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The United Kingdom and British Expats in Austria | Brits in Vienna
Austria and the United Kingdom - Read the latest headlines about bilateral relations in the areas of economy, business, diplomacy, culture and tourism

Novomatic Expands into U.K.

Astra Games Limited, part of the Austrian Novomatic Group confirmed that, the purchase of trade and assets of the Danoptra Group companies Gamestec Leisure, Bell-Fruit Games, RLMS Sales and Mazooma Interactive Games has now been formally concluded.
July 20, 2012

bwin.party´s Earnings Under Pressure

The Austro-British entertainment company issues a pre-close trading update. Due to new taxes in Germany, the expectations are decent.
July 10, 2012

Austrian Companies Exhibiting at Farnborough Airshow

Farnborough International Airshow is the world's most iconic global aviation event and one of the most important exhibitions in the aerospace industry worldwide.
July 4, 2012

Austrian Delta Bloc UK Wins British Precast Innovation Award

Delta Bloc UK, have been awarded British Precast’s Innovation award for 2012 for their Precast Concrete Road Safety Barrier project on the M4 in South Wales.
July 4, 2012

C-Quadrat to Acquire UK Fund Management Company

The Austrian Investment Fund intends to take over the British BCM Group, which manages assets of € 800m.
July 2, 2012

London Cable Car Put Into Action

This week, the official opening of the 'Emirates Air-Line' (London Cable Car) took place. The cable car was produced by the Austrian manufacturer Doppelmayr and the Swiss partner Garaventa.
June 29, 2012

Credit Crunch in CESEE?

Anglo-Saxon banks and funds are most aggressive in deleveraging; Austrian bank are not relying on funding from countries in hotspots of deleveraging.
June 27, 2012

Survival of the Euro Questionable

Regarding the future of the common currency, the Austrian economist Fritz Breuss is highly skeptical.
June 26, 2012

Fekter Promotes Financial Transaction Tax

There was no agreement on a common financial transaction tax in all EU member states. Austria´s Finance Minister Fekter wants to introduce the tax in a group of countries instead.
June 23, 2012

Green Party: ESM Approval Depends on Financial Transaction Tax

The Austrian Green party will only vote for the ESM if there is a basic consent for the financial transaction tax.
June 22, 2012

OMV Announces UK North Sea Divestments

OMV divests 5% stake in the Beryl Area producing fields for a consideration of USD 118m and acquires 17.5% stake in Tobermory and Bunnehaven discoveries West of Shetlands, from Statoil (U.K.).
June 20, 2012

“UK Faces Skills Tragedy"

The Austrian crane manufacturer Liebherr-Sunderland has urged UK engineering businesses to upskill to ensure they can compete effectively in high value international markets.
June 19, 2012

Tax Treaty with Switzerland Finally Confirmed

The second chamber oft he Swiss Parliament approved the tax deal with Austria, Germany and the U.K.
June 16, 2012

Switzerland Ratifies Tax Treaty with Austria

The Swiss National Council approved the tax deal with Austria. Illegal funds of Austrian nationals in Switzerland will be taxed.
May 30, 2012

„Nabucco Is Still an Option“

Elshad Nassirov, Vice-Chairman oft he Azerbaijani gas company Socar, argues that BP´s statement about Nabucco was premature.
May 29, 2012

U.K.: Mayr-Melnhof and Trade Union Settle Dispute

The Austrian manufacturer of packaging products grants a better social package to the former employees of the Liverpool-based factory.
May 29, 2012

BP: „Nabucco is Dead“

British Petroleum pronounces the initial Nabucco project dead. RWE supports the new version “Nabucco West”.
May 25, 2012

bwin.party received licence in Germany

The British-Austrian betting company is allowed to operate online sports betting in the Northern German province of Schleswig-Holstein.
May 24, 2012

Austrian Industrial Sector Pushes for Austerity

The Federation of Austrian Industries sees still a huge potential to reduce public expenses and underlines the importance of the industrial sector.
May 22, 2012

bwin.party: € 33m License Fees in Spain

The British-Austrian gaming company has to pay € 33m to Spain authorities.
May 21, 2012

Another Setback for Nabucco

The German RWE considers leaving the natural gas pipeline consortium. Also the Hungarian MOL will exit.
May 16, 2012

Stable Results for bwin.party

Total revenue was up by 1% to € 215.9m (2011: € 214.0m) with strong growth in casino & other games as well as other revenues partially offset by a softer gross win margin in sports betting
May 16, 2012

Eder: „Not Making Mistakes of UK and USA“

The CEO of Austria´s largest steel producer voestalpine warns of a de-industrialization in Europe. Today, the UK and the USA would regret their decisions of the past.
May 14, 2012

Small Growth in Austrian Winter Season

The current tourism winter season 2011/12 recorded a rise in overnights by 2.1%.
April 26, 2012

Mayr-Melnhof: Dispute in the UK Escalates

After the British site of the Austrian packaging company was shut down in February, the British trade union Unite attacks Mayr-Melnhof sharply.
April 23, 2012

