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NEFI Study Shows Paths to Climate-Neutral Industry in Austria
A recent study by the innovation network NEFI - New Energy for Industry has provided important impetus for a climate-neutral future for Austrian industry. In 2021, the domestic manufacturing industry was responsible for more than one-third of the total CO2 emissions in Austria. The NEFI experts have now developed three scenarios that show concrete ways to transform the industrial energy system.
June 11, 2023

What is the Alps-Adriatic Economic Network?

Since 2007, the Network of Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Crafts, Agriculture and Economy of the New Alpe Adria (NAAN) has been working to deepen economic relations. It now comprises - with the new addition of Bolzano - ten chambers from Austria, Italy, Slovenia and Croatia. According to the Austrian Chamber of Commerce, with one million member businesses, NAAN is making rapid progress toward becoming an EU Alps-Adriatic macroregion. Read more to find out about the project.
November 7, 2022

Turnaround for Austrian Economy?

Bank Austria´s business indicator states that the Austrian economy could return to growth. For the first quarter, a small growth rate is expected.
February 14, 2012

Austrian Industry Contracts Further

Bank Austria’s Purchasing Managers’ Index has fallen to the lowest level for two and a half years, reflecting a lack of new orders.
December 1, 2011

Industrial Producer Prices Went Up by 3.5% in September

The development was mainly driven by prices of intermediate goods. Energy prices were up by 8.7% on average.
November 18, 2011

Austrian Industry Falls into Recession

Bank Austria’s Purchasing Managers’ Index shows a further deterioration of the economic situation. A slight recession is expected for the next months.
October 28, 2011

Growth of Industrial Producer Prices Slowed Down in August

Prices of industrial goods gained 3.2% in August 2011. Against July, the price index fell by 0.2%.
October 20, 2011

Austrian Industry Shows High Degree of Internationality

During the last decades, the Austrian industry could gain importance, which is contrarious to the European trend. In meantime, Austria has the fourth highest degree of industrialization in the EU.
October 18, 2011

Growth in Industrial and Construction Turnover Slows Down

Opposing production trends in industry and construction in June 2011; turnover +4.5%. Energy supply and metal industry are dominant factors.
September 29, 2011

Production Index Up by 4.4% in July

Production index in July 2011: +4.4% compared to July 2010, -1.3% against June 2011.
September 23, 2011

Strong Growth in Industrial and Construction Turnover

Positive production trends in industry and construction in May 2011; total turnover up 18.7%. Automotive industry and engineering are dominant factors.
August 30, 2011

Production Index: Construction Output Down 3%

Production index in June 2011: +5.5% compared to June 2010, -0.8% against May 2011.
August 24, 2011

Industrial Producer Prices Up 3.9% in June

The Producer Price Index fell marginally against the previous month. Compared to June 2010, prices were still 3.9% higher in June 2011.
August 19, 2011

Austrian Industrial and Construction Turnover Up by 10.9%

Opposing production trends in industry and construction in April 2011; turnover increased by 10.9%. Energy and metal industry are dominant factors.
July 29, 2011

Growth in Production Is Slowing Down

Production index in May 2011: +6.7% compared to May 2010, +0.3% against April 2011.
July 25, 2011

Rise of Industrial Producer Prices Is Slowing Down

Prices of industrial goods gained 4.6% in May 2011. For the first time in six months the annual rate of change was less than 5%.
July 20, 2011

Austrian Industrial and Construction Turnover up by 14.0%

Positive production trends in industry and construction in March 2011; turnover +14.0%. Metal industry and automotive industry are dominant factors.
July 1, 2011

Industrial Activity Is Cooling Down

Growth of Austrian industrial production has reached its lowest level since the beginning of 2010. The rate of job creation is leveling off.
June 29, 2011

Further Growth in Production in April 2011

Production index in April 2011: +9.7% compared to April 2010, +1.3% against March 2011.
June 24, 2011

Further Rise in the Industrial Producer Price Index

Prices for industrial goods continue their upward trend: +5.1% in April 2011 compared to April 2010.
June 17, 2011

Bank Austria: Austrian Industry Cooling Down

Growth of industrial production has slowed down in Austria, especially in the export sector. Job creation is still on a high level, but also losing pace.
May 31, 2011

Austrian Industrial and Construction Turnover Up by 14.7%

Opposing production trends in industry and construction in February 2011; turnover +14.7%. Automotive industry and metal industry are dominant factors.
May 30, 2011

