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Property Market

Eco Business Back in Black

The Austrian real estate company records a fivefold increase in Group EBIT to € 25.0 m for the first three quarters of 2010.
March 22, 2011

Vienna Reacts to Predicted Housing Shortage

Union and construction industry welcome the "housing offensive" of the city government.
March 17, 2011

Atrium Reaches Turnaround

The real estate company recorded positive net earnings in 2010. Profits amounted to € 111.06m.
March 12, 2011

Significant Rise in Earnings for CA Immo

The Austrian real estate group benefits from the clearly improving business climate, especially regarding the investment market for real estate.
March 10, 2011

Immofinanz: New Tenants for Romanian Procect

The Austrian real estate group wins attractive international brands as tenants of its Romanian Maritimo Shopping Center in Constanta.
March 9, 2011

Signa Holding Invests More than € 1.00bn

The Austrian real estate holding company conducted by Rene Benko intends to put strong effort into further growth.
March 7, 2011

Immofinanz: Bookbuilding for the New Convertible Issue Starts

The Austrian real estate company Immofinanz AG announced its intention to issue new convertible bonds due 2018.
March 4, 2011

Austria's Insurance Industry Is on the Rise

In spite of still felt repercussions of the economic crisis, the Austrian insurance industry shows positive results in all divisions.
February 24, 2011

Hypo Group: Losses up to € 1.3bn

The emergency-nationalized Hypo Group is deep in the red zone as the result of high provisions and value adjustments.
February 19, 2011

Real Estate Privatization: Proceeds up to € 1.5bn

According to a study, the Austrian government could generate around € 1.5bn from the partial privatization of its real estate company.
February 16, 2011

Bizarre Allegations of Meinl against Atrium

The ongoing conflict between the Austrian bank and the US-Israeli real estate fund shows new and unusual facets.
February 16, 2011

Productivity of Shopping Centers is Stagnating

A RegioPlan study shows that only 30 of 70 surveyed Austrian shopping centers have increased their productivity.
February 10, 2011

Austria Savers Remain Cautious

For 67% of Austrian savers, savings’ security is a priority. High yields only plays a role for about 10% .
February 5, 2011

Atrium Terminates Trust Agreements with Meinl

The US-American/Israeli fund Atrium terminates trust agreements with the Austrian Meinl Bank AG under the 2003 and 2005 bonds due to “important reasons”.
February 3, 2011

Atrium European Real Estate Announces Credit Rating Update

Atrium European Real Estate Limited a real estate company owned by Citigroup/Gazit, is placed on CreditWatch Negative.
February 2, 2011

Atrium: "Meinl Exploited its Position as a Trustee”

After the repayment of the convertible bond to the Austrian Meinl Bank, the real estate funds considers the calling as "blatant unlawfulness."
February 1, 2011

CA Immo: „Bid of UniCredit too low“

UniCredit intends to increase its stake on the Austrian CA Immo up to 29%. The board regards the bid of € 12.35 per share as being “too low”.
January 30, 2011

Meinl Bank to Cancel Previously Scheduled Bondholder Meeting

According to Atrium, a US/Israeli real estate company, circumstances causing a cross-default event do not subsist anymore.
January 29, 2011

Polytec: CEO Reduces own Shares

Polytec´s CEO Friedrich Huemer reduced stake for a partial refinancing of the buyback of properties.
January 29, 2011

Meinl Bank Continues to Claim Default of Atrium

Meinl Bank: „Atrium zahlt Meinl Bank states: "Contrary to their own announcement Atrium is not paying back the 10.75% convertible bond". Cross default risk remains upright
January 28, 2011

A Quiet Year for the Shopping Center Industry

Only a few large projects will be tackled in 2011 by Austria's shopping center industry; renovation of existing facilities rather prevails.
January 27, 2011

Suspicion of Insider Trading against Immofinanz’s CEO

The Austrian Financial Market Authority (FMA) is investigating Eduard Zehetner on suspicion of insider trading, according to the magazine "Profil".
January 25, 2011

Atrium Repays Convertible Bond to Meinl

The American-Israeli real estate fund Atrium repays the 10.75% 2008 convertible bond to the Austrian Meinl Bank.
January 25, 2011

Atrium Intends to Clarify Purported Event of Default

After the statement of the Austrian Meinl Bank to sue the real estate fund Atrium because of a “default of payment”, Atrium announces its point of view.
January 22, 2011

Meinl Bank: New Attacks Against Atrium

The dispute between the Austrian bank and the American-Israeli real estate fund is getting fiercer. Meinl is calling a bond.
January 21, 2011

