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OEVP Austrian Peoples Party

Demand for Elimination of the ÖIAG

IAs part of the succession process for the CEO position at the Austrian industrial holding (ÖIAG) political representatives are increasingly imposing conditions.
January 27, 2011

ÖIAG: Industrialist Beyrer is Favorite

In the discussion about the succession for the state holding company OIAG, the Secretary General of the IV (Federation of Austrian Industries), Markus Beyrer, is a favorite.
January 25, 2011

Demands for Financial Transactions Tax

The Chairman of the Austrian Provincial Governors’ Conference, Josef Pühringer, demands the introduction of a pan-European financial transactions tax.
January 7, 2011

OMV: Market Predicts Capital Increase

Due to acquisitions and the rating situation, analysts expect a capital increase of Austria's energy group.
January 7, 2011

Skylink: Resignation of Executive Board or Supervisory Board

The Vienna Airport Skylink debacle is becoming a political issue. Staffing decisions have been made.
December 14, 2010

Wikileaks: Criticism of Austrian Politicians by the U.S.

The critical view on Austria's leading politicians on part of the U.S. is written down in the recent revelations of the Wikileaks platform.
December 5, 2010

New Regulations for Bank Managers' Bonuses

Additional compensations for managers in the banking sector are subject to new regulations approved by the Austrian National Council. Payments will be deferred in time.
December 5, 2010

Michaelis Leaves Austria's State Holding Company

The contract of Peter Michaelis, Chairman of The State Holding Company OIAG, expires in June 2011. There is disagreement over the succession in the government.
December 3, 2010

Vienna International Airport: Decisions on Personnel are Postponed

The previously rumored change of leadership at Vienna International Airport is not taking place yet. There is time until mid-December for the board, highly criticized because of Skylink.
November 26, 2010

Walter Grahammer Becomes the New Austrian Ambassador in Brussels

Previously, Grahammer acted as Head in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
November 24, 2010

Austerity Package: Resistance from the Federal Provinces

While cries for savings are getting louder in the provinces, declarations of both consensus and objections come from the provincial capital cities
November 8, 2010

OMV: Republic of Austria Will Hold On to Its Stake

An informal consultation is said to have been held between the governing parties to keep the government stake in OMV, should there be a capital increase.
October 27, 2010

Vienna's Municipal Election: SPÖ Loses Absolute Majority, FPÖ is Triumphant

The SPÖ achieves 44.3% at the election. The FPÖ can double its share of votes and comes in second, with 27%. The ÖVP and the Greens show losses.
October 11, 2010

Elections in Styrya: SPÖ manages to claim first place, just.

The SPÖ was able to claim the first place after a thrilling count against the ÖVP. The FPÖ was able to double results as compared to 2005, and gets into the Landtag again.
September 27, 2010


Schieder and Rudas demand dissolution of the state holding ÖIAG, Finance Minister Pröll, on the other hand, wants to “strengthen” it.
September 17, 2010

Berlakovich - Agricultural subsidies must not fall

ÖVP Minister of Agriculture Berlakovich rejected the demand of EU Budget Commissioner Lewandowski. The agricultural budget is one percent of the EU budget and can not continue to shrink.
September 7, 2010