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Mitterlehner with Plans for Reform of ÖIAG
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Published: July 25, 2011; 14:16 ♦ (Vindobona)
The Minister of Economics intends to reposition the Austrian state holding company. Markus Beyrer, the new CEO, is currently evaluating new concepts.
Mitterlehner with Plans for Reform of ÖIAG / Picture: © Wikipedia / Manfred Werner / Tsui
Economics Minister Reinhold Mitterlehner (ÖVP) wants to discuss a reform of the Austrian state holding company (ÖIAG). He said that he could imagine including the stake in Verbund and the Bundesimmobiliengesellschaft (BIG) in a reformed ÖIAG if it added value to the companies.
The ÖIAG’s new management is currently looking for a new concept for the state holding company,…
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