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Gas Industry

BP Austria: Sales for € 1.3bn

The British oil company increased its sales last year from € 1.05bn to € 1.3bn. The operating profit quadrupled.
March 29, 2011

Petroleum Industry: Only 2659 Gas Stations by End-2010

Due to fierce competition and low margins, there are increasingly fewer gas stations in Austria
March 25, 2011

Ruttenstorfer: "OMV Stays in Libya '

Despite unpredictable developments, Austrian OMV stays in Libya. Neither are there any changes planned in other Arab countries.
March 10, 2011

Austrian Inflation Speeds Up

The Austrian consumer price inflation increased to 2.5% in January 2011. This development has been caused by rising energy prices.
March 1, 2011

Austrian Gas Price Index at a New High

The Austrian gas price index ÖGPI(C) recorded a significant increase in March 2011 in comparison with the previous month, rising to 117.16 points.
February 26, 2011

Libya: OMV Foresees no Shortages

The CEO of the Austrian OMV considers not to have underestimated the risks in Libya.
February 24, 2011

Strong Growth in Results for OMV

The Austrian energy company OMV records a strong increase in EBIT as well as profitability.
February 24, 2011

Southstream: Gazprom-OMV Cooperation

OMV and Russian Gazprom will work together on the construction of the Austrian part of the Southstream pipeline.
February 22, 2011

OMV Observes Riots in Libya and Yemen „thoroughly“

The Austrian oil company OMV is not concerned by the current turmoils in Libya and Yemen. However, OMV watches the incidents permanently.
February 21, 2011

EU Requests Nabucco to Enter a Cooperation

The European Union is pushing a merger between Nabucco and the ITGI pipeline project.
February 18, 2011

OMV: "Turkey as a Bridge for Oil and Gas Wells in the region"

The Austrian oil company, which has already invested € 2.0bn in Turkey, considers the location a starting point for the Middle East.
February 17, 2011

Increase in Electricity and Gas Consumption

Austrian electricity consumption rises to the level before the economic crisis. Gas consumption is also showing a new record.
February 16, 2011

Oil Production Declined in Austria

Domestic oil production fell last year by 3.3% to 965,112 tons. Gas production increased however.
February 16, 2011

Oil Prices Rose Sharply in December

The Energy Price Index (EPI) calculated by the Austrian Energy Agency rose 2.3% in December 2010 compared with the previous month.
February 8, 2011

Austrian Gas Price Index Continues to Rise Slightly

The February 2011 Austrian gas price index (ÖGPI) recorded a slight increase over the previous month Compared to January, it rises to a value of 114.89.
January 26, 2011

Slow Progress for Nabucco

The negotiations in the Caspian region are "tough", but the political will exists, say sources from the Austrian oil and gas group OMV.
January 26, 2011

ADX Energy Ltd Continues Operations in Tunisia

The Australian/Austrian ADX Energy Limited (ASX:ADX) announced to continue its operations in Tunisia
January 19, 2011

OMV Pulls its Staff out of Tunisia

Due to the recent developments in Tunisia, the Austrian OMV pulls back to a large extent. The cardboard manufacturer Mayr-Melnhof stays on.
January 18, 2011

New Charges against Ruttenstorfer

The chairman of Austria's OMV is accused of market manipulation because of an interview.
January 14, 2011
New Perspectives for Nabucco

The European Commission wants to commit Azerbaijan to supply gas to Europe. This is expected to be done via the Nabucco pipeline.
January 14, 2011

OMV: Moody´s Warns Against Downgrade

The Austrian energy group has to refinance its acquisitions in Turkey and Tunisia. The American rating agency puts pressure on OMV.
January 10, 2011

OMV Expands in Tunisia

OMV acquires Tunisian Exploration and Production (E&P) subsidiaries of Pioneer Natural Resources for $ 800m plus working capital.
January 6, 2011

Italian Support for Nabucco

The Italian power company Edison cooperates with the Nabucco gas pipeline project. The aim is to create synergies.
December 28, 2010

Further Rise in Energy Prices for Households

Austrian energy prices in November 2010 were higher by 5.8% compared to the previous year. Only gas became cheaper.
December 27, 2010

Slight fall in profits at Wien Energie

The municipal energy supplier achieved in the last fiscal year mostly stable results. Sales remained virtually unchanged.
December 24, 2010

OMV Gas Project is Delayed

Austria's OMV is involved in a joint venture for a liquid gas project in Croatia. Delays are expected.
December 23, 2010

Changes in Board of Bewag have been Completed

The energy supplier from Burgenland gets a new board after a seven-week long call for tenders.
December 22, 2010

