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Croatia: Milanovic Promises Economic Recovery

Prime Minister vows that Croatia's economy will be put on a sounder footing.
November 28, 2013

Slovenia on Top of Prosperous Countries in Emerging Europe

Slovenia is leading the list of prosperous countries in Emerging Europe. Bulgaria is on the last position.
October 30, 2013

Trade in Austria Has Increased Since Opening of CESEE Market

Today the Austrian Institute for Economic Research (Wifo) published the “Analysis of the Austrian Balance of Trade“ on behalf of the Economic Ministry.
October 10, 2013

Austria: Pussyfooting around Forming Government Coalition

The Austrian People’s Party is picky in regard to choosing a coalition partner. So far the ÖVP has shown no interest in starting coalition talks with former partner SPÖ. However, there are not many options left.
October 2, 2013

Austria: Unemployment Will Not Stop Increasing

In September, the number of persons unemployed continued to increase while employment rose slightly. In total, a number of 335,661 persons were jobless which makes an increase of 13.8 percent on an annual comparison.
October 1, 2013

Austria Placed 9th in Competition Ranking

According to the latest EU Competition report 2013, Austria ranks ninth among 28 member states. The leaders in the ranking are Sweden, followed by Germany and Denmark while Bulgaria, Latvia and Romania are at the lowest positions.
September 25, 2013

Leitl: “Grand Coalition Did Not Fulfill Expectations“

Christoph Leitl, President of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce (WKO), favors a change in the governing parties as the grand coalition has not realized the necessary reforms.
September 24, 2013

Faymann: Austria as Role Model for Investments and Employment Programs

The Austrian Chancellor calls for a fair distribution of wealth and lower taxes on wages.
September 20, 2013
Wifo: Economy Remains Competitive Despite High Wages

Head of Wifo (Austrian Institute for Economic Research), Karl Aiginger, calls for a change of views in economic policy as competitiveness is more than just low costs.
September 18, 2013

Leitl Recommends Parties Not to Raise Hopes

President of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce, Christoph Leitl considers the demand of the Social Democrats and Chancellor Werner Faymann for a tax relief as soon as 2015 utopian.
September 17, 2013

Austria Requires More Risk Capital

On an international level, the risk capital investments in domestic enterprises are low at only 0.04 percent of GDP.
September 12, 2013

Austria: Spindelegger Confident About Becoming New Chancellor

The intense elections campaign for the Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP) has officially started on Tuesday. Deputy Chancellor and party leader Spindelegger promised more jobs and housing space.
September 11, 2013

Romania: West Region to Catch Up Economically

Romania's West Region aims to catch up with its more developed peers in the European Union.
September 9, 2013

President Fischer Urges Austria to “Roll Up Sleeves“

In regard to the current election campaigns, the Austrian President Heinz Fischer has urged the parties for joint efforts.
September 4, 2013

Kapsch: Enormous Problems at Austrian Business Location

President of Federation of Austrian Industries (IV) Georg Kapsch confirms the criticism voiced by President of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce (WKO) Christoph Leitl and several other politicians by the Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP).
August 28, 2013

Austrian Economy Minister: “No Time for Idle Complacency”

Austrian Minister of Economics and former general secretary of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce (WKO), Reinhold Mitterlehner avoids any dispute with Christoph Leitl, President of WKO but signals a different opinion.
August 27, 2013
Faymann: Joint Combat against Unemployment

During a meeting with Slovenian Prime Minister Bratusek and Croatian Prime Minister Milanovic and Austria’s second biggest city Graz, Austrian Chancellor Faymann pointed out the governments’ key tasks.
August 23, 2013

Austria: Leitl Reiterates Criticizm

State Secretary Schieder considers Leitl’s statements “totally out of place”.
August 23, 2013

Romania Initiates Structural Reforms

In order to receive a precautionary loan from the IMF, Romania´s government will implement a series of reform steps. Above all, Romania starts privatizations again. Romania´s economic outlook continues to brighten.
August 3, 2013

Poland: Measures to Increase Employment

The polish government approved a package of measues becoming effective by 2014 to improve the situation on the labor market.
July 10, 2013

Austrian Coalition to Take Stock of Legislative Period

In a joint interview with several leading Austrian newspapers, Austrian Chancellor Werner Faymann and Deputy Chancellor and Foreign Minister Michael Spindelegger take stock of the legislative period so far.
June 28, 2013

Austria: „Death Blow for Economy“

The Austrian Economic Association (Wirtschaftsbund) announced that the realization of all demands in the Austrian Trade Unions’ (ÖGB) leading proposal would come at € 21.9bn. The Austrian economy would be burdened with € 14bn.
June 17, 2013

Hungary: Fifth Amendment of Controversial Constitution Planned

The controversial Hungarian constitution is supposed to be changed for the fifth time since the EU Commission threatened the country with infringement proceedings.
June 10, 2013

Leitl: „There Is No More Time To Waste“

Switzerland and Sweden pull away from the rest of the European countries in regard to international competitiveness, according to the latest IMD report, while Austria has been falling behind.
May 31, 2013

