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Meinl Bank

Uncovering of Money Laundering and Real Estate Fraud in Austria and Cyprus

New leaks have uncovered a complex network of opaque asset transfers centered around Russian oligarchs and Austrian real estate. According to the investigative project "Cyprus Confidential", Austrian real estate is particularly popular with wealthy Russians. Around 40 Cypriot companies own real estate in Vienna, often penthouses in expensive locations.
November 16, 2023

Meinl Bank Rebranding - Anglo Austrian Bank Launches with Negative Result of EUR 4.5 Mio

As part of a rebranding, Meinl Bank of Julius Meinl V (59) has renamed itself Anglo Austrian Bank and is relaunching its operations in Vienna with 49 employees in order to respond to the increased demand for qualified asset management in the countries of the former Danube Monarchy and to provide clients with a bridge to the countries and financial markets of Western Europe.
June 28, 2019

Meinl Bank: Stephen Coleman to Become New CEO

Stephen Coleman will replace Günter Weiss, who must vacate his seat due to a ruling from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (FMA).
October 23, 2015

Meinl Bank: Plans of Growth in Czech Republic and UK

Meinl Bank has opened a new subsidiary in Prague. Growth plans for the core business in Central and Eastern Europe is well on its way, according to the bank’s officials.
January 7, 2014

Meinl Bank to Enter Bulgarian Market

Meinl Bank still awaits the green light from the Bulgarian National Bank before it can be opened.
May 24, 2013

Meinl Needs to Reimburse Starbet Investors

The Regional High Court (OLG) in Vienna has passed the judgement that Meinl Bank has to compensate sports betting company Starbet
March 23, 2013

Meinl Bank in the Red

Meinl Bank surprisingly presented results on Thursday. The institute slid into the red, while the Group was able to reduce losses.
July 15, 2011

Atrium and Meinl Bank Agree to Stop All Legal Proceedings

The American-Israeli real estate fund and the Austrian bank reached a settlement agreement on the dismissal of all claims between them.
June 17, 2011

Bizarre Allegations of Meinl against Atrium

The ongoing conflict between the Austrian bank and the US-Israeli real estate fund shows new and unusual facets.
February 16, 2011

Atrium Terminates Trust Agreements with Meinl

The US-American/Israeli fund Atrium terminates trust agreements with the Austrian Meinl Bank AG under the 2003 and 2005 bonds due to “important reasons”.
February 3, 2011

Atrium European Real Estate Announces Credit Rating Update

Atrium European Real Estate Limited a real estate company owned by Citigroup/Gazit, is placed on CreditWatch Negative.
February 2, 2011

Atrium: "Meinl Exploited its Position as a Trustee”

After the repayment of the convertible bond to the Austrian Meinl Bank, the real estate funds considers the calling as "blatant unlawfulness."
February 1, 2011

Meinl Bank to Cancel Previously Scheduled Bondholder Meeting

According to Atrium, a US/Israeli real estate company, circumstances causing a cross-default event do not subsist anymore.
January 29, 2011

Meinl Bank Continues to Claim Default of Atrium

Meinl Bank: „Atrium zahlt Meinl Bank states: "Contrary to their own announcement Atrium is not paying back the 10.75% convertible bond". Cross default risk remains upright
January 28, 2011

Atrium Repays Convertible Bond to Meinl

The American-Israeli real estate fund Atrium repays the 10.75% 2008 convertible bond to the Austrian Meinl Bank.
January 25, 2011

Atrium Intends to Clarify Purported Event of Default

After the statement of the Austrian Meinl Bank to sue the real estate fund Atrium because of a “default of payment”, Atrium announces its point of view.
January 22, 2011

Meinl Bank: New Attacks Against Atrium

The dispute between the Austrian bank and the American-Israeli real estate fund is getting fiercer. Meinl is calling a bond.
January 21, 2011

MEL: Demand for Higher Quota against Meinl

A lawyer representing the investors calls for an increase of the quota on the occasion of the compromise between Meinl Bank and former MEL investors from 35% to 70%.
January 5, 2011

Atrium Reacts Sharply to Meinl´s Lawsuit

Atrium European Real Estate Ltd comments the recent lawsuit by Meinl Bank: “A desperate response.”
December 31, 2010

Meinl Starts New Actions against Atrium

The exchange of blows between Meinl Bank and Atrium is getting more violent. Meinl Bank is presently filing a claim before the Arbitration Court of the Economic Chamber.
December 29, 2010

Meinl Bank Shows Losses

Due to the elimination of investments, Meinl Bank slips into the red zone. The loss amounts to € 37m.
December 28, 2010

Meinl against Atrium: Up to 7,000 Lawsuits

The Austrian bank files lawsuits against the successor company of her former real-estate funds MEL.
December 20, 2010

Meinl Bank Sues Atrium for € 1.2 billion

After Atrium instituted proceedings for damages against Meinl Bank before the High Court of Justice in London, Meinl Bank responded with a countersuit.
November 23, 2010

Supreme Court: Investors Misled by Meinl European Land Promotional Brochure

The Supreme Court ruled in favor of an investor who was led astray by a MEL-shares promotional brochure. The Meinl Bank describes the ruling as "contradictory," and as "not a good sign for the Austrian capital market."
September 30, 2010

Meinl Bank Pays 6 Million Euro: Airport Intl. and Power Intl. Reach a Partial Agreement

Meinl Bank and International Power pull back all the claims against each other, except those in the arbitration court.
September 27, 2010

Meinl Bank compensates MEL-investors

The next 600 small investors may get back a third of their losses with MEL-papers. Overall Meinl Bank wants to pay out 3.2m ($4) and then retrieve the money from financial institutions.
August 20, 2010

Power International Limited continues legal battle with Meinl Bank

The former company Meinl Power International Limited PI (PI) seeks to pursue its litigation with Meinl Bank.
June 22, 2010