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Slovakia Takes the Helm of ICPDR Presidency

In the annual transition for the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR), Slovakia has officially taken over the presidency from Serbia, marking the beginning of a year dedicated to enhancing the health and sustainability of the Danube River Basin.
April 9, 2024

Transit Clash at the Alps: Italy's Salvini Against Austrian Bans

The increasingly explosive dispute over the Tyrolean anti-transit measures is escalating between Italy and Austria. Italy's Deputy Prime Minister and Transport Minister Matteo Salvini publicly accused the Austrian government of "arrogance" and criticized the European Commission for its "long-standing shameful inaction".
April 3, 2024

Interpol and UNODC Strengthen Global Fight Against Forestry Crime with Norway's Support
In a bid to combat forestry crime on a global scale, an international coalition spearheaded by Interpol and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) supported by Norway has inaugurated the second stage of a revolutionary initiative, LEAP II.
August 27, 2023

Renaturation of the Wien River: Green Vision of the Wien River Oasis
The Vienna Greens presented their plans for the renaturation of the Vienna River at a press conference. Non-executive City Councilor Peter Kraus and City Councilor Kilian Stark presented the "Green Vision of the Vienna River Oasis".
August 7, 2023

Plants as Climate-Friendly Air Conditioning: City of Vienna Promotes Greening of Buildings
The positive effect of green buildings on the climate is undisputed. To promote the implementation of green buildings, the City of Vienna provides generous subsidies of up to € 20,200. Interested parties can obtain free advice on this subject from Eco Counselling (DIE UMWELTBERATUNG) in Vienna.
July 23, 2023

Preliminary Presentation in Vienna of UN Study Results on Fast Fashion and Old Clothes
The Austrian-based foundation COMÚN and the Chilean study author, Beatriz O'Brien, exclusively show the disastrous consequences of "waste colonialism" in research ordered by the UN in the run-up to the "Austrian Consumer Dialogues: Textiles".
June 19, 2023

Emissions of Greenhouse Gases further Decreasing

Between 1995 and 2010, the Austrian emissions of air pollutants and greenhouse gases were reduced considerably in many cases.
September 19, 2012

Eder: „Environmental Policy Endangers Economy“

Voestalpine´s CEO criticizes environmental specifications made by EU and domestic politics. Eder sees the danger of a de-industrialization.
March 5, 2012

Andritz: Controversial Projects in Brazil and Turkey Are Going According to Plans

The Austrian machine manufacturer Andritz participates in the construction of two major hydro power plants in Turkey and Brazil.
March 2, 2012

Resistance Against „Fracking“ Grows

The oil and gas group OMV plans to exploit shale gas in Northern Austria. Environmental activists claim a prohibition.
February 28, 2012

Environmental Expenditure Growing

Austrian environmental protection expenditure 2009: €12.7bn; expenditure doubled from 1995 to 2009.
February 23, 2012

Economic Stability: Austria Occupies Top Rank

According to a study by Allianz, Austria has the third rank among the EU countries.
December 7, 2011

Austria to Pay for Failing Kyoto

By 2014, Austria will have to pay penalties because of the missed Kyoto targets. Payments could amount up to € 1.0bn.
November 28, 2011

SW Umwelttechnik Secured Mid-Term Financing

The Austrian technology company reached an agreement to delay bank loan repayments until 2012. € 60m were invested in plant modernizations between 2005 and 2008.
August 1, 2011

voestalpine Sues EU Over Plans for Carbon Emissions

The Austrian steel company and four German competitors filed a lawsuit against the EU. They argue that CO2 emission targets are unrealistic and unachievable.
July 21, 2011

Missing the Kyoto Target Will Cost Austria € 800m

Total costs of missing the target for the period 2008 to 2012 will amount to not less than € 800m. € 450m have already been spent on the purchase of certificates.
July 13, 2011

Greenpeace, vida and EVN: "Austria's Future in Energy is Renewable"