World Competitive Ranking: Austria Loses 7 Ranks

The World Competitive Ranking of Lausanne IMD Private School of Economics has become one of the most significant location comparisons on an international basis in the last 25 years.
May 29, 2013

Slovenia: Huge Cuts in Complementary Budget

Foreign Ministry might be closed down since a 20 percent cut is proposed.
May 24, 2013

Maria Fekter: Hot-Tempered Lady At the Fireplace

Raiffeisen Centralbank (RZB) organized a „fireplace chat“ with Finance Minister Maria Fekter which took place on May 7 in Vienna.
May 8, 2013

EU Commission: Action Plan for Steel Industry in Europe

During his visit to Linz, EU Commissioner for Industry and Entrepreneurship Antonio Tajani announced measures for the steel industry in Europe.
May 7, 2013

Austrian Greens Put Forward Motion of Censure Against Fekter

The Austrian Greens intend to file a motion of censure against Finance Minister Maria Fekter. Party Leader Eva Glawischnig announced a “match of Greens against Fekter”.
April 24, 2013

Austria and Bosnia-Herzegovina to Commence Dialogues

Bosnia-Herzegovina shows interest in Austrian social partnership model and measures against increasing youth unemployment rate.
April 18, 2013

Croatia Looking at EU Through Rose-Tinted Glasses

On July 1, Croatia will be joining the EU as 28th member state. Croatia is the first country after the economic crisis to become a member of the Union.
April 17, 2013

EU Threatens Hungary With Process

The EU Commission has warned Hunary with a lawsuit in case the government in Budapest should not withdraw the controversial amendmends to the consititution.
April 12, 2013

Bulgaria: Commission Forcasts Economic Imbalances until 2015

EU Commission: Trend of reducing imbalances in Bulgarian economy is confirmed
April 11, 2013

Austria: How to Finance Future Innovations

„Austria’s Future Needs Innovation” was the title of a discussion organized by the Research Council, the Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT) and the Federation of Austrian Industries (IV).
April 9, 2013

Austria: Unemployment Rate to Remain High

According to AMS, the public employment service in Austria, the unemployment rate will stay on the high level it shows right now. The labor market situation will only ease in 2016.
April 8, 2013

67 % of Estonians Work in Service Sector

According to the data of the 2011 Population and Housing Census (PHC 2011) of Statistics Estonia, 67% of persons employed in Estonia worked in service sector, 29% in industrial sector and only 4% in primary sector.
March 30, 2013

Strikes Paralyze Poland

Protests against government’s changes in education, social and labor policy.
March 27, 2013

Austrians Poorer Than Italians or Spaniards?

According to a study carried out by the German Central Bank (Bundesbank) assets of private households in Austria is less than in Italy or Spain.
March 22, 2013

Vienna: One of the Most Innovative Cities

According to a ranking by the Australian agency 2thinknow, Vienna is the most innovative city in Europe and scored 3rd place in the cities worldwide, succeeding Boston and New York.
March 22, 2013

Austria Showing Less Reforming Zeal

According to the so-called „D-A-CH-Reformbarometer“, a study which was commissioned by the Chamber of Commerce, Austria’s will to reform has diminished.
March 20, 2013

Hungary: Dissatisfaction Towards Government Grows

Right-wing leader Viktor Orban has been in parliament for almost three years. But the promised reforms and changes to improve the economic situation came to nothing. Protests are arising.
March 18, 2013

Historical Moment for Serbia And Kosovo

Both governments have come to an agreement, similar to the Treaty on the Basis of Relations (Basic Treaty) between the two German states.
March 16, 2013

Hungary: Orban Rejects Criticisms

After making amendments to the Hungarian constitution, Prime Minister Viktor Orban and his leading Fidezs party have to face harsh criticisms. EU Justice Commissoner Viviane Reding announced to take measures.
March 15, 2013

Slovakia: CPI Remains Constant

In February, compared with January, consumer prices did not change in total. Increase in prices only in Education, Food and Health Industry.
March 14, 2013

Hungary: Constitutional Amendmends Signed By Vast Majority

EU Commission fears that Hungary’s state institutions will have to experience major restrictions.
March 12, 2013

Hungary: Former President Urges Successor to Veto

Former President Lazlo Solyom warns his follower, President Janos Ader,in a dramatic speech of the end of checks and balances in Hungary’s political system.
March 11, 2013

Leitl: "Restructuring Instead of Cashing in"

Christoph Leitl, head of WKO (Austrian Chamber of Commerce), dismisses further plans for a tax hike. The outcome would be fatal and the economy exposed to threats.
March 6, 2013

Hungary: Percentage of Foreign Direct Investments in Decline

Foreign Direct Investments in 2012 was 5.2 % less than in 2011. According to the statistical central office in Hungary (KSH), the drop in the last quarter showed even -7.9 %. Massive declines in almost all sectors.
March 4, 2013

Austria: Economic Outlook Remains Cautious

Although Austria´s economy suffers from a number of major defects, the performance is still better than in the Eurozone.
February 25, 2013

WIFO Wants Higher Property Taxes

Karl Aiginger, director of Austrian Institute of Economic Research, suggests reducing wage taxes.
January 21, 2013