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Rapid Increase in Exports to Emerging Markets

The Austrian export economy can benefit massively from the solid demand from Asian and South American emerging markets.
January 12, 2011

Structural Change in Austrian Winter Tourism

Despite the current good bookings in Austrian winter tourism, the industry will have to reorient in the long term. Guests may fail to appear soon.
December 31, 2010

ÖVAG: Sales Process of East-holding is Under Way

For the coming year, the Austrian Voksbanken are planning to restructure the Group. A buyer is currently being sought for the East-holding.
December 30, 2010

Tourists from Russia Increase

The number of Russian guests in Austria continues on the rise. A double-digit growth might even be possible again.
December 28, 2010

Austria's Export Economy is Booming

Given the high growth rates in the past year, the Austrian export economy shows itself also optimistic for 2011.
December 22, 2010

WIFI trains Russian leaders

The Austrian Institute for Economic Promotion (WIFI) functions as a partner of the Russian government in the framework of the management training program
December 21, 2010

Russia Reaches for Volksbank International

VBI, the holding company for the Eastern interests of the Österreichischen Volksbanken, is for sale. Russian parties are interested.
December 15, 2010

Bene Still Reports Losses

The Austrian manufacturer of office furniture reports an increase in sales by 10.2% in Q3 2010. Sales in Germany dropped by 18.5%. UK market perfomed well.
December 15, 2010

Strabag Hopes for Projects in Russia

Russia will hold the 2018 World Cup, expected to be the most expensive of all times. Numerous construction projects will be awarded.
December 8, 2010

Trade Between Russia and Austria is Booming

The volume of trade between Austria and Russia has increased by 30%. Innovation and modernization are core issues for both countries.
December 6, 2010

U.S. Sees Money Laundering Activities at Austrian Banks

Wikileaks has published notes of the U.S. Embassy in Vienna. There were allegedly money exchanges between Austrian banks and criminals.
December 2, 2010

Joint Venture Between Swiss and Austrian Post

The Swiss and the Austrian Post have planned a joint venture to bundle international activities. The EU Commission has now issued its authorization.
December 1, 2010

It Is Official: Deripaska Is Back at Strabag

Basic Element group exercises the call option for 17 percent stake in Strabag.
December 1, 2010

Encouraging Development of Austrian Tourism

The summer 2010 season ended successfully: the number of guests reached an all-time high record of 17.9 million, 62.5 million overnight stays are the best value since 1995.
November 24, 2010

Tann Paper Opens Factory in Russia

The Upper-Austrian company makes its initial step in Russia. Further investments are possible.
November 23, 2010

Little Progress for Southstream

The Russian energy group Gazprom has difficulties with the Southstream pipeline project. The optimal path has to be found first.
November 18, 2010

Warimpex Announces Results of Q1-Q3 2010

Upward trend continues in the third quarter of 2010: Sales up by 21 percent.
November 17, 2010

Nabucco: First Deliveries Before Year-End

While sharp criticism of the pipeline project is heard again from Moscow, there is optimism at Nabucco.
November 9, 2010

Strabag Intensifies Russian Business

Deripaska´s Rasperia repurchases 17 percent of STRABAG. In addition, Strabag acquires a 26 % stake in Russian construction company and signs a € 350 million contract.
November 8, 2010

AUA Flights to Russia Secured

While the problem of AUA landing rights in Russia has been solved for Lufthansa until March, Austria is being accused of breach of contract by the European Commission.
October 29, 2010

AUA Flight Rights in Russia: EU Proceedings Against Austria

Due to the so far preferential treatment of Austrian Airlines in Russia, Austria is now accused by the European Commission of breach of contract.
October 27, 2010

Deripaska Again at Strabag

After Deripaska’s decision, and successful talks with Strabag boss Haselsteiner, the Russian oligarch is a partner in the construction group again.
October 25, 2010

Major Project for Siemens Austria in Georgia

Siemens Austria is involved in a project to develop the electricity industry in Georgia. The infrastructure project will act as a bridge between Russia and Turkey.
October 22, 2010

Booming Tourism: Aeroflot Pressure on Austria's Airports

New routes of Aeroflot subsidiaries to Austria are created due to the growing flow of Russian guests.
October 20, 2010

AUA: Licenses in Russia Expire

Austrian Airlines are worried about the landing and overflying rights in Russia. If there is no extension, there is a threat of higher costs.
October 20, 2010

Supervision of Banks: Austria and Russia Intensify Cooperation

A Memorandum of Understanding just signed facilitates cooperation in banking supervision between the two countries.
October 18, 2010

Russian Machines: Siegfried Wolf Obtains a Stake and Receives Clear Voting Rights

Siegfried Wolf, one of the two former top executives of Magna International not only changes over (as reported) to Oleg Deripaska's “Basic Element” company, but will also have a stake in it.
September 29, 2010

Magna International - Openings of New Plants in St. Petersburg Area

Magna International Inc., the world’s most diverse automotive supplier, announced today the opening of three facilities in the St. Petersburg, Russia, area.
September 23, 2010

Strabag acquires property und facility management service provider in the Czech Republic

The acquisition of 100% of ECM Facility a.s., Prague garantes the number 5 position in property & facility management in the the Czech Republic.
September 20, 2010

Russian Fund Accuses RZB of Money Laundering

The Russian fund Hermitage Capital, which has been at loggerheads with the Russian authorities for years owing to a major tax fraud case, now accuses the Raiffeisen Zentralbank (RZB) for having aided and abetted the money laundering.
September 14, 2010

Russians buy Klausner

The financially ailing Tyrolean Wood Company Klausner has sold two of their last four German plants to the Russian competitors Ilim Timber.
August 25, 2010

Strabag sells joint venture share to Sberbank

Strabag sold its 49 percent share of the housing-development joint venture to the Russian Sberbank.
August 23, 2010

Telekom Austria's verifies sale to Russian MTS

Telekom Austria (TA) checks on behalf of the Finance Ministry its own sale to the Russian telecom company MTS.
July 20, 2010

C.A.T. Oil AG wins two hydraulic fracturing tenders in Western Siberia

C.A.T. oil AG, one of the leading providers of oil and gas field services in Russia and Kazakhstan, has been announced as the winner of two tenders for hydraulic fracturing services in Western Siberia.
July 5, 2010

C.A.T. Oil AG further improves profitability and earnings under abnormally harsh weather conditions

C.A.T. oil AG (O2C, ISIN: AT0000A00Y78), one of the leading providers of oil and gas field services in Russia and Kazakhstan, today has published its results for the first quarter 2010.
May 31, 2010

C.A.T. Oil AG - dividend announcement

The annual general meeting of shareholders of the company held on 18 June 2010, resolved to distribute dividends in the amount of €0.30 per eligible share for the fiscal year 2009.
May 18, 2010