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CESEE: Stuck in Transition or Just a Break?

Despite all difficulties in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe, the region remains essential for Austria. The long-term growth potential remains intact.
February 6, 2014 · Updated: February 6, 2014; 13:41

EBRD: CESEE Not Under Pressure Yet

According to the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, most countries in CESEE are relatively unaffected despite the renewed pressure on emerging markets.
February 4, 2014

Hypo Group: Calls for Bankruptcy Become Louder

The Austrian government wants to prevent the bankruptcy of the nationalized lender Hypo Group Alpe Adria. However, there are better arguments for an orderly insolvency.
February 3, 2014

CESEE: Corruption Is Still a Major Obstacle

The European Commission has published its first Anti-Corruption Report today. Above all, the economies in Southern and Southeastern Europe are suffering from corruption.
February 3, 2014

„We Must Watch CESEE Very Carefully“

In an interview with the Austrian daily „Standard“, board member of Österreichische Kontrollbank AG Angelika Sommer-Hemetsberger said that the economic crisis in CESEE is not over yet.
February 3, 2014

Suspicious Secrecy in the Cause of Hypo Group Alpe Adria

In the matter of Hypo Group Alpe Adria, the Austrian government acts disconcertingly. Details on the situation of the nationalized banks are still kept as a secret.
February 1, 2014

Upgrades for Slovenian Banks

The long-term ratings of three banks were upgraded by Moody’s.
January 31, 2014

VSE and Kazakhstan Stock Exchange to Intensify Cooperations

Vienna Stock Exchange (VSE) and Kazakhstan Stock Exchange intensify cooperation – joint data vending agreed.
January 30, 2014

Slovenia: Dispute with Croatia Just Begun

Slovenian Foreign Minister Erjavec announced to continue dispute against Croatia.
January 29, 2014

CESEE: Overtaking Western Europe Not Before 2055

According to the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the transition period of Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe will take longer than initially expected.
January 29, 2014

Austria: Sberbank Affected By Further Costs

Sberbank is faced with further aids for Austrian Volksbank International (VBI). So far the Russian bank has pumped a total of € 1.3bn into Sberbank Europe.
January 27, 2014

NLB Closing Moscow Office

The step is part of the restructuring and downsizing procedure.
January 27, 2014

S&P Keeps an Eye on Slovenian Banking Sector

The rating agency highlights the critical conditions of the Slovenian banking industry.
January 25, 2014

Another Emergency at Hypo Group Alpe Adria

The series of bad news does not come to an end. After enormous capital injections in 2013, the nationalized Austrian lender again needs help from the Austrian state.
January 24, 2014

Austria: OeNB Forecasts Modest Economic Growth

According to the Austrian National Bank (OeNB) economic growth in Austria only came at 0.3 percent last year.
January 24, 2014

Slovenia: NLB Facing Downsizing Measures

Slovenian NLB is facing severe downsizing measures. As part of the restructuring process, the country’s biggest bank has to lay off personnel.
January 24, 2014

Foreign Banks Leaving Bulgarian Market

In the past three years three non-domestic banks have left the Bulgarian market.
January 24, 2014

Slovenia: Bank Losses Tripled in 2013

Over the last year losses in the banking sector tripled to almost € 1.1bn.
January 23, 2014

Considerable Differences Across European Mortgage Markets

According to Fitch Ratings, the performance of European residential mortgage markets as a whole has improved. In Southeastern Europe, by contrast, the recovery will take some more time.
January 23, 2014

Insurance Industry Faces Growing Risks

According to the U.S. rating agency Fitch, insurers in Europe have to accept riskier investments. Ratings may deteriorate, Fitch warned.
January 22, 2014

Bank Dispute between Croatia and Slovenia Reappears

Last year Slovenia was ordered in the first instance to pay back the foreign currency deposits of LB’s former affiliate in Sarajevo.
January 22, 2014

Croatia Supports Albania in EU Accession Course

Albania hopes that EU Accession Negotiations will take place in June 2014.
January 22, 2014

Prices for Houses in EU Dropped Slightly

1.5 percent decrease of house prices in European Union.
January 22, 2014

Slovenian Economy to Shrink “Only” 2 Percent

According to the ERBD’s (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development) revision, Slovenia’s economy will shrink “only” 2 percent up from a 2.5 contraction of GDP which was forecast in November.
January 22, 2014

“No Real Wage Loss This Year“

In terms of real wages, Austria may face a trend reversal this year. In Southeastern Europe, by contrast, poverty is growing considerably.
January 21, 2014

Immofinanz Group Expands Further into Slovenia and the Czech Republic

The Austrian real estate group continues to implement its “STOP.SHOP.” retail warehouse chain concept.
January 21, 2014

S&P Optimistic About Slovenia

The U.S. rating agency reiterated the Slovenian sovereign debt rating at A-. The outlook remains “stable”. S&P´s analysts consider Slovenia´s crisis management as adequate.
January 17, 2014

Slovenia: Controversies over Ambassador’s Statements

Joseph Mussomeli, US ambassador to Slovenia, needs to justify himself to the Slovenian Foreign Ministry over his statements about the country’s independence.
January 17, 2014

WSE to Become Regional Leader?

