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High Tech Industry

HTI to Be Listed in the Prime Market

The Austrian technological group ascends to the prime market, the premium segment of the Vienna Stock Exchange, as of May 23, 2011.
May 20, 2011

Signs of Recovery at A-Tec

The insolvent company showed a satisfactory development in all divisions in the first quarter.
May 13, 2011

A-Tec Restructuring Plan Confirmed

With a quota of 47%, the restructuring plan of the insolvent A-Tec was confirmed.
May 12, 2011

TeleTrader in the Red

TeleTrader increases its sales again by around 5.7%, but net earnings are impacted negatively by investments in data and infrastructure with € -0.155m.
May 12, 2011

Romania Offers Export Opportunities for Austria's Environment Industry

18 top Austrian companies active in the areas of environmental technology and renewable energies are present in Bucharest.
May 12, 2011

Oracle Partners with Linz University

The U.S. software giant opens a research laboratory at the Johannes Kepler University in Linz.
May 10, 2011

Infineon Makes an Investment for € 200m in Austria

The German technology group has announced that it intends to create 400 new jobs in Austria. The semiconductor production is to be expanded.
May 7, 2011

Optimism at AT&S

The Management Board expects developments of the increasing prevalence of electronic systems in everyday life to deliver above-average benefits for the AT&S Group.
May 6, 2011

Profit Decline for BWT

Results of the first three months 2011: Sales +3.2% to € 115.6 m, EBIT -20.2% to € 6.2 m, net income -33.8% to € 3.6 m
May 6, 2011

Andritz: Good Business Development in the First Quarter of 2011

The Austrian technology Group increased all relevant key figures compared to last year’s reference period.
May 6, 2011

Carinthia: Further Development of Lakeside Park Secured

The course for further expansion of the flagship project has been set; an area of 4.5 hectares has been secured.
April 30, 2011

Revenue Growth by 30% for Quanmax

In the first quarter 2011, the Austrian IT company Quanmax could improve its results significantly.
April 28, 2011

According to its Employees, S&T is “Ripe for Bankruptcy"

The leadership of the troubled Viennese IT company is trying to hide an impending bankruptcy according to the company’s employees.
April 27, 2011

Every second Company Concerned by Crisis in Libya and Japan

According to a survey in Upper Austria, 46% of the companies are concerned by the rise in commodity and energy prices or by supply bottlenecks in the electronic industry.
April 23, 2011

Interest in Acquiring A-Tec

The Austrian restructurer Erhard Grossnig is interested in acquiring parts of the insolvent A-Tec Group.
April 22, 2011

Kapsch TrafficCom IVHS and Federal Signal Corporation enter into Cooperation for North America

Kapsch TrafficCom IVHS Corp. ("KTC ,IVHS") and Federal Signal Corp. ("FSS") have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding regarding ways in which the two organizations mutual business interests in North America.
April 20, 2011

Research Undertaken by Enterprises is Growing Again

An increase in research expenditure of 5% is expected for 2011. The expenditure should amount to € 8.3bn this year.
April 20, 2011

Losses for update software AG

The Austrian software company, which is listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, records declining sales as well as operating losses.
April 19, 2011

Payer Takes over Fluid Pack Production from Roche

July 2011 will see Roche Diagnostics in Graz transfer 6 fluid pack production systems to Payer International Technologies in St. Bartholomä. The cooperation with Roche continues.
April 15, 2011

Kapsch CarrierCom Starts in Algeria

The Austrian provider of telecommunication solutions enters the African market: major GSM-R project in Algeria.
April 12, 2011

Substantial Financing Needs for S&T Again

The Austrian software company still suffers financial turmoil. New funds for € 3.5m are urgently required.
April 12, 2011

Russia is a New Promising Market for Kapsch

The Austrian technology group has reaped its first contract in Russia. The market has great potential, according to sources from Kapsch.
April 12, 2011

Austrian R&D Expenses on the Rise

R&D expenditures of Austrian firms increased by 3 per cent in 2009 despite the crisis.
April 8, 2011

Andritz Defends Itself against the Greens

The Austrian technology group rejects vehemently the accusation of the Greens concerning the alleged sale of nuclear technology to Pakistan.
April 6, 2011

voestalpine Increases Research Budget to a Record High

In the new business year 2011/12, which begins on April 1, 2011, the Austrian steel company set asiede more than € 120m for product and technology development.
March 30, 2011

