Politics ♦ Published: September 17, 2010; 14:34 ♦ (Vindobona)

Schieder and Rudas demand dissolution of the state holding ÖIAG, Finance Minister Pröll, on the other hand, wants to “strengthen” it.

ÖIAG: ÖVP vs. SPÖ / Picture: © Österreichische Industrieholding AG (ÖIAG)

In connection with the bonus payments for ÖIAG’s sole member of the board Peter Michaelis -as reported by Vindobona- Secretary of State Andreas Schieder (SPÖ) and Federal Manager of Affairs Laura Rudas (SP) demanded on Friday the dissolution of the state holding ÖIAG and supported the demand of Secretary of State Joseph Ostermayer (SP) for an audit conducted by the Audit Court .