The Warsaw Stock Exchange (WSE) hopes to take over a “dominant” role in trading in Central Europe, as announced by GPW, the bourse’s operator, on Thursday.
January 17, 2014

Slovenia Attracting FDI from US and UK

The Slovenian Ministry of Finance is taking great efforts to attract investors from the US and the UK.
January 17, 2014

IMF and EBRD Deeply Concerned Over CESEE

Foreign banks continue to withdraw capital from the region. According to the International Monetary Fund, the development is highly considerable.
January 14, 2014

CESEE: Number of NPL Declining

According to a study by Bank Austria, the number of bad loans is declining in Central and Eastern Europe.
January 14, 2014

Nowotny Sees Growth Potential in Eurozone and CEE

According to Ewald Nowotny, governor of the Austrian National Bank (OeNB), the outlooks for economic upturn in the Eurozone and Central/Eastern Europe have improved significantly compared to only a year ago.
January 14, 2014

CESEE: Lack in FDI Causes Modest Economic Growth

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is cautiously optimistic about economic growth in CESEE.
January 14, 2014

Basel III Framework to be Softened

The Basel Committee´s oversight body has amended the leverage ratio rules. For the banking industry, this step is an important success.
January 13, 2014

Europe/CESEE: Heavy Trade in Distressed Assets

Until 2018, European lenders will offload about 300bn of bad debts, according to PwC. Above all, U.S. private equity firms are taking the opportunity.
January 11, 2014

Slovenia: 2014 Credit Line of € 7.7bn

On Thursday the Slovenian government adopted a budget financing plan which includes this year’s credit line of up to € 7.7bn.
January 10, 2014

Slovenia: Growth through Diplomatic Network

Slovenian Finance Minister Karl Erjavec assured that throught diplomatic network the country’s economy will still be supported.
January 9, 2014

Slovenia: Calls for Reforms Become Louder

The Slovenian Chamber of Commerce (GZS) calls upon the government to accelerate the realization of reforms to boost economic growth.
January 8, 2014

Romania: Slight Increase in FX Reserves

In December 2013 FX reserves increased slightly compared to the previous month.
January 7, 2014

Raiffeisen Bank International AG - SWOT Analysis & Company Report 2014
This new report contains in depth information and data about Raiffeisen Bank International AG and its operations and markets. It contains an overview, business and strategy description, financial ratios, valuation & forecast data and a SWOT analysis.
January 6, 2014

Slovenia: More Resistance Against Real Estate Tax

On Friday a second petition was filed at the Constitutional Court against the property tax.
January 4, 2014

Southeastern Europe Endangered of Civil Unrests

According to the Economist Intelligence Unit, several CESEE countries may face civil unrests in 2014. In particular, Southeastern Europe is in the danger zone.
January 4, 2014

Slovenia: Banking Sector Still in Turmoil

Small banks in Slovenia are reasons for concern in regard to their capital shortfalls.
January 3, 2014

CEE: Economic Sentiment Cautiously Optimistic

The economic sentiment for Eastern European countries is becoming more optimistic, however, only cautiously. Poland is on top of the list of economists at JP Morgan.
January 2, 2014

Slovenia: FDI to Remain Low in 2014

No improvement in increasing foreign direct investments in Slovenia is expected this year. The country has one of the smallest shares in inward FDI among EU member countries.
January 2, 2014

Slovenia: Public Debt Grows Unstopped

For Slovenia, the banking sector has infected the public sector for a long time. Now, Slovenia´s public debt begins to reach a dangerous level.
December 30, 2013

Hypo Group: Austrian Government Seems Aimless

Although the restructuring of the nationalized Austrian lender is one of the most pressing issues, the Austrian government could not present a sound concept yet.
December 27, 2013

Slovenia: Fresh Money for Major Banks

Bonds of BAMC (Bank Asset Management Company), Slovenia’s bad bank, will be traded on Friday for the first time. The bonds will be forwarded to the country’s biggest banks in return for their bad loans.
December 27, 2013

„CESEE No Driver Yet“

Birgit Kuras, CEO of Vienna Stock Exchange, thinks that the Vienna Stock Exchange is highly influenced by the CESEE operations of listed companies.
December 23, 2013