Revenue Growth by 30% for Quanmax

CompaniesTechnology ♦ Published: April 28, 2011; 10:30 ♦ (Vindobona)

In the first quarter 2011, the Austrian IT company Quanmax could improve its results significantly.

Revenue Growth by 30% for Quanmax / Picture: ©

After a satisfying closing of the fiscal year 2010, the first quarter of 2011 has also developed positive for Quanmax AG: The turnover increased over the same period in 2010 by about 30 percent, from € 16.3 to 21.0 m. The operating result (EBITA) amounted to € 1.42 m (Q1/2011) after € 0.8 m (Q1/2010), the net result amounted to € 1.4 m after € 0.8 m last year. Owing to the…