Inflation falls to 1.9% in November

According to calculations by Statistik Austria, the inflation rate for November 2010 was 1.9% after 2.1% in October. Price drivers are energy and housing.
December 16, 2010

New Board Member at OMV

Supervisory Board of OMV: Manfred Leitner appointed to the OMV Executive Board with effect from April 1, 2011.
December 14, 2010

OMV: Nabucco Underway as Planned

Austrian OMV considers that the gas pipeline project of European energy companies is developing according to plans.
December 10, 2010

Central European Gas Hub Launch Futures Market

Central European Gas Hub and Vienna Stock Exchange launch futures market on the CEGH Gas Exchange of Wiener Börse. CEGH also operates in the OTC market.
December 10, 2010

Romania Sells Stake in Petrom

The state share in the Romanian Petrom, a subsidiary of the Austrian OMV, is to be reduced. OMV is interested.
December 7, 2010

OMV Supervisory Board: Confirmation of Ruttenstorfer as CEO

Being accused to insider trading, the other members of the board as well as the supervisory board demonstrated to have confidence in CEO Dr. Wolfgang Ruttenstorfer.
November 25, 2010

OMV's Supervisory Board Supports CEO Ruttenstorfer

The allegations of insider trading made by the Financial Market Authority are uncomprehensible, says member of the supervisory board Norbert Zimmermann.
November 23, 2010

OMV Sells 56 Gas Stations to PKN Orlen

56 gas stations in the German states of Thuringia and Saxony go to a subsidiary of the Polish oil group PKN Orlen.
November 19, 2010

Little Progress for Southstream

The Russian energy group Gazprom has difficulties with the Southstream pipeline project. The optimal path has to be found first.
November 18, 2010

OMV Announces Results of January – September 2010

Austria´s biggest company posts a strong operating performance compared to previous year.
November 10, 2010

Energy Prices Rise Steeply

An increase of 6.7% was recorded for energy prices in the yearly comparison. The relevance of alternative energy sources will increase significantly in future, as energy price increases are expected to continue in the long term.
November 2, 2010

OMV: Republic of Austria Will Hold On to Its Stake

An informal consultation is said to have been held between the governing parties to keep the government stake in OMV, should there be a capital increase.
October 27, 2010

Low-Cost Gas Stations on Unused ÖBB Property

The Austrian Federal Railways (ÖBB) have signed a framework contract with Markus Friesacher for up to 35 low-cost gas stations on dormant property.
October 19, 2010

EVN's Subsidiary RAG Increased Gas Capacities

New capacities are created, gas and oil exploration in Poland and Hungary to be intensified
October 17, 2010

EVN resolves on capital increase – transaction together with EnBW

With the Supervisory Board’s approval, the Managing Board of EVN AG has resolved on a capital increase from authorized capital through the issuance of up to 16,352,582 new ordinary no-par value bearer shares.
October 5, 2010

Energieallianz Austria Creates Subsidiary in Germany

Renewable energies are a rising trend. This has been recognized by the domestic Energieallianz Austria(EAA), a subsidiary of the energy provider for Vienna, Lower Austria and Burgenland.
September 30, 2010

Martin Schlaff: Acquisition of Several Latvian Oil Transport Companies Planned

After four years of delay Schlaff is reported to be planning the takeover of several Latvian transport companies.
September 20, 2010

OMV targets a 20% market share in Serbia

Important changes are foreseen for 2011 in the Serbian oil industry. Because, effective from January 1, the energy company NIS will lose, albeit theoretically, its artificially upheld monopoly position…
September 13, 2010

Putin: Gas pipeline Nabucco with "little chance of success"

Putin gives the competition project of the South Stream gas pipeline little chance of being realized, because as of now, Nabucco has no suppliers.
September 8, 2010

OMV boss with possible prosecution

OMV CEO Wolfgang Ruttenstorfer maybe confronted with prosecution in the current proceedings against him as reported by Presse.
August 20, 2010

C.A.T. Oil AG wins two hydraulic fracturing tenders in Western Siberia

C.A.T. oil AG, one of the leading providers of oil and gas field services in Russia and Kazakhstan, has been announced as the winner of two tenders for hydraulic fracturing services in Western Siberia.
July 5, 2010

Energy ten percent more expensive

Fuel prices have risen strongly again, oil is more expensive by a third, but gas is cheaper than a year ago.
June 22, 2010

Liquid-gas-project in Croatia delayed

The liquid-gas-project in Croatia, Adria LNG, in which OMV is involved with about one third will be postponed for at least three years.
June 21, 2010