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Ex-Finance Minister Pröll Hired by Raiffeisen
People ♦
Published: June 1, 2011; 19:08 ♦ (Vindobona)
The former Austrian Finance Minister was named CEO of Leipnik-Lundenburger Invest Beteiligungs AG as of July 1.
Ex-Finance Minister Pröll Hired by Raiffeisen / Picture: © Wikipedia / Tsui
As expected, Josef Pröll has quickly found a new job after his decision to resign from all political functions in April. The former Austrian Finance Minister was hired by Raiffeisen as the CEO of the group’s subsidiary Leipnik-Lundenburger Invest Beteiligungs AG (LLI), the largest mill company in Europe. LLI has major holdings in the food sector.
Raiffeisen Holding announced…
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