Fekter meets British Chancellor of the Exchequer Osborne

The Austrian Minister of Finance Maria Fekter and George Osborne talked about Basel III, the EU budget and taxation.
April 23, 2012

Mitterlehner: „AAA is still Far Away“

Austria´s Minister of Economics does not believe that S&P gives back the “AAA” rating soon. However, the debate about Austria´s rating is overvalued, he thinks.
April 17, 2012

US and UK Dominating at CEESEG

Investors from the UK and the US are the most important participants at CEESEG in 2011.
April 16, 2012

Austria and Switzerland Signed Tax Treaty

Austria´s Finance Minister Fekter signed the tax treaty with her Swiss colleague Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf. In 2013, additional tax intake of € 1.0bn is expected.
April 14, 2012

Austria Tries to Adapt its Image

In order to attract foreign investors, Austrian companies are attempting to amend the country’s image. Instead of tourism and culture, the industrial sector and the expertise should be underlined.
April 13, 2012

Alpine Shortlisted for Crossrail Fit-Out in UK

Austrian construction firms team up to make the shortlist for fit-out work on 52km of Crossrail tunnels. Worth GBP 400m this represents one the largest contracts on the new east-west rail link across London.
April 12, 2012

Tax Treaty with Switzerland Close to be Finished

Austria aims for reach a tax agreement with Switzerland in order to tax illegal funds deposited by Austrian nationals at Swiss banks. An agreement seems to be within reach.
April 11, 2012

Nowotny Ask For Alternative to Financial Transaction Tax

The governor of the Austrian Central Bank (OeNB) sees a good sign in Austria´s low interest rate on sovereign bonds. The introduction of a European financial transaction tax is unrealistic, the governor says.
April 11, 2012

Where is Austria´s Gold?

The major part of Austria´s gold reserves should be located in the U.S. The Austrian Central Bank does not answer any questions.
April 10, 2012

Financial Transaction Tax: Schieder Raises Pressure on EU

Austria´s Financial State Secretary Andreas Schieder threatens to vote against higher EU contributions. To discuss about alternatives of the financial transaction tax is “too early.”
April 10, 2012

Austria Tabak Loses Market Shares

The U.S. group Philip Morris is the clear market leader in Austria´s tobacco market.
April 6, 2012

Most Important Cities: Vienna Catches Up

In the ranking of the most important global cities, the Austrian capital could improve substantially. The most severe weakness is the economic activity.
April 3, 2012

British Mayr-Melnhof Factory Occupied

The Liverpool-based site of the Austrian packaging company Mayr-Melnhof will be closed. Workers occupy the factory in order to prevent the shutdown.
April 2, 2012

Austria Must Underline its Headquarter Function

Austria as hub for CEE markets is still popular. Nevertheless, there is a lack in a sustainable and flexible strategy. The geographical proximity to CEE countries is insufficient.
April 2, 2012

Mayr-Melnhof Closes Liverpool Plant

The Austrian packaging company today announced that it is to close its packaging plant in Liverpool.
March 29, 2012

Weak Results at bwin.party

The Austro-British gambling copmany could increase EBITDA by 3.0%. Total revenues remained stable.
March 29, 2012

Austria Insists on Financial Transaction Tax

Despite Germany’s finance minister sees little chance of a European Union agreement on the levy, Austria is sticking to plans for a financial-transaction tax in Europe to help consolidate its budget.
March 27, 2012

UK Investor Plans Sale of Iglo

The British company should get new owners soon. The consequences for the Austrian subsidiary are unknown yet.
March 27, 2012

Austrian Government Holds on Financial Transaction Tax

In spite of discordance at the EU-level, the Austrian government is convinced to impose taxes on financial transactions by 2014.
March 17, 2012

Downsizing of Nabucco Plans

The companies behind the proposed 3,900km Nabucco pipeline that would carry natural gas from the Caspian region to Europe have pitched a slimmed-down version of the project.
March 16, 2012

Haselsteiner Buys 15% Stake in Conwert

Hans-Peter Haselsteiner, CEO of the Austrian construction company Strabag, buys a 15% stake in the Austrian real estate supplier Conwert. The seller is the London-based Petrus Advisers LLP.
March 14, 2012

Austria Is Concerned About UK´s Human Rights Reform

UK´s Prime Minister David Cameron intends to reform the European Court of Human Rights. Austria said it had “serious concerns” about his ideas.
March 14, 2012

Tax Treaty: Conflict with EU

The EU rejects Austrian tax treaty plans with Switzerland. Austria insists on the bilateral agreement.
March 7, 2012

Isovoltaic Said to Start Stake Sale After Failed IPO

Isovoltaic AG, an Austrian solar developer, started the sale of a 45 percent stake as it seeks an alternative to last year’s failed initial public offering, according to a person with knowledge of the process.
March 5, 2012

Voestalpine Awarded Major Contract in the UK

Austrian voestalpine Group has been awarded a major contract for the supply of roughly 20,000 tons of pre-cut heavy-plate shapes for Siemens Wind Power for the London Array offshore wind tower project in the United Kingdom.
March 5, 2012