Atrium Repays Convertible Bond to Meinl

Businessn.a. ♦ Published: January 25, 2011; 02:58 ♦ (Vindobona)

The American-Israeli real estate fund Atrium repays the 10.75% 2008 convertible bond to the Austrian Meinl Bank.

Atrium Repays Convertible Bond to Meinl / Picture: ©

Atrium European Real Estate Limited has announced that they will repay the entire outstanding 2008 bond at par value for € 20m, including interest. Atrium assesses the redemption as value-enhancing. Meinl Bank however considers the repayment an "admission of tardiness”.

The recently call made by the Centrum Bank in Vaduz  is considered as invalid by Atrium, who however has …