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Capital Increase

Slovenian Banka Celje Needs Further State Aids

Because of the failed capital increase in the amount of € 160m, Banka Celje is requiring further state capital.
May 2, 2014

Austrian Banking Sector Making Losses

For the first time in 2013, the Austrian banks made losses in the amount of € 1.035bn.
April 29, 2014

Slovenia: Banka Celje Trying to Fend Off Bailout

The Slovenian lender is considering a capital increase to avoid national bailout.
April 11, 2014

Austria: Hypo Group Capitalized Again

The Austrian state has filled the capital hole of the ailing bank again.
April 9, 2014

Bosnian Billionaire to Acquire Hypo Group?

The Finance Ministry confirmed the announcement and is now examining the offer.
April 4, 2014

Austria: Capital Increase for Hypo Group Decided

The Austrian problem bank Hypo Group Alpe Adria will receive € 750m in fresh capital.
April 4, 2014

RBI to Keep Hungarian and Ukrainian Affiliates?

Raiffeisen Bank International (RBI) considers keeping its affiliates in Hungary and Ukraine.
March 27, 2014

Austria: Spindelegger Demands Valid Figures by Hypo Group

Finance Minister Michael Spindelegger demands valid figures from Hypo Group Alpe Adria before any further capital injections will be made by the Austrian state.
March 15, 2014

Austria: Delay in RBI Paying Back State Capital

Austrian Raiffeisen Bank International (RBI) will take longer than planned to pay back state capital.
March 15, 2014

Austria: Bawag to Pay Back State Capital

Bawag is expected to pay back the entire public participation captial tomorrow. The assets are urgently required for recapitalizing Austrian problem bank Hypo Group.
March 13, 2014

RBI Rejects Rumors of Delayed Pay-Back of State Aids

RBI is expected to pay back € 1.75bn in public state aids.
March 12, 2014

Austria: State Aids for Banks Almost Exhausted

The financial framework for the banking aid for Hypo Group Alpe Adria is almost exhausted. So far the federal state of Austria has spent up to € 6.2bn.
March 8, 2014

RBI: Capital Increase Successfully Completed

RBI capital increase confirms excellent environment for raising capital on the Vienna Stock Exchange.
February 11, 2014

“Hypo Group Bankruptcy Would Affect RBI Adversely“

According to the Vienna-based Raiffeisen Bank International, both a joint bad bank and Hypo Group´s insolvency have negative consequences on RBI´s share.
February 5, 2014

Capital Increase at RBI Hungary

RBI (Raiffeisen Bank International) will make a capital injection of € 55m in its Hungarian affiliate
January 28, 2014

Austria: RZB’s Share in RBI Drops Dramatically

The share of Raiffeisen Zentralbank (RZB) in its affiliate Raiffeisen Bank International (RBI) drops dramatically after the capital increase.
January 28, 2014

Austria: Sberbank Affected By Further Costs

Sberbank is faced with further aids for Austrian Volksbank International (VBI). So far the Russian bank has pumped a total of € 1.3bn into Sberbank Europe.
January 27, 2014

€ 2.78bn for Raiffeisen Bank International

The second-largest lender in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe has started the capital increase. The free float grows substantially.
January 22, 2014

Capital Increase: Raiffeisen Bank International Has High Hopes

The second-largest lender in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe (CESEE) wants to raise funds of € 2.9bn. This is substantially more than initially scheduled.
January 21, 2014

Austrian Banks to Resist Further Burdens?

Podium discussion at Viennese law firm Binder Grösswang.
January 20, 2014

Raiffeisen Bank International Moves Up a Gear

The second-largest lender in CESEE is in a hurry. According to the news provider Bloomberg, the capital increase may take place in the next few weeks.
January 14, 2014

Fitch: Positive Comment on Raiffeisen Bank International

According to the U.S. rating agency, the planned capital increase is evaluated positively. In certain CESEE market, RBI´s operations will remain challenging, Fitch said.
January 11, 2014

RBI: Change in Shareholdings Expected

The announcement to increase capital by Raiffeisen Bank International (RBI) did not come as a surprise. However, experts and investors did not expect such a high volume (up to € 2.5bn) and fear a dilution in shareholdings.
January 10, 2014

Eurozone: Further Capital Injections at Banks Expected

The Council of the European Central Bank (ECB) is holding a summit today. The low inflation rate in the Eurozone is still a dilemma for the monetary authorities.
January 9, 2014

RBI Expects Growth to Accelerate in 2014

2014 marked by growth recovery, according to RBI Research.
January 9, 2014

Hungary: SZKB to Take over Hungarian RBI?

