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Vienna Insurance Group - Pre-tax profit forecast of 10 percent expected for 2010 and 2011
During the meeting of the supervisory board of the Vienna Insurance Group AG, the managing board advised that the target increase in pre-tax profit of at least 10 percent for the current business year is to be attained as planned.
Vienna Insurance Group - Pre-tax profit forecast of 10 percent expected for 2010 and 2011 / Picture: © Vienna Insurance Group / WIENER STÄDTISCHE Versicherung AG
The reason for this is the sustainable development of the Group in its core markets of Central and Eastern Europe as well as the effect of the group-wide measures designed to increase efficiency which are to come to a conclusion in 2010 according to plan.
The management of the Vienna Insurance Group expects this trend to continue also in 2011. Hence for 2011, pre-tax profit…
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