Atrium Terminates Trust Agreements with Meinl

Lifestyle & TravelPersonal Real Estate ♦ Published: February 3, 2011; 00:01 ♦ (Vindobona)

The US-American/Israeli fund Atrium terminates trust agreements with the Austrian Meinl Bank AG under the 2003 and 2005 bonds due to “important reasons”.

Atrium Terminates Trust Agreements with Meinl / Picture: ©

Atrium European Real Estate Limited has declared the extraordinary termination of the Trust Agreements relating to the 2003 and 2005 listed bonds due to “a number of important reasons which make it inappropriate for Atrium to continue the contractual relationship with Meinl Bank AG” as the trustee under the Agreements.

Unless otherwise instructed by Atrium, the termination…