The switch to clean energy is possible by 2050, according to a current IHS study. It is to be achieved by halving the demand for energy.
April 30, 2011

SW Umwelttechnik Reports Satisfying Rise in Sales

Sales of the Austrian technology company were up by 12%. The company completed its first major export projects in Bulgaria and Moldova.
April 28, 2011

Environmental Technology Industry in the Czech Republic Holds Hopes for Austrian Companies

The neighboring country, despite making progress, continues to lag behind in energy efficiency and environmental technology.
April 9, 2011

Expenditure for Environmental Protection Doubled Since 1995

Environmental protection expenditure in Austria doubled since 1995; more than half is used for waste management and water protection.
March 30, 2011

Griffner is Aiming at IPO for 2013

The Carinthian construction company, which specializes in ecological construction intends to acquire new capital in the coming years in order to expand.
March 12, 2011

Saubermacher Plans Expansion

The Austrian recycling company continues developing successfully. An expansion in South East Europe is being sought.
March 11, 2011

SW Umwelttechnik: Turnover up by 12%

Despite improving sales, the Austrian company still records losses. However, the operating results are positive.
March 1, 2011

Property Restoration Provides Hopes for Growth and Employment

With the release of € 400m for thermal rehabilitation, five times as much is to be generated in sales. Up to 80% of this amount stays in Austria.
February 10, 2011

Eder Considers European Manufacturing Industry is at a Disadvantage

For the CEO of the Austrian steel company voestalpine, the European manufacturing industry is at a disadvantage, despite innovative leadership.
February 5, 2011

WKÖ Celebrates 40 years of Diplomatic Relations between Austria and China

The Austrian Economic Chamber stresses the relevance of China for Austria's foreign trade in the context of the anniversary.
January 27, 2011

Austria's Energy Self-sufficiency until 2050

The Minister for the Environment, Nikolaus Berlakovich presents a study on the Austrian energy supply. Self-sufficiency until 2050 is feasible.
January 27, 2011

Pfizer Austria: First Sustainability Report Published

Pfizer Austria published its first sustainability report based on the recognized guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative.
January 20, 2011

Reform Backlog Prevents Austria Being a Success Model

The chairman of the WIFO, Karl Aiginger considers that Austria’s future capital has been gambled away because of lack of reforms. The EU, however, is "not on track" either.
January 19, 2011

SW Umwelttechnik: New Orders Totalling € 6.5m

OMS, the engineering company of the Austrian SW Group, won contracts in Hungary and Romania valuing a total of € 6.5m.
January 5, 2011

Green Electricity Costs are Rising in Austria

Transfer pricing for the E-business rises in 2011, depending on the type of production, between 2.7 and 25.6%
January 3, 2011

CO2 Emissions in 2009 Decreased by 4.75m Tons

Energy-related CO2 emissions decreased in 2009 in Austria by 4.75m tons or 7.4% to 59m tons, according to WIFO estimates
December 27, 2010

BWT Speeds up Investment

BWT, an Austrian leader in water technology, is starting an extensive investment programme into brand and infrastructure.
December 22, 2010

SW Umwelttechnik Announces Q1-Q3 2010 Results

The Vienna Stock Exchange-listed company, SW Umwelttechnik, was able to increase its turnover by 15 % to € 54.2m compared to the previous year when it reached € 47.0m.
November 24, 2010

BWT Announces its Results for Q3

BWT records a strong growth in revenues and EBITDA. However, net results fell by 10%.
November 12, 2010

Increase in Mineral Oil Tax likely

Economy Minister Mitterlehner speaks of a possible moderate increase.
October 21, 2010

A-Tec's Subsidiary AE & E: CFO Brandt Moves to Sulzer

AE & E’s CFO, Juergen Brandt, will be CFO of the Swiss industrial group Sulzer. Jürgen Boggild moves to the Board.
September 20, 2010