
Triglav: No Expansion in Croatia

The biggest Slovenian insurance company planned to increase its stake in Croatia Osiguranje. Croatia´s government rejected Triglav´s offer.

November 11, 2013

Croatia: IMF as Last Exit

It is likely that the ailing country is seeking assistance from the IMF. Borrowing in 2014 is risky, Finance Minister Slavko Linic said.

November 11, 2013

Hypo Group: Urgent Need for Fresh Money

The ailing nationalized bank Austrian Hypo Group Alpe Adria has a capital shortfall of € 1.3bn. The gap must be closed before the end of the year.

November 11, 2013

Croatia´s Banking Sector Remains Competitive

The Croat legal system is perceived as major weakness. Credit demand is going down for years.

November 9, 2013

Croatia Under Brussel´s Observation

The new EU member country fights against a number of economic problems. Now, the EU-Commission considers starting an excessive deficit procedure.

November 7, 2013

Banking Sector Reduces Lending

Instead of offering loans to the corporate sector, banks tend to invest in sovereign bonds. The CESEE region is particularly affected by this.

November 6, 2013

Banking Sector: Difficulties in Croatia Ahead

In order to protect indebted home-owners, the Croat parliament will resolve a new bank act. Like in Hungary, foreign-exchange-based mortgage should be converted at the expense of banks.

November 6, 2013

Croatia: Excessive Deficit Procedure Ahead

Neither in 2013 nor in 2014, Croatia will achieve a budget deficit below 3.0% of GDP.

November 4, 2013

Slovak Banking Industry Records Growing Net Income

In the first nine months of 2013, Slovakia´s banking sector recorded a total net profit of € 449m.

November 1, 2013

Visegrad Countries Encourage Western Balkans to Join EU

Representatives from Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary support the EU accession of Western Balkan countries.

October 31, 2013

Lopatka: EU Enlargement Process of Western Balkans Decisive for Austria

“Non-Enlargement” of Western Balkan states would be fatal for Austrian businesses operating in the region and the national economy.

October 31, 2013

World Bank: Croatia Showing Progress

Despite notable progress the country slipped back to beigt 89th out of 185 countries in the ranking “Doing Business” by the World Bank.

October 31, 2013

Slovenia on Top of Prosperous Countries in Emerging Europe

Slovenia is leading the list of prosperous countries in Emerging Europe. Bulgaria is on the last position.

October 30, 2013

Hypo Group to Create Bad Bank

After months of considerations, the Austrian government will decide for the bad bank. The nationalized banking group will be a major burden for the state.

October 26, 2013

Southeastern Europe Initiates Common Economic Strategy

In Croatia´s capital Zagreb, the Southeast European countries agreed on putting more common effort into innovation based growth strategies.

October 26, 2013

Hypo Group: Worst Expectations May be Exceeded

For the Austrian state, the ailing nationalized banking group may become a financial GSA. The legal dispute with the former owner BayernLB bears enormous dangers for Austria´s public finance.

October 25, 2013

Telekom Austria: Massive Capital Increase Ahead

In order to implement its expansion strategy, the Austrian telecommunication group will carry out a capital increase next year. In total, the capital requirement comes at € 1.0bn.

October 25, 2013

Public Debt: CESEE Countries Below EU Average

At the end of the first half of 2013, the EU public debt quota reached 86.8% of GDP. Western Europe´s public debt level is significantly higher than in Eastern Europe.

October 23, 2013

Croatia: 2012 Budget Deficit Revised

Because of the different EU methodology, Croatia had to revise its budget gap. The fiscal situation remains critical.

October 23, 2013

House Searches at Strabag Subsidiary in Croatia

The corruption scandal at the Croatian Chamber of Economy affects public road authority HAC and construction companies that were commissioned, among them Austrian Strabag and Alpine.

October 22, 2013

Uniqa to Aquire Western Balkan Insurance Companies

Listed insurance company Uniqa will take over Croatian and Serbian affiliates of Swiss insurance group Baloise (Basler) to strengthen its market position in the Western Balkan states.

October 22, 2013

Croatia: EU-Membership Did Not Help Yet

In the first months of its EU membership, the situation in Croatia´s industrial sector deteriorated further.

October 19, 2013

IMF Warns of Financial Instability in CESEE

Due to the high non-performing loan quota and the deleveraging of Western banks, the countries of Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe are still far from financial stability.

October 18, 2013

Solution to Croatian/Hungarian Mol Issue Expected Soon

The Croatian justice has issued an international arrest warrant for the head of Hungarian oil company Mol.

October 15, 2013

Croatia: Hypo Group Losing Last Industrial Participation

Croatian chemical company Dioki is facing bankruptcy which is why Hypo Group is losing one of the last industrial participations in the country.

