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Josef Proell

Austria: Hypo Group’s Investigation Committee Ready for Action

The group of foreign experts at the investigation commission for Hypo Group Alpe Adria is supposed to guarantee the required objectivity. The first results are expected to be published at the end of the year.
April 10, 2014

„We Were Cheated by BayernLB“

Hannes Androsch, head of the Hypo Group task force, thinks that the former Austrian government has made serious mistakes.
February 13, 2014

Hypo Group: Austrian Government Seems Aimless

Although the restructuring of the nationalized Austrian lender is one of the most pressing issues, the Austrian government could not present a sound concept yet.
December 27, 2013

Pröll Declines Konrad´s Succession

Josef Pröll, former Austrian Minister of Finance, excludes rumors about the succession of RZB´s chairman Christian Konrad.
March 30, 2012

New Job for Former Finance Minister Pröll

Siemens Austria reduces the size of its Executive Board and appoints the former politician to its Supervisory Board.
September 9, 2011

Ex-Finance Minister Pröll Hired by Raiffeisen

The former Austrian Finance Minister was named CEO of Leipnik-Lundenburger Invest Beteiligungs AG as of July 1.
June 1, 2011

Maria Fekter is the New Finance Minister

As part of the changes in the ÖVP government team, Minister for Internal Affairs Maria Fekter changes over to the more prestigious Ministry of Finance
April 16, 2011

Spindelegger New Vice-Chancellor and Head of ÖVP

Michael Spindelegger succeeds Josef Pröll as leader of the conservative party and Vice-Chancellor. Who will be in charge of the Minister of Finance, is still not clear.
April 15, 2011

Vice-Chancellor Pröll Resigns

The Minister of Finance and Vice-Chancelor of Austria, Josef Pröll, decides to leave the political arena.
April 13, 2011

Molterer Nominated as Vice-President of the EIB

Former Vice-Chancellor and Finance Minister Wilhelm Molterer is nominanted as candidate for Vice-President of the European Investment Bank (EIB).
February 23, 2011

WKÖ: "Clear Commitment to the Brenner Base Tunnel is Needed”

The chairman of the Austrian Economic Chamber considers the tunnel between Italy and Austria as a pioneering infrastructure project.
February 23, 2011

WIFO Promotes Expansion of the State Holding

The Director of the Austrian Institute of Economic Research wants to concentrate all Austrian state-owned enterprises in the ÖIAG.
February 5, 2011

Austria's Budget Deficit is at 4.1%

Although the budget deficit is lower than expected, but the official national debt could increase considerably due to the ÖBB.
February 1, 2011
Austria: The Gateway to Central Asia?

Leading Austrian politicians intend to attract attention at the World Economic Forum to what promises to be a new target region.
January 26, 2011

Pröll is Against the Extension of the Euro Shield

The Austrian Finance Minister, Josef Pröll (ÖVP), called for stricter budget discipline and pronounces himself against a more extensive rescue shield
January 20, 2011

AAA Rating Confirmed for Austria

The rating agency Standard & Poor’s; leaves Austria’s credit status unchanged.
December 22, 2010

The Budget is Finally Set

After weeks of discussions about the 2011Austrian Federal Budget, the final details were announced today. There are very few amendments to the original project.
November 30, 2010

Leitl: Austrians Go into Retirement Too Early

Those who go into early retirement in Austria are rewarded. The government should create more incentives to retire later on in life.
November 10, 2010

Bank Tax: Constitutional Concerns

Banks are to contribute a fixed tax amount based on the values given for 2010 for three years. Constitutional jurists consider this modus operandi as "highly questionable".
November 8, 2010


Schieder and Rudas demand dissolution of the state holding ÖIAG, Finance Minister Pröll, on the other hand, wants to “strengthen” it.
September 17, 2010

CESEE Bank Conference: Joint Supervisory Academy in Vienna

Finance Minister Josef Pröll wants to create common standards for the CEE region with an Eastern Bank Supervisory Academy in Vienna.
September 17, 2010

Austrian Post Refurbishes its Board

ÖIAG boss Peter Michaelis gives green light for the refurbishment of the Post’s board. Meanwhile, rumors are growing that the changes will not only affect the parcels sector.
September 16, 2010