Public Debt: CESEE Countries Below EU Average

Politics ♦ Published: October 23, 2013; 18:46 ♦ (Vindobona)

At the end of the first half of 2013, the EU public debt quota reached 86.8% of GDP. Western Europe´s public debt level is significantly higher than in Eastern Europe.

Public Debt: CESEE Countries Below EU Average / Picture: ©

According to Eurostat, government debt to GD reached 86.8% of GDP at the end of the second quarter compared to 85.9% at the end of the first quarter.

In general, there is more fiscal discipline in the CESEE countries than in the other EU countries. With a public debt quota of of 18.5%, Bulgaria ranks second. Romania´s public debt quota reached 38% of GDP at the end of the first…