Prices for Industrial Goods Continue Upward Trend

Industrial producer prices are still increasing in Austria: +5.4% in March 2011 compared to March 2010.
May 20, 2011

Austrian Industrial and Construction turnover up by 15.2%

Opposing production trends in industry and construction in January 2011; turnover +15.2%. Metal industry and automotive industry are dominant factors.
May 3, 2011

Prices for Industrial Goods still on the Rise

Industrial producer prices are still increasing in Austria: +5.3% in February 2011 compared to February 2010.
April 19, 2011

Employment Reduction in Austrian Manufacturing Industry

The number of workers in the manufacturing industry fell by 3.2% in 2010. Moreover, there was a massive reduction in the demand for temporary workers.
March 16, 2011

Tax Revenue from the Tyrolean Industry is Picking up Strongly

IV (Industrialists Association) President Schretter said: "The manufacturing industry contributes hugely to prosperity; no new burdens for our companies, the costs of green electricity are an enormous burden"
March 15, 2011

Industrial Activity: Styria above Austrian Average

The economic barometer of the Styrian manufacturing industry is above the average of the federal provinces for the fourth consecutive year. Optimism for 2011 is increasing.
February 15, 2011

Austrian Production Output up by 7.0%

Positive production trends in industry and construction in October 2010; turnover +7.0%.
February 1, 2011

Strong Increase of Industrial Growth at the Beginning of the Year

The Bank Austria Purchasing Managers Index shows a strong increase in production in January 2011 due to accelerated order growth.
January 29, 2011

Austrian Production Rising Steeply

The Austrian Production index in November 2010: +6.5% over November 2009
January 25, 2011

Industrial Producer Prices Up by 4.2%

According to Statistics Austrian, the industrial producer price index in November 2010 went up by +4.2% compared to November 2009.
January 21, 2011

Slow upward trend in Austria's trade and handicrafts

For 2010, KMU-Forschung Austria expects slight sales increases. Support for research projects will be supported in future.
January 13, 2011

Austria's Material Goods Production Increases Massively

The production trend in the manufacturing and construction industry shows a positive effect in September 2010. Sales increased by 10.3%.
December 31, 2010

Production Increased over 5.2% in October

The production index for October 2010 of Statistik Austria shows an increase of over 5.2% compared with October 2009.
December 23, 2010

Economic Chamber: Cautious Optimism in Austrian Industry

Industrial production is at the level of 2006; exports are still below pre-crisis levels.
December 15, 2010

Carinthia Back on Growth Path

A business survey in Carinthia showed an increasingly positive image. Optimism is rising.
November 30, 2010

Industrialists: Destruction of Business Location Averted

The Industriellenvereinigung (IV, Industrialists Association) is relieved about issues concerning location policy, and at the same time calls for structural reforms.
November 30, 2010

Strong Sales Growth in Goods Production and Construction

According to Statistik Austria, sales growth in goods production was 14.3%. Orders for the construction industry decline however.
November 30, 2010

Industrial Production: Increase Over Last Year, but Trend is Declining

The September 2010 production index shows a significant increase of 3.6% in Austrian industrial production over the previous year.
November 24, 2010

Mechanical Engineering Returns to High of Growth

The sector experienced a decline of output capacity by 22% in 2009, revenue in the sector dropped 24% to € 14.7bn. In 2010, production will grow by 8%.
November 15, 2010

Austria: Strong Growth Again in the Third Quarter 2010

According to the latest flash estimate of the Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO), Austria's economy again expanded in the third quarter of 2010 by 0.9% over the previous quarter (after +1.2% in the second quarter).
November 12, 2010

Carinthia: Industry Faces Stagnation

Despite recent positive economic data, Carinthian industrial firms are less confident. For the coming year, a stagnation in production and in profits is expected.
November 11, 2010

Fast Growth in Temporary Employment

The demand for temporary workers has increased strongly on the Austrian labor market strong, reaching almost the level before the economic crisis.
November 9, 2010

Industry: Recovery Dynamics are Leveling Off

IV’s (Federation of Austrian Industries) economic barometer shows minor increases; there is a gradual return to normal capacity. Only a small momentum is to be expected in employment and earnings growth.
November 4, 2010

Industry: Good Prospects for 2011

The general optimism in the industry leads to the expansion of production and more personnel recruiting.
October 28, 2010