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Karlheinz Kopf

Weekly Briefing: Fight Against Climate Crisis
The Find out more about this week's developments. At the World Climate Conference in Sharm El-Sheik, Austria's President Alexander Van der Bellen advocates climate justice. The Vienna-based International Atomic Energy Agency is also trying to counter the climate crisis at the COP27 summit with its knowledge of nuclear technology and nuclear energy. Read about the latest developments in diplomacy in Vienna and Austria.
November 10, 2022

Austrian Chamber of Commerce Demands Acceleration of Energy Transition with Faster Approval Procedures
The EU Commission's emergency regulation is intended to accelerate the expansion of additional energy capacities, with the draft also to be extended to other areas of energy infrastructure. The head of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce, Karlheinz Kopf, demands acceleration of the Energy Transition with faster approval procedures and eased bureaucracy.
November 10, 2022

Austrian Federal Chamber of Commerce and EU-Mercosur Agreement
The Association Agreement between the European Union and MERCOSUR countries, such as Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay, includes provisions on political dialogue, cooperation and trade. For the Austrian Federal Chamber of Commerce, the agreement is a fair trade deal that increases exports and jobs, and high social and environmental standards remain untouched. The EU would be the first region to conclude an agreement with Mercosur.
November 4, 2022

New EU Gas Emergency Plan: "Must Prepare for the Worst Case"
Recently, the European Commission presented its new EU Gas Emergency Plan under the title "Save gas for a safe winter". In this, the European Commission assumes that consumers can save up to 15% gas. The Austrian Federal Economic Chamber is pleased with the Commission's plans.
July 22, 2022

Reform of the Red-White-Red Card Passed by Parliament
In order to eliminate the shortage of suitable workers, the Austrian parliament recently decided to change the criteria for the Red-White-Red Card. In future, it should be easier to obtain this card. Austria's economy is relieved. If you want to know the exact changes, read on!
July 11, 2022

Continued Strong Interdependence of Business between Russian, Ukrainian and Austrian Companies

Austrian businesses have established significant ties with those in Ukraine and Russia over the years. Read about the amount of business Austria does with each country and how the recent escalation of tensions could affect this.
February 23, 2022

Russian-Austrian Relations: What is the Sochi Dialogue?

The establishment of the Russian-Austrian civil society forum "Sochi Dialogue" dates back to an initiative by Vladimir Putin and Sebastian Kurz in February 2018. The forum's mission is to promote the exchange of views and ideas. What is the status quo?
July 20, 2021

Austria Sees Potential Global Economic Leadership

Only recently, the Austrian government has announced a comprehensive location strategy, which should enable Austria to position itself among global economic leaders in some particular segments.
May 10, 2021

WKO Heads: "We Cannot Afford a Pause in Vaccination"

The heads of the Austrian Federal Chamber of Commerce (WKO) are delighted about the possible acquisition of the Russian Covid-19 vaccine "Sputnik V" by the Austrian government. Furthermore, they hold on to their idea of using companies for vaccination programs, similar to the implementation with in-company testing.
March 31, 2021

WKO: Austria Needs to End Lockdown in March

After the recent announcement of Austria's federal government to have restaurants, hotels and the cultural sector closed until Easter, the heads of the Austrian Federal Chamber of Commerce (WKO) demand opening steps for March. They emphasize that all the current tools, such as mass testing, entry tests and stricter distance rules, would allow a safe gradual opening of the currently closed sectors.
February 16, 2021

WKO Heads: Easing of Lockdown Was Necessary

Both, the Austrian Federal Chamber of Commerce's (WKO) President, Harald Mahrer, and Secretary General, Karlheinz Kopf, are pleased by the government's decision to open the retail sector and body-related service providers again. They furthermore demand a clear perspective for industries that are yet to be opened.
February 4, 2021

WKO Heads Demand Clear Plan for Path to Normality

The heads of Austria's Federal Economic Chamber demand a clear plan that shows a step-by-step path to normality. They demand regular mass testing, where negative test results are connected to more freedoms. According to them, the lockdown immediately after Christmas will hit many companies particularly hard.
December 18, 2020

WKO and IV: Need for "Climate Protection with Common Sense"

The heads of the Austrian Federal Chamber of Commerce (WKO) and the Federation of Austrian Industries (IV) demand appropriate framework conditions for climate-friendly behavior instead of the race for ever higher climate targets. Both Secretary Generals want "climate protection with common sense".
December 10, 2020

WKO Heads: "Lockdown Hits Companies With Full Force"

The new lockdown will once again shut down Austria's economy in its entirety. The heads of the Austria Federal Chamber of Commerce (WKO) emphasize the importance of financial support for companies by the government and of a well functioning education for children despite school closings.
November 16, 2020

Federal Chamber of Commerce: Lockdown Is Unthinkable and Needs To Be Avoided

The heads of the Federal Chamber of Commerce emphasize the importance of avoiding a second lockdown due to rising Covid-19 cases in Austria. They also demand further support measures for the economy and particularly hope that the EU approves the planned fixed cost subsidy.
October 9, 2020

Increase of Budget for Investment Subsidies to EUR 2 Billion
The Austrian Government has announced a budget increase for investment subsidies. A high demand and investment volume in the first three weeks of the application period has lead to this decision that is welcomed by the Federal Chamber of Commerce.
September 23, 2020

WKO Secretary General: Labor Market Situation Improves, But Remains Great Challenge

The secretary general of Austria's Federal Chamber of Commerce WKO recognizes a slightly positive trend in the labor market but underlines the importance of ongoing and future economic measures.
September 7, 2020

Harald Mahrer Remains Austrian Federal Economic Chamber President for Another Five Years
Harald Mahrer was re-elected President of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (WKÖ) at the Economic Parliament and was immediately praised by Margarete Schramböck, Federal Minister for Digitalisation and Business Location.
June 26, 2020

Public Diplomacy: Austrian Parliament Delegation Meets Chinese Friendship Association

Following the recent visit to China by Austrian President van der Bellen with the largest business delegation to date, an Austrian delegation of members of the National Assembly and the Federal Council is now on the road in China under the leadership of the second President of the National Council, Doris Bures. The aim of the trip is to further deepen Austrian-Chinese relations, in particular a meeting with Li Xaolin, President of the CPAFFC - Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (中国人民对外友好协会).
May 29, 2018

Austrian Business Delegation to Visit India - Results

Austria's business delegation has returned from a five-day visit to India. What did they achieve?
February 23, 2016

Education: Vranitzky Shows Dissatisfaction with Austrian Government

The former Austrian Federal Chancellor Franz Vranitzky criticizes the Austrian government sharply. For him, the university sector is a “very bad example of inequality between the generations”.
August 29, 2012

“Telekom, Post and OMV Could Be Privatized Immediately”

Karlheinz Kopf calls for privatizations in the infrastructure sector. Last year, the Austrian state earned € 244m from its shareholdings.
September 5, 2011