Hungarian Economy Minister Mihaly Varga considers it unlikely for Szecheny Commercial Bank (SZKB) to take over the Hungarian affiliate of Raiffeisen Bank International (RBI).
January 8, 2014

Slovenia: Banking Sector Still in Turmoil

Small banks in Slovenia are reasons for concern in regard to their capital shortfalls.
January 3, 2014

Capital Injection for Hypo Group Approved

In the general assembley of Hypo Group the path was cleared for a further capital injection in the amount of € 800m.
December 13, 2013

Czech Republic: Banking Sector Proves Stable

According to the latest results of the bank stress test by the Czech National Bank (CNB), the domestic financial institutes remain resistant to a potential negative development.
December 12, 2013

Austria to Raise Capital of up to € 30bn

In 2014, the Austria state will raise capital in the amount of € 28bn to 30bn from international capital markets. This year around € 29bn were raised.
December 6, 2013

Immofinanz to Enlarge Buwog’s Portfolio

Austrian real estate company Immofinanz plans on acquiring a large portfolio in Germany. The purchase price of around € 900m is supposed to be raised by the company itself.
November 26, 2013

RBI Considers Leaving Ukraine

The second-biggest lender in the CESEE region, Austrian Raiffeisen Bank International, confirms the intention to sell the Ukrainian affiliate Aval.
November 17, 2013

RBI: Rothensteiner Opposed Payout Block

The head of the Raiffeisen Centrobank and Chairman of RBI’s (Raiffeisen Bank International) supvervisory board Walter Rothensteiner is critical of a capital increase by a payout block.
October 31, 2013

Telekom Austria: No Need for Capital Increase

Against all rumors, Telekom Austria is doing just fine. As reported by “Handelsblatt” insiders claim that a capital increase, which was speculated on, is currently not an issue.
October 18, 2013

RBI Considers Participation in Hypo Group’s Bad Bank

In a radio interview with “Ö1”, Karl Sevelda, CEO of Raiffeisen Bank International (RBI), announced that he regards a particpation of his bank as possible.
October 18, 2013

Austria: RBI Expects Stabilization

Business in CEE seems to be in an up again. RBI is preparing for an IPO at the Warsaw stock exchange.
October 17, 2013

Uniqa: Re-IPO Successful

The second-biggest Austrian insurance group goes public again. According to insiders, the order books are closed.
October 9, 2013

Porr: Capital Increase and Rise in Profits Expected

CEO of listed Austrian construction company Porr Karl-Heinz Strauss is still in favor of a capital increase in 2014 or 2015 and calls upon the government to create “projects for the future”.
October 7, 2013

Sevelda: Not the Right Time for Capital Increase

In an interview with Financial Times (FT) Karl Sevelda, CEO of RBI, states that a capital increase would be difficult at the moment due to an unfavorable economic environment.
October 4, 2013

Uniqa´s Re-IPO: Focus on CESEE

The Austrian insurance group plans a capital increase of € 750m. Uniqa´s CEO Andreas Brandstetter underlines the growth story in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe.
September 24, 2013

Uniqa Starts Major Capital Increase

The second-biggest Austrian insurance group resolves on capital increase and announces price range. Proceeds will reach about € 750m.
September 23, 2013

RBI: Sevelda to Remain CEO unil 2017

Karl Sevelda, who was appointed new CEO of listed Raiffeisen Bank International (RBI) at the beginning of June, does not regard himself as interim head of the bank.
September 23, 2013

Hypo Needs € 700m in Capital Increase

The ailing banking group needs a further capital injection in order to fulfill the lawful capital adequacy requirements.
September 12, 2013

€ 800m for Uniqa´s Re-IPO

The second-biggest Austrian insurance group plans has ambitious growth plans. The capital increase will bring a substantial change in Uniqa´s shareholder structure.
September 9, 2013

„CESEE Will Come Back“

Andreas Brandstetter, CEO of the Austrian insurance group Uniqa, thinks that Central and Eastern Europe will recover.
August 6, 2013

RBI Trying to Avoid Becoming “Cash Cow“ in Hungary

In an interview with “Wirtschaftsblatt“, CEO of RBI Karl Sevelda talks about further burdens in Hungary and the bank’s reaction to them, capital increase and how participation capital can be replaced.
July 29, 2013

Moody´s Lowers Outlook of RBI

The outlook for Austrian Raiffeisen Bank International, the second-biggest lender in the CESEE region, was downgraded to “negative”.
July 20, 2013

Does RBI Need a Partner?

The Austrian “Wiener Zeitung” reports that RBI (Raiffeisenbank International), the second-biggest lender in the CESEE region, has a capital requirement of more than € 5.0bn.
July 17, 2013

RBI Plans on Reconstructing Branch Banks

The new concept of Karl Sevelda, successor of former CEO Herbert Stepic, is becoming clearer. He has inherited the task to reconstruct the capital of Basel-III.
July 15, 2013

Erste Group Successfully Completes EUR 660.6 Million Accelerated Bookbuild Offering

Issue size of the capital increase: 35,231,353 new shares at a final subscription and offer price of EUR 18.75 per share.
July 2, 2013