Elections in Styrya: SPÖ manages to claim first place, just.

Politics ♦ Published: September 27, 2010; 15:07 ♦ (Vindobona)

The SPÖ was able to claim the first place after a thrilling count against the ÖVP. The FPÖ was able to double results as compared to 2005, and gets into the Landtag again.

Elections in Styrya: SPÖ manages to claim first place, just. / Picture: © Vindobona.org

The preliminary results for the Landtag’s elections in Styria have been determined.

The Social Democrats achieved, according to the preliminary results (without voting cards), 38.43% of the votes, which means a decrease of 3.23 percentage points as compared to 2005 (41.67).

The ÖVP reached 37.14% (38.66, -1.53).

The FPÖ managed to obtain more than double, 10.83%…