October 14, 2013

Croatia: Not Plans of Privatizing State-Owned Companies

Croatian government denies it planned to privatize 28 large state-owned companies.

October 14, 2013

IMF: „Banks and Companies in a Vicious Circle“

Not only Greece, Spain or Portugal are struggling with a financially stricken banking sector. In Southeastern Europe, the situation is quite similar.

October 11, 2013

Erste Observes SEE Region Intensively

Vienna-listed Erste Group, which is the third-biggest lender in the CESEE region, wants to expand into Southeastern Europe.

October 11, 2013

Croatia: Inflation Moderate

At the session the CNB Council examined recent economic and monetary indicators, as well as expected further developments.

October 10, 2013

Southeastern Europe: Property Market Clashes

Since mid-2012, the property market in Southeastern Europe shrinks drastically. In Croatia, house prices fell by 20%.

October 10, 2013

Hungary and Croatia to Solve MOL/INA Issue

Both Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs Janos Martonyi and his Croatian counterpart Vesna Pusic intend to solve the issue between Hungarian MOL and Croatian INA.

October 9, 2013

FriedlResearch has Published the Q3-2013 Company Report of Erste Group Bank AG

This report contains in depth information and data about Erste Group and its operations and markets. It contains a company overview, business and strategy description, financial ratios, valuation & forecast data, SWOT analysis, plus data on key events.

October 8, 2013

Latest Edition of the SWOT Report of Raiffeisen Bank International has been Published

FriedlResearch has announced the publication of the latest edition of the "Raiffeisen Bank International AG - SWOT Analysis & Company Report". This report contains in depth information and data about RBI and its operations and markets.

October 8, 2013

Hungary Rejects Extradiction of Head of Mol

A Hungarian court rejected the extradiction of Zsolt Hernadi, who is alleged of having bribed former Croatian Prime Minister Ivo Sanander.

October 7, 2013

Croatia: Domestic Consumption Remains Weak

In the next years, Croatia´s economic performance will mainly depend on external factors.

October 5, 2013

Hungarian MOL May Withdraw from Croatia

The Hungarian government considers selling MOL´s Croatian peer INA.

October 4, 2013

Pecik to Buy Hypo Group´s SEE-Affiliates?

The Austrian investor Ronny Pecik is said to be interested in acquiring the Southeast European subsidiaries of nationalized Hypo Group.

October 2, 2013

Croatia Tries to Avoid Bail-Out by IMF

The 28th EU member country has severe fiscal problems. In order to avoid the IMF, Croatia borrows about $ 1.5bn on the U.S. market.

October 2, 2013

Modest Increase in Croatian Purchase Power

Croatian per capita consumer spending is forecast to increase by a modest 18% to 2017.

October 1, 2013

Slovenia to Decide about Selling of Telekom Slovenije

The Slovenian government will decide upon the fate of Telekom Slovenije on Thursday, October 3.

October 1, 2013

Hypo Group: Sale of Assets in SEE to Take Forms

The nationalized Austrian bank Hypo Group sells its assets in Southeastern Europe. The SEE-holding company will be established until the beginning of October.

September 29, 2013

Austria: Fitch Confirms Triple A

Austria´s main weak point is the banking sector, the rating agency criticizes.

September 28, 2013

Croatia Plans on Increasing VAT by Three Percent

Croatia eyes increased intermediate VAT from 10 to 13%.

September 27, 2013

Croatia: Entry into Schengen Important, Not Decisive

Croatia plans to apply for accession to the Schengen passport-free area in two years.

September 27, 2013

Croatia: Major Reforms Required for Economic Upturn

Croatia continues to suffer from recession - its economy has not grown since 2008, contracting in 2012 by 2% and in 2013 by 1%.

September 26, 2013

Croatia: Fiscal Situation Deteriorates Further

Due to the weak economy, the budget gap will increase. The end of the recession is still uncertain.

September 26, 2013

Hungary: Competitiveness of Industrial Sector Shrinks

Regarding Hungary´s competitiveness, there is a clear downward trend. This year, Hungary is expected to achieve an economic turnaround.

September 24, 2013

Croatia to Issue Dollar Bonds

In order to cover its foreign exchange needs, Croatia will issue a dollar bond with a size of $ 2.7bn.

September 24, 2013

Czech Enterprises Will Not Cut R&D Expenses

According to a survey carried out by consulting company Deloitte, almost 90 percent of Czech enterprises will keep the amount of expenses in research and development unchanged or even increase the spendings.

September 23, 2013

Croatia: Foreign Exchange Loan Conversion Costs € 50m

In order to help over-indebted Croat households, the government plans to shift the burden to the banking sector.

September 21, 2013
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