Industrial Sector

CESEE Region Still Has Enormous Growth Potential

“CEE growth drivers intact but innovation is needed to start convergence 2.0” Erste Group says.

February 20, 2013

CESEE: Stress of Competition is Growing

CEE significantly more industrialized than euro area (30% vs. 19%) but still needs to catch up in terms of competitiveness.

February 20, 2013

Hungary: Industrial Production Shrinks Considerably

In December 2012, industrial output was 7.6% lower than a year ago.

February 14, 2013

Bulgaria: Trade and Industrial Sectors Shrink

In November industrial production contracted at the same rate as in October (1.8%). The volume of output of manufacturing remained unchanged on an annual basis. The real-terms decline of domestic trade accelerated to 7.4% yoy.

February 11, 2013

Latvia: Industrial Sector Grows Significantly

Data of the Central Statistical Bureau show that, compared to 2011, manufacturing turnover1 at current prices in 2012 increasedby 11.9%, of which in domestic market by 5.7% and in export - by 18.2%. However, the growth flattens.

February 11, 2013

Slovakia: Declining Turnover in Industrial Sector

Turnover was down in most selected sectors of economy in December 2012. The sharpest decrease was observed in the construction industry.

February 11, 2013

Slovakia: Growing Employment in Most Industrial Sectors

The development of employment and average monthly wage in selected sectors of economy has shown a mixed picture in December 2012.

February 11, 2013

Austria: Economic Sentiment on the Rise

The Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO) underlines that the economic slowdown comes to a standstill.

February 8, 2013

Slovakia: Industrial Production Declining

In December 2012, industrial production index (IPI) decreased after a long-term year-on-year growth (since November 2009).

February 8, 2013

Czech Industrial Production Slightly Decreased in 2012

Industrial production slightly decreased in 2012 after two years of growth. The year-on-year decrease started in the Q2 and gradually deepened in the following periods.

February 7, 2013

Czech Industrial production Dropped by 1.2% in 2012

In December 2012, industrial production decreased at constant prices by 12.5%, year-on-year; working days adjusted industrial production decreased by 5.8%.

February 6, 2013

Slovakia: Economic Sentiment Improves Slightly

Hard data point to a weakening of activity in the fourth quarter, but an improvement in the assessment of production expectations in industry indicates an improved outlook for 2013.

February 4, 2013

Croatia Fights Against High Unemployment

In order to reduce the number of jobless workers, Croatia´s government plans to invest € 60m in labor market measures.

February 4, 2013

Romania: „Long road to growth“

Most likely, economic activity was flat in Q4 2012. Available data tracking the dynamics of economic activity in Q4 2014 paint a mixed picture, Raiffeisen Research reports.

February 2, 2013

Moody´s Downgrades Croatia

The U.S. rating agency justifies the downgrade with the “bad economic outlook” and the “inflexible fiscal policy”.

February 2, 2013

Serbian Industrial Production Shrinks

The industrial production in the Republic of Serbia in December 2012, when compared to December 2011, increased by 0.7% and in relation to 2011 average, it increased by 7.1%.

February 1, 2013

“Austria’s Industry Edges Towards Economic recovery”

Bank Austria Purchasing Managers’ Index for January increases slightly. Moderate improvement in orders helps to offset the decline in production output.

January 31, 2013

Austria: Positive Trends in Industrial and Construction Sector

Turnover was up by 10.9%. Increase in volume of orders by 2.0% in civil engineering and construction of buildings at the end of October 2012. Output of construction rose by 7.4%.

January 30, 2013

“Austria Becomes More Vulnerable to Recessions“

Christoph Neumayer, secretary general of the Federation of Austrian Industries (IV), argues that the low investments may cause a recession.

January 29, 2013

Serbia: Industrial Production Shrinks

Industry turned downside, after funds under the government subsidy program were spent, Raiffeisen Research reports.

January 29, 2013

Slovakia: Producer Prices Declining Slightly

Prices in production area in December 2012 down by 0.4%.

January 28, 2013

Eder Reaffirms: „European Industrial Sector Is in Danger“

In an interview with the Austrian news magazine “Presse”, voestalpine´s CEO Wolfgang Eder criticizes the European industrial policy sharply.

January 21, 2013

Hungary: Sharp Decrease in Industrial Production

In November 2012, industrial gross output declined by 6.9% in volume compared to the same month of 2011.

January 16, 2013

Croatia: One Step Closer to the EU

According to their own statements, the Croatian government has fulfilled eight out of ten tasks, which must be finalized until July 2013. However, Croatia´s economic problems are far from being solved.