€ 110m Project for Andritz

The Austrian technology group Andritz will supply Francis turbines and generators for the Mica hydropower plant in Canada.
March 29, 2011

Andritz: Order from Finland

The Austrian technology company Andritz supplies a biomass boiler island for Hämeenkyrön Voima, Finland.
March 22, 2011

WKÖ Leads Austrian Education Exporters to China

WKÖ Secretary-General Hochhauser: Hong Kong continues being the gateway to China; Austrian exports rose to over € 500m.
March 12, 2011

Verbund: Research Alliance with Technology University

The power group intends to expand its know-how in the field of environmental technology through cooperation with the Technical University of Vienna (TU).
March 10, 2011

Andritz: Favorable Business Development in 2010

The Austrian technology Group Andritz showed favorable business development in the 2010 business year. Sales rose by 11.1%, order intake increased by 23.4%
March 9, 2011

AT&S Expands

The Austrian technology company AT&S lays foundations for further extension of high-end PCB market leadership.
March 2, 2011

Strong Increase in Sales for austriamicrosystems

austriamicrosystems reports financial results for fiscal year 2010. With net profits of € 23.1m, he company managed the turnaround.
March 2, 2011

Massive Increase in Sales and Earnings for Kapsch

The Austrian Kapsch TrafficCom releases results for the third quarter of fiscal year 2010/11. EBIT margin doubled from 4.4% to 9.0%.
March 1, 2011

BWT Records strong Increase in Sales and EBIT

The Austrian Water Technology company posts an increase in sales by 15%. EBIT grew by 17.4%.
February 26, 2011

Knill Group Builds Factory in Russia for € 50m

The Austrian construction group records an order over € 50m for the establishment of the first optical fiber plant in Russia.
February 20, 2011

Kapsch: In-sourcing from China to Austria

The Viennese Kapsch CarrierCom brings the production of GSM systems from China back to Austria.
February 19, 2011

Still Losses at Brain Force

The Austrian IT provider announces massively declining operating results in the first quarter 2010/11. Sales decreased by 19%.
February 17, 2011

Andritz Expands into Brazil and Uruguay

The Austrian technology group to supply major equipment for Belo Monte hydropower plant. Furthermore, Andritz is in negotiations with Montes del Plata.
February 15, 2011

Technology Offensive in Carinthia

Very powerful R&D developments are to be observed in Carinthia: expenditure for R&D rose from 0.42% in 1993 to 2.43% according to the latest figures.
February 14, 2011

Haidlmair Group: Major Contract from the U.S.

The medium-sized Austrian toolmaker Haidlmair has obtained a major contract from a U.S. logistics company.
February 12, 2011

Strong Sales Forecast for BWT

The Austrian water technology specialist counts on large sales growth rates for 2010 and 2011.
February 11, 2011

Eastern Europe Slows Siemens Austria Down

The pre-crisis level has not been reached yet, says CEO Hesoun. Public savings programs prevent the technology company's growth.
February 9, 2011

Kapsch Gains Contract in South Africa

The Austrian Kapsch TrafficCom AG listed on the Vienna Stock Exchange, has been awarded contracts with a volume of € 17m in South Africa.
February 3, 2011

EFKON Group Wins Major Contract in South Africa

The Austrian EFKON Group has been awarded a contract to install an Intelligent Transportation System on freeways in South Africa.
February 2, 2011

Kapsch TrafficCom Names new CEO for its North American Operations

The Austrian Kapsch TrafficCom AG names Christopher F. Murray President & CEO of Kapsch TrafficCom IVHS effective February 1.
February 2, 2011

Innovativeness in Austria Drops

In the European comparison, Austria’s innovativeness is dropping and is presently located only in the upper mid-range.
February 2, 2011

Rieder Wins Major Contract in Saudi Arabia

The Austrian Company Rieder will supply roofing and facade elements for the world's largest energy research centre in Saudi Arabia
February 2, 2011

Kapsch TrafficCom with First Contract Award in Russia

The Austrian Kapsch TrafficCom AG announces that its Russian subsidiary has been awarded an order to equip traffic crossings.
February 1, 2011

Billions in Investments are Necessary in the Telecommunications Industry

Investments for three to four billion euro are required by the Austrian network technology according to Karim Taga (AD Little).
January 29, 2011

Pankl: Acquisition of US-company

The Austrian technology company Pankl Racing Systems AG increases its stake in Californian aerospace subsidiary from 75% to 100%
January 29, 2011