„Dayli“: Up to 20% Yield

CompaniesRetail & Consumer ♦ Published: August 2, 2012; 19:41 ♦ (Vindobona)

With the acquisition of Schlecker Austria, the Austrian investment funds TAP 09 wants to achieve the turnaround soon.

„Dayli“: Up to 20% Yield / Picture: © Schlecker

In an interview with „Kurier“, the CEO of TAP 09 Rudolf Haberleitner emphasized the goal to generate a 20% yield per year. „We do not promise it, but a yield of 20% is possible. However, the investment is everything but risky. We are taking over an enterprise with 1,350 branches and no debts.“

According to Haberleitner, TAP 09 is held by private banks, private equity…