Austrian exports to Israel increased by 20.3% in 2017. The trend seems to have continued in 2018. More than 600,000 overnight stays by Israeli tourists make Israel one of the top nations in Austrian tourism statistics.

Israel and Austria Sign Agreement on Continued Business Cooperation

On the sidelines of the state visit to Israel and the Austrian-Israeli Business Forum at the Hotel Intercontinental in Tel Aviv, the Economy ministers from Israel and Austria signed an agreement to accelerate business and entrepreneurial cooperation.

What Does the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement Mean for Austria?

The Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs has calculated that the savings potential through the elimination of customs duties amounts to around one billion euros across the EU and to around EUR 34 million for Austria. For Austria this means a rather modest growth effect of 0.011 percent of GDP.

EU-Japan Agreement Secures EUR 34 Million in Jobs and Prosperity in Austria

The EU's Economic Partnership Agreement with Japan entered into force on 1 February 2019. For Austria, Japan is by far the second most important market in Asia and the third most important overseas trading partner. About 1000 Austrian exporters are active in Japan, 80 companies have local branches. In 2017 the trade volume reached an all-time high of 3.5 billion euros.

The End of the INF Treaty - Europe Could Become a Nuclear War Zone

In an interview with the APA - Austria Press Agency the political scientist and disarmament expert Heinz Gärtner recently stated that the background of the US termination of the INF Treaty on the Prohibition of Medium-Range Nuclear Weapons might be the expansion of the deterrence potential and that Europe could thus become the target area of a nuclear conflict. At a panel discussion organized by the International Institute for Peace (IIP) on 11 February 2019, Heinz Gärtner, together with representatives of the United States and the Russian Federation, will examine the background of this issue.

OMV Doubles Net Profit and Achieves 2018 Most Profitable Result in Company History

Austria's largest and listed industrial company, the oil and gas group OMV, achieved its most profitable result in the company's history in 2018 with a net profit of almost two billion euros.

Austria Boosts Funds for the Battle against Female Genital Mutilation

In the context of the International Day against FGM - Female Genital Mutilation, both the Austrian Foreign Ministry and the AIF - Austrian Integration Fund (ÖIF - Österreichische Integrationsfonds), which is largely financed by the Austrian Foreign Ministry, are increasing the financial resources amounting to € 6 million for the international fight against FGM. This day commemorates the fact that around 200 million girls and women worldwide are affected by female genital mutilation. In Austria alone, 8,000 women with a migration background are affected.

Founder of Global Peter Drucker Forum Honored as Excellent Management-Ambassador

Dr. Richard Straub, who resides in Paris for more than two decades, received the Grand Decoration of Honour for Services to the Republic of Austria (Große Ehrenzeichen für Verdienste um die Republik Österreich) at the Austrian Embassy in Paris.

Filipinos in Vienna Celebrated the Sinulog Festival

The Filipino diaspora in Vienna, Austria celebrated the Sinulog-Santo Niño Festival, which is an annual cultural and religious festival held on the third Sunday of January in Cebu City, and is the centre of the Santo Niño Catholic celebrations in the Philippines.

Adolf Hitler Birthplace Expropriation - Fight for Higher Compensation

Adolf Hitler's birthplace, where he was born on 20 April 1889, is located in the Upper Austrian town of Braunau am Inn and is a listed town house. After years of dispute, the Austrian Parliament passed a law on the expropriation of the previous owner, so that the building became the property of the Republic of Austria. According to "Salzburger Nachrichten", a ruling by the Regional Court of Ried im Innkreis now awards the owner in excess of 1.5 million euros, instead of the 310,000 euros previously awarded.

Koloman Moser - All-Rounder of the Vienna Secession