January 15, 2013

Baltic Countries: Strong Increase in Industrial Production

Industrial production down by 0.3% in euro area and EU27.

January 14, 2013

Slovak Industrial Production Grows

Industrial production index (IPI) increased by 5,2 % in November 2012, compared with November 2011.

January 12, 2013

Slovakia: Turnover Development Positive

Today, the Slovak Statistical Office has published the turnover figures in selected sectors of economy in November 2012.

January 12, 2013

Bulgaria: Industrial Output Declines

In October industrial production shrank on an annual basis (by 1.5%) for the second consecutive month. At the same time, manufacturing output marked an increase. Construction output continued expanding.

January 11, 2013

Austrian Industry Against Short-Time Work

According to IV (Federation of Austrian Industries), short-time work is too expensive.

January 8, 2013

Hungary: Negative Development in Industrial Sector

In November 2012 – according to preliminary data – industrial gross output declined by 6.9% compared to the same month of 2011.

January 8, 2013

Czech Industrial Sector Shrinks

In November 2012, industrial production decreased at constant prices by 3.9%, year-on-year; working days adjusted industrial production decreased by 6.2%.

January 7, 2013

Serbian Industrial and Trade Sector Under Pressure

Retail trade is shrinking drastically, the manufacturing sector stagnates. GDP fell by 2.5% compared to autumn 2011.

December 29, 2012

Serbian Economic Performance Worsens

It was estimated that total economic activities in 2012, measured by gross domestic product and expressed at previous year prices, fell by 1.9% in comparison to the previous year.

December 28, 2012

Austrian Construction Industry Grows

Output of construction of buildings and civil engineering increased by 6.6% from January until September 2012. The order volume was up by 3.4%.

December 28, 2012

Czech Republic: Overall Confidence in Economy on the Rise

Overall confidence in domestic economy increased in December. The composite confidence indicator (economic sentiment indicator) increased by 1.1 points compared to November.

December 27, 2012

Ukraine: Real Economic Sector Disappointing

The State Statistics Committee confirmed its preliminary estimate of -1.3% yoy GDP growth rate in Q3 2012 (GDP grew 2% and 3% yoy in Q1 and Q2 respectively).

December 18, 2012

Hungary: Industrial Production Declines

The volume of industrial production decreased by 1.7% in October.

December 14, 2012

Lithuania and Slovakia Record Biggest Increase in Industrial Production

From October 2011 to October 2012, Industrial production down by 1.4% in euro area.

December 12, 2012

Slovakia: Industrial Sector Grows

Today, the Slovak Statistical Office published data on turnover in selected sectors of economy in October 2012. In most industries, turnover is increasing.

December 11, 2012

Slovak Industrial Production Grows Significantly

Industrial production index (IPI) increased by 8,1 % in October 2012, compared with October 2011. The development was affected by a rise in manufacturing by 8,7 %.

December 10, 2012

Czech Industry: More Working days, More Production

In October 2012, industrial production increased at constant prices by 4.1%, year-on-year; working days adjusted industrial production decreased by 3.3%.

December 10, 2012

Ukraine Faces Recession

For the first time since 2009, Ukraine recorded a negative growth rate last quarter. Weak exports and a shrinking industrial sector are the most pressing issues.

December 8, 2012

Austrian Industrial Sector: Uncertainties Grow Massively

Due to the economic slowdown, the degree of predictability is declining. The industrial output tends to stagnate.

December 8, 2012

Serbia: Industrial Data on the Rise

In Serbia, the economic activity and foreign trade grows again, the Statistical Office says.

December 1, 2012

Austrian Industrial Sector Expands

Positive production trends in industry and construction in August 2012; turnover +3.9%. Output of construction of buildings and civil engineering increased by 6.3% from January until August 2012.

November 30, 2012

“Turnaround in sight for industrial activity”

The Bank Austria Purchasing Managers' Index climbs in November to best reading since June. Rising orders nudge production up slightly in Austrian industry for the first time since the summer

November 30, 2012

Slovakia: Economy Slows Down

In the third quarter of 2012, Slovakia´s GDP grew by 0.6%. Compared to the previous quarter, the growth rate remained unchanged.

November 19, 2012

Bulgarian Industrial Sector to Expand

Next year, Bulgaria´s industry is expected to record an increase in investments of 27%.

November 17, 2012

Hungary: Decrease in Industrial Production Continues

In September 2012, industrial gross output declined by 3.8% in volume compared to the same month of 2011.

November 16, 2012

S&P Upgrades Latvia

The Baltic country performs well, S&P underlines. The long and short-term sovereign credit rating moved from “BBB-/A-3” to “BBB/A-2”.

November 15, 2012
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