Trend Reversal: International investors push for Austria's Real Estate Market

Austria is getting increasingly popular for foreign real estate investors. Mainly speculators start to get interested in the domestic market to care.
January 19, 2011

Federation of Trade Unions Calls for "Tax Justice"

A new debate is sparking off in Austria, and possibly also a tax reform. The Gewerkschaftsbund (ÖGB, Federation of Trade Unions) wants workers to be tax-unburdened.
January 18, 2011

ATX Restructuring Expected

It is expected that the three real estate securities, CA Immo, Conwert and Immofinanz will rise into the Austrian ATX Prime leading index.
January 15, 2011

Bank Austria Increases its CA-Immo Stake

The UniCredit-subsidiary intends to acquire a major stake of the Austrian real estate company CA Immo.
January 15, 2011

CA Immo Expects Sharp Rise in Earnings

After a major expansion, the Vienna-based real estate company´s assets stand at above € 5.0bn. The annual growth rate has exceeded 30% since 2005.
January 12, 2011

Immofinanz: Record Letting Results for German Subsidiary

The Austrian Real Estate Group benefits from the upswing in the German property market.
January 12, 2011

Immofinanz Group: New Head of Developments Commercial

The Immofinanz Group announces the appointment of Ralph Bezjak, 43, who has recently taken on the position of Head of Developments Commercial.
January 10, 2011

MEL: Demand for Higher Quota against Meinl

A lawyer representing the investors calls for an increase of the quota on the occasion of the compromise between Meinl Bank and former MEL investors from 35% to 70%.
January 5, 2011

Strong Sales Growth at RE/MAX

The real estate group RE/MAX increased its sales by 18.3% to € 795m in 2010 and was also able to expand its share of the market.
January 4, 2011

Immofinanz Acquires 49% in EHL

The Austrian real estate companies Immofinanz and EHL Immobilien GmbH agree to long-term cooperation.
January 4, 2011

Real Estate Prices Rose in Vienna in 2010

Real estate prices rose in Vienna, according to the portal FindMyHome.at by almost 3%; rental prices slightly over 1%.
January 3, 2011

Atrium Reacts Sharply to Meinl´s Lawsuit

Atrium European Real Estate Ltd comments the recent lawsuit by Meinl Bank: “A desperate response.”
December 31, 2010

Immofinanz Sues Lobbyist

The Austrian real estate group Immofinanz sues its former adviser, Walter Meischberger, because of the "Buwog Affair".
December 30, 2010

Meinl Starts New Actions against Atrium

The exchange of blows between Meinl Bank and Atrium is getting more violent. Meinl Bank is presently filing a claim before the Arbitration Court of the Economic Chamber.
December 29, 2010

Garage Operator Company List Expands to Hungary

The Vienna-based List Group, which acts as real estate company, acquired the Wipark Group in Hungary.
December 28, 2010

Bank Austria-Fund “Real Invest Europe” Opens as from 21 December 2010

Revaluation of property portfolio complete. Commercial property in Stuttgart sold at market price.
December 21, 2010

Meinl against Atrium: Up to 7,000 Lawsuits

The Austrian bank files lawsuits against the successor company of her former real-estate funds MEL.
December 20, 2010

New Project in Poland for Atrium

Atrium strengthens polish portfolio with € 168.5m acquisition of a shopping centre in Warsaw.
December 20, 2010

Immofinanz Records Increasing Revenues and Earnings

Revenues of the Austrian Real Estate Company were up by 3.3%. EBIT increased by 19%.
December 20, 2010

Difficult Times for Austrian Investors in Zagreb

The plan of an Austrian group of investors to build the largest shopping center in Europe in the Croatian capital threatens to fail.
December 10, 2010

Conwert Appoints Volker Riebel as New CEO

Chairman of the Administrative Board, Johannes Meran: “With Mr. Riebel, we won an internationally recognised real estate professional as CEO.”
December 9, 2010

Kaufmann Group Builds for € 130 Million in Zagreb

The real estate Kaufmann group from Linz starts its second major project in the Croatian capital. The investment volume amounts to € 130 million.
November 30, 2010

Industrialists: Destruction of Business Location Averted

The Industriellenvereinigung (IV, Industrialists Association) is relieved about issues concerning location policy, and at the same time calls for structural reforms.
November 30, 2010

Bank Austria: Growth Potential for Real Estate in Romania and Bulgaria

Despite the signs of economic revival, Bulgaria and Romania markets are still largely being ignored by international investors, says Bank Austria.
November 29, 2010

S Immo Records Profits Again

Vienna-based Sparkassen Immobilien AG records a successful operating performance in the first three quarters of 2010 after the weak year 2009.
November 25, 2010