Vienna International Insurance Industry News

Read the latest headlines about developments in the international insurance industry in Vienna and Austria

Vienna Insurance Group Expands in Albania

The Acquisition of Interalbanian by the biggest Austrian Insurance company is successfully completed.

December 6, 2010

Vienna Insurance Group Takes a 100% Stake in TBIH

VIG now realizes an increased involvement in Turkey, Ukraine and Georgia.

November 26, 2010

Uniqa Records Sharp Rise in Premiums and Profit

Premiums went up by 10.2% to €4,655 m. Life insurance drives growth, with premiums up by 18.7% Profit increases by 142.7% to €103 m.

November 26, 2010

Management Board of UNIQA Versicherungen AG as of 1 July 2011

The Supervisory Board of UNIQA AG decided to expand the Management Board to include Hartwig Löger, Wolfgang Kindl and Kurt Svoboda as of 1 July 2011.

November 23, 2010

Allianz Austria Announces Q1-Q3 2010 Results

With good results for the first nine months, both in the investment and the core business, Allianz could increase the net operating result by 27.3%.

November 18, 2010

Vienna Insurance Group: Robust Rise in Earnings and Profits

Vienna Insurance Group experienced a rise in profits by 10,9 percent. Premiums increased by 7,1 percent to € 6.5 bn.

November 9, 2010

Vienna Insurance Group in Albania

Further growth achieved with the acquisition of Interalbanian.

October 21, 2010

Vienna now has its own Expat Center

In Vienna, the first Expat Center in Austria was opened. The project was handled by the Vienna Business Agency (former WWFF).

September 30, 2010

Austrian Financial Services Discover Immigrants as Customers

Around 1.47 million people living in Austria have a migration background. Therefore, immigrants are an important target group for business. Domestic banks have also been getting into the so-called ethnic banking recently.

September 24, 2010

Vienna Insurance Group - Pre-tax profit forecast of 10 percent expected for 2010 and 2011

During the meeting of the supervisory board of the Vienna Insurance Group AG, the managing board advised that the target increase in pre-tax profit of at least 10 percent for the current business year is to be attained as planned.

September 24, 2010

Uniqa: Boss Klien Will Leave Mid-2011

The Supervisory Board of Uniqa has decided that CEO Konstantin Klien (59) will retire prematurely in mid 2011.

September 22, 2010

Austria's Management and Supervisory Boards’ Salaries on the Test Bench

The partly state-run OMV had the most expensive board of all Austrian corporations in 2009. In total, the oil company spent 10.2 million euro on its bosses, 23.4% more than the previous year.

September 20, 2010

FMA publishes Q2 report on insurance industry

After getting off to a strong start in 2010, Austria's insurance industry has enjoyed a solid second quarter. Premium revenues grew in all balance sheet groups.

September 15, 2010

Allianz Austria registers profits

Allianz Austria has improved its half year results by around 45 per cent, which amounts to pre-crisis levels.

August 25, 2010

VIG registers higher semi annual profit

The Vienna Insurance Group (VIG) earned €209.8m ($266) in the first half of 2010, which is over ten percent more than a year ago. While more premiums were taken up, paid benefits decreased.

August 20, 2010

Vienna Insurance Group: increase the proportion of TBIH to 100 percent

After taking the lead in the TBIH Financial Services Group NV (TBIH), the Vienna Insurance Group agreed with Kardan Financial Services BV to acquire its minority stake of 40 percent.

July 23, 2010

Hypo SüdLeasing Ltd. - Change in Executive Team

The position of the Managing Director was assigned to Maria Klimke as of 01/06/2010. She succeeds Ms. Nora Frischherz who left the company on 31.05.2010.

June 23, 2010

Uniqa - First quarter with more profit and premium income

The listed company Uniqa insurance managed to increase first quarter profit and premium income.

May 28, 2010

Vienna Insurance Group in the first quarter of 2010 - Best first quarter in the corporate history

In the first quarter of 2010, Vienna Insurance Group reported a total of premiums written of EUR 2.53 billion